I have never understood why they called the January 6th demonstrations an 'insurrection'. I was a rowdy demonstration, nothing more or less and a sight more peaceful than a lot of other 'demonstrations' have been. The thing that I don't understand is if the leftists are conscious liars or so warped in their worldviews that they really believe that they faced an insurrection. They are possibly deluded and morally twisted enough to believe such nonsense.

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I don't think left or right. I don't think it's useful to create categories of those who agree or disagree. We are all human, and each person has an opinion. For a long time, I realized that the political system, Democrat and Republican, was rigged and the people holding office were awful people. At age 21, I registered as a Democrat, then later I registered as a Republican so I could vote against Ronnie Raygun, and for the past 40 years I have been an independent, unaffiliated. I think of the the two parties as two sides of the same wooden nickel. I stopped voting a long time ago, But I despised Trump so much that I made sure I was in the US to vote against Trump, something that I have promised myself for years never to do. I voted for Biden and I have regretted it almost from the first day. I know many people who voted for him to restore calm and get rid of the crazy, but Biden and his people have taken it as a mandate to force poisonous lethal injections on the entire populace and to bring woke madness to the US government. They've done so many stupid things that I don't have time to list them all, but they have gotten it right in regard to the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army. They also seem to be getting it right when it comes to China, which is an existential threat to the US. Now, however, I think that the mRNA vaccines are the greatest threat to the stability of the world. It could decimate populations in the long term and leave the US so weakened that we could become vulnerable to the Chinese. That's something worse than being woke.

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We live in a world in which there is a major political/cultural struggle taking place. The words 'left' or 'woke' or 'politically correct' or 'cultural marxist' are obviously broad simplistic labels but they do accurately cover valid generalisations.

The fact that you are an individual with your own opinions and reasons for voting , along with all the other people who think that they are independents and individuals, is completely irrelevant to the fact that the 'left' are a force and pushing hard. You might or might not vote for them for whatever reason you have, that's completely besides the point.

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Mark voted with his feet even before I did. Our reasoning is similar.

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Actually, I voted with my feet a long time ago. I used to live in a town which was dominated by woksters before there was a term woke. I thought they were digustingly stupid and I moved abroad where I am still living. They believed in diversity yet they had never been anywhere and had grown up in a culture that was far from diverse. The entire PC crowd was so offensive shoving their values down other people's throats, and I thought that it was a bad fad like tattoos, but no it's actually gotten worse. You know what is ironic? Now, the kids don't tie their shoes anymore. It's cool not to tie your shoes, and like tattoos it comes from prison culture where no one has shoe strings. It's like society has infinite choice nowadays but they make the worst choices. Mind bogglingly stupid. When my daughter first went to school, she went around telling me that boys were stupid, the school was stupid, everything was stupid. I thought, she must have learned that in school, but after I thought about it for a couple of weeks, I decided she was right. We live in a stupid world, a world filled with stupid people.

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I'm glad that you voted with your feet and opted out of a corrupt system. I am not using the terms 'right' and 'left' to describe parties such as Republicans and Democrats, but to describe the broader forces in the culture war being fought and which seem to be currently winning, including infiltrating organisations such as the Republican party. I don't know if the left are winning because people are stupid or if they are progressively making people stupid with a degraded culture and education. Probably a combination of both.

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I didn't say actually that it was a corrupt system. I didn't like what I saw, left or right. I think it's a matter of self-destructive behavior. We no longer have a common enemy and thus we have turned on each other. I used to joke with my closest friend about the situation. I believe that the left is eating their young, tearing themselves apart as did the leaders of the French Revolution. This happens in any movement when people lose perspective. I felt the same energy during Vietnam when those on the right said, Love it or Leave it. In other words, if you don't like the prevailing culture, you should not be there. I opposed the Vietnam war because I thought it was stupid and I was attacked for it. I didn't like the Politically Correct movement and I was told that I was no longer welcome in progressive circles, even though I didn't want to be in those circles. With both sides, you're either with us or against us. I see what is going on as something similar to the Cultural Revolution in China or the Spanish Inquisition. It's the same energy as the Salem Witch Trials. It's a kind of mass hysteria, a kind of cultural blood letting. Things are currently too good. there is no external threat so humans create a threat. The anti-vaxx sentiment from the insane majority told me everything that I need to know about humanity as a whole. The collective mind is insane. People lined up to get shots that would kill them, and they demanded that others line up too. I was in China more than 40 years ago and everyone who spoke English told a similar story. They and their families were beaten, humiliated, or killed because they had "foreign" influence, spoke English or played western music or they were not liked by the crowd. In the Soviet Union, you were sent to the Gulag. Now, you get cancelled for saying the wrong thing. In my hometown, a town where four generations of my family lived, I was vilified for not embracing the "progressive" candidate. I had a hugely successful retail store and I posted the name of a political candidate who was not progressive. Someone came to the store and told us that if we did not take down the sign, the business would be destroyed. They would come in the night, smash all the windows, loot the shop, and torch the place. Sides don't matter. You either agree with the prevailing opinion or you are destroyed. Ever watch the Witch Trials of JK Rowling? She simply doesn't agree with a political opinion and they are going after her. Is she different from Socrates or Galileo?

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The word 'corrupt' is my description, I take full responsibility for it. I consider Westernm society to be morally and intellectually corrupted. Orwell warned us that totalitarianism is where you have to say that 2 plus 2 equals 5. We live in a society where people are arrested by the police and prosecuted in court, for refusing to call a man, a woman.

When I refer to 'left' and 'right' I'm not using the traditional party system. We have a uniparty system. Someone isn't on the right just because they support the Republicans. The Republicans (and to a certain extent the Conservative party in the UK) have become infected with the leftist/cultural marxist/woke infection. Do you understand that I'm not using the terms in the old, obsolete fashion?

We see this leftist infection spread in our society and you rightly point out other instances of the infection, such as Maoist China and the Salem Witch trials. Different labels, same disease. A peculiar weakness of human psychology, a propensity to group think combined with irrational, highly emotional rages against anyone outside the group, all powered by an overweening but fragile sense of moral superiority.

Humans are not and have never been rational. They are animals, driven by instinct and emotiuon, with a thin layer of reasoning and rationalisation on top. It is the task of those on the 'right' to recognise this fact and understand that history consists of a constant, often failing, battle against the madness of the crowds.

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And what are Fauci, Pfizer, Moderna? At least Putin doesn't hide in sheep's clothing like those psychopath genocidal maniacs running our health care. They've killed and maimed a lot more people than he has!

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You are absolutely right. There are no white hats, but some are blacker than others.

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Personally, I have never thought of January 6 as an insurrection, a rowdy destructive protest as worst. I have thus paid no attention to the panel determining the fault or to the trials of those involved in the protests. It's obvious that some decided to punish those who were involved in the protest and who may have gone too far.

As to the Covid lies, I have also thought all along that those responsible should be punished. It's the crime of the millennia, the worst government intervention in human history. When they were forcing lockdowns on us, I thought it was stupid and I hoped that the cure would not be worse than the disease. Something that I have known for decades has been shown to be true. Modern medicine is a sham and now everyday there are reports and articles and videos which show the harms that this intervention has done.

Most of the disease which plagues our modern society is iatrogenic, doctor caused disease. Vaccines especially I see now caused even more harm than I realized. I knew for example that flu shots were bogus and didn't work. I knew too that PSA tests were pointless because the treatment was worse than the disease, but now I have come to understand that vaccination is harmful and the cause of SIDS,. Alzheimer's disease, and autism. Why are no studies being done on SIDS or Autism? The answer is simple. They already know and they don't want to expose the truth. As for Alzheimer's, it's clear that they are trying to find a very pricy cure, when in all likelihood the cause is flu shots.

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"The Russian investigation is part of a global operation to shut down the criminal biolabs research, development and deployment of bioweapons funded and orchestrated by treasonous members of the US military, NIH, private investors (Bill Gates), Big pharma and biotechnology companies. These co-conspirators are continually developing and deploying harmful and infectious biosynthetic pathogens under the guise of public health and safety, protection of national security, and the US biodefense program.

The Ministry of Russian Defense is also evaluating how Pfizer’s global deployment of and international contracts for the use of bioweapons on civilian populations through mandated criminal human experimentation under the guise of ‘safe and effective vaccines’ is in violation of the Biological Weapons Convention, Geneva Code, and other international laws criminalizing the use of bioweapons on a civilian population."

We could see this coming for a long time. Russia puts itself on the side of truth and justice! It now considers Pfizer and Moderna as evil criminal bioweapons peddlars that need to be destroyed! That's better than the perpetual coverup from the US Congress!

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Putin is right on some things, but it is mere posturing. Do you follow Edward Slavsquat's substack on Putin's vaccine mandates in Russia? The tight connection among Astra-Zenica, Putin and a fellow named Alexander Ginzberg? Russians are getting jabbed just like you are.


Putin says many of the right things, but it is the utmost hypocrisy. The people in the US Congress also have a knack for saying the right thing, as they do precisely the wrong thing.

I also recommend that you read Russian Dissent on Substack for divergent opinions on Putin. As I wrote, there are no white hats. You have to be skeptical of them all.

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Ginsberg was murdered, wasn't he? It was about two weeks ago, I think. Putin's kiss of death to all those who can implicate him in crimes against humanity. He's preparing for his time in The Hague, getting rid of witnesses.

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How do you get that Putin is anything but a murderous greedy thug? I've been following that master of bullshit since I lived in St. Petersburg when he was the Deputy Mayor. We had coffee once in a café near Passage. That's when he was a bit more humble. Putin doesn't know anything about truth or justice. He was working with the Russian mafia in the 90s before he had Subchuk killed. I can't believe the naivete of some Americans. You'd think that they'd develop a bit of critical thinking, but no they actually believe Putin's bullshit. All that crap about families and the like. The guy's a killer and he's the darkness that is destroying Russia as we speak. A monster, simple and clear. He's now throwing bodies at the Ukrainian front lines and doesn't care how many thousand Russians will die if he can remain in office and live in his palace by the lake with his girlfriend and their kids. George Bush looked into his eyes and trusted him. Hah, what a fool!

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