Robert Redfield and Tucker Carlson blow the establishment to bits. So wrong, so right.
So much news! I don’t need to tell you that the wheels are coming off the bus.
Robert Redfield says that Tony Fauci funded the creation of Covid. Without telling his boss, who was Redfield himself. Tucker Carlson shows video that his been hidden from the public for two years showing that January 6 “insurrection” is a total sham. Both these links are from liberal feminist Naomi Wolf, who summed up the J6 findings with this apology.
But you saw all that! You in America must be glued to your Internet all day watching this stuff. Among the things being discussed are the quality of Chat GPT and deepfakes. Being under the weather I have taken time to watch more video than usual.
This one is definitely a cleverly done fake. What political humor should be. How about this other one? It isn’t funny. It seems credible, especially after the Tucker Carlson J6 tapes. But is it? I’m waiting for the fallout.
The writers at Unz are big picture guys. They survey the corruption in Washington and conclude that anything else must be better. Even Russia.
We in Ukraine know that the Russians have always been cruel and opportunistic expansionists. Though Putin never appealed to me, I thought he had too much sense to attack Ukraine. Boy was I wrong! And the Unz guys who hate the Washington neocons (count me in on that) concluded that it was their bear baiting that prompted Putin to invade. Not so. They merely provided a convenient excuse for what Putin had long wanted to do.
Mike Whitney is totally in the bag for Russia. Fortunately that means he has been rather consistently wrong, even though he remains undeterred. He has, however, been on the right side of Covid. Though we get showered daily with bad news about covid and the vaccines, Whitney compiled a total drenching – links to 72 articles, each more damning than the preceding.
I more and more frequently see articles such as this by Peter McCullough discussing what to do if you have had the mRNA vaccines. He has had an interesting career shift. After the vigilantes got him fired and came after his medical license he has gone on to start The Wellness Company, an alternative to the allopathic medicine in which his star had risen. Like Andrew Wakefield, Vernon Coleman and Joseph Mercola. Some doctors, despite the attempts of the medical establishment to convince them otherwise, are still dedicated to people’s health.
All that seems very distant. I’m recovering from my strep, well but still weak. Glad that all of that sturm and drang is happening far away. The crocus are up and the temperature in the 40s. Life is good.
That’s the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the strong man is happier than ever to be gone. The rest of the family can’t understand why. Long may it remain a mystery to them.
I have never understood why they called the January 6th demonstrations an 'insurrection'. I was a rowdy demonstration, nothing more or less and a sight more peaceful than a lot of other 'demonstrations' have been. The thing that I don't understand is if the leftists are conscious liars or so warped in their worldviews that they really believe that they faced an insurrection. They are possibly deluded and morally twisted enough to believe such nonsense.
And what are Fauci, Pfizer, Moderna? At least Putin doesn't hide in sheep's clothing like those psychopath genocidal maniacs running our health care. They've killed and maimed a lot more people than he has!