I am really sad about Naomi. She was a bright light and I liked her. Of the three older kids, I know she was your favorite, even though parents are not supposed to have favorites and to love all their kids equally. Since yesterday, I have been waiting to hear about the cause of death. I don't want to be morbid, but Naomi was a believer, so I am certain that she got vaccinated. For a long time, I followed her on Facebook and read all her posts, so I know a fair bit about her.

I know you distanced yourself from your first three kids, but you distanced yourself because they distanced themselves from you. It wasn't what you wanted. You wanted what you have now, but that does not take away the pain of separation from your children. It must be very hard right now for you.

I have my daughter here now living with me and I am grateful to the courts, the universe, my lawyer and good friend, Petro, who made it all happen. Based on what I am reading now about the vaccination damage, we may see a lot more deaths, maybe perhaps a greater death toll than the Black Plague, more than half the population. I keep imagining that there will be hoards of orphans and we will have to find a way to care for them, after their parents die. The world will have a much younger demographic then.

I cannot wait to meet Zoriana and Marrianna. Eddie I know is already a gem. Looks like you made a good decision 15 years ago when you moved to Kyiv. You not only will have to dodge Russian missiles but you will have to deal with the rapacious US vulture corporations who will expect red carpet treatment by Ukraine after the Russians are defeated. Watch out for the greedy Americans. They will steal your children's future right under your nose.

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Thank you, Mark. Yes, she lived in the holy city of true believers, the home of the NIH and CDC, Bethesda Maryland. She was almost certainly vaccinated. Nevertheless, I don't want to jump to conclusions. Let's wait and see.


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Yes, we must wait. I am terribly sorry.

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Thank you. Her mother will feel it much more than me. We are keeping her in our prayers.

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No matter the circumstances, it's horrid to see a child, of any age, dire before the parent. Keep breathing, Graham!

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Thanks. I have three little ones to take care of. Have to keep on going!

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Вічна пам‘ять !

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Regrets. 39. Tragic.

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My condolences. Despite the estrangement and distance, I am sure that this is a hard and painful blow. I hope you can find some comfort and consolation with your family.

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My second family is just about everything I could hope for. It is not just consolation - it is what I had always hoped for.

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Then you are a truly fortunate and blessed man. I pray that they remain safe and well.

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From your comment/question in Steve Kirsch's substack, Dr. Ryan Cole would know what to look for in a proper autopsy. So sorry about your daughter. I hope you can get some answers.

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I feel very sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. Please accept my sincere condolences.

Here is my narrow experience.

For those who die young and suddenly, other than traffic accidents,

they have a genetic predisposition (hypercholesterolemia, etc.) and are in advance warned by medical examinations.

It takes a certain amount of time for people who die from cancer or other diseases.

However, in the past two years, some people around me have died in strange ways.

A relative had heart surgery just before COV19 begun and was guaranteed 5 years of life, but he took poison vaccines 4 times.

Last year he sadly passed away 2.5 years after the operation.

He was probably deceived by the "preventing serious illness" propaganda.

Some of my indirect acquaintances passed away two days after the first one.

My friend's wife has been vaccinated 4 times and is suffering from so-called Turbo cancer.

Perhaps they din't question what the government, MainStreamMedia say about vaccines.

I think it's because they trust them. It's relatively good people to trust.

I think it could have been avoided if they were a little more skeptical of what the government and MSM say.

Fauci, Boula, Walensky, BillGates, Shwab etc.

I think they deserve the same treatment as Nicolae Ceaușescu.

You have a good family now, take care and don't be discouraged.

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Thank you. Sorry to hear about the losses in your family. This is the first death in mine that appears linked to the vaccines. I'm waiting to hear more about the cause of death. Often, as we see, people simply don't want to know.

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I'd like to add my condolences, Graham. No matter what the circumstances, to lose a child is a terrible thing.

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Thanks. Yes, it is.

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So sorry to hear of your loss.

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Thank you. It is a greater loss to my ex-wife. Naomi was the only family she saw regularly.

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Graham, I'm very sorry about the passing of your daughter. As a father, I can't--or maybe don't want to--imagine how that feels, despite the long estrangement. My prayers for both of you.

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Thank you. To be honest, the pain is mostly long past.. She had been pretty much lost to me since her teens. I am extraordinarily lucky to have been given a second chance.

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Sorry to hear about Naomi. I lost my 29 yo daughter Jody 11 years ago, so she would have been about the same age. Jody's story is a daily continuing nightmare for me; I will tell it when the time is right. Jody would never have gotten vaxxxed, but there are many evils in the world.

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Thanks. I just wrote him.

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Will do. Thanks.

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Odd how our families have been torn asunder. This is a good time to complement you on your latest piece on your own Substack. If, as you comment, only three people got it, I am privileged to be one of those select few.

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Thanks. Upon reflection, this photo must have been taken in 2001, at Jack's graduation from St. Andrews School. He is dressed in a graduation gown in the school colors, and Grandpa John's Parkinsons had not progressed to the point that he could not attend.

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