My ex-wife Mary Ann sent a short note that Naomi passed away in her home in Massachusetts the morning of the 26th. Mary Ann did not know of what. She was 39.
Naomi was the last of my former family to break communication with me. Toward the end of an hour-long conversation in the spring of 2017 I mentioned that Oksana was pregnant. That may have been too much – her marriage had just ended. She was the only child of my first family to express an interest in either marriage or children. Her troubled search for that meaning in life, and some stability, is over. May she rest in peace.
I will observe from afar how the family handles her death. Will the cause remain unknown?
I am pleased to learn that very little of my business is going to support Woke America. Not that they would notice – our budget is not that big, and I prefer to buy from local companies when I can. I wrote long ago about avoiding Levis, Gillette and Coca Cola, only the latter of which is on this list.
My review of Narkomania is in draft, awaiting a response from the author. I’m not holding my breath. As I note in the review itself, anthropologists are a very woke, very skittish bunch. I knew some famous ones growing up – Theodora Kroeber, wife of one of the founders of the field and Kroeber’s students Robert and Yolanda Murphy, authors of the well-known “Women of the Forest.” My mother Jan was their editor at Berkeley.
Anthropologists are a tribe of their own, expressed in the title of a book by one of the more prominent of them, Napoleon Chagnon: “Noble Savages: My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes - the Yanomamo and the Anthropologists.” Two of the most interesting courses I took as a grad student almost twenty years ago were in anthropology. You can see videos of my Toastmasters presentations about the Kayapo Indians and The Jewish History of Argentina.
Though we got along well during the course, the two female professors are too woke to answer my calls any more. I’m not in their tribe. They all too fully identify with their subject peoples, and reject the more objective assessments of an outsider such as me. My video of the Argentina trip is in reality a candid objective assessment of my all-female, mostly feminist fellow students. They hate that.
All three children are home today. Definitely home, supposedly sick. As I have previously noted, different theories prevail in this household about what constitutes being ill, being communicable, what is therapeutic and so forth. Though I quite predictably rail about it, nothing changes. This is a women’s domain. Mentions of Semmelweis, Koch, Pasteur and others are not welcome.
That’s the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the strong man daily thanks his lucky stars for having married a real woman. Whatever her foibles, the good-looking woman is the genuine article. Hard to find these days. A true wife and mother.
I am really sad about Naomi. She was a bright light and I liked her. Of the three older kids, I know she was your favorite, even though parents are not supposed to have favorites and to love all their kids equally. Since yesterday, I have been waiting to hear about the cause of death. I don't want to be morbid, but Naomi was a believer, so I am certain that she got vaccinated. For a long time, I followed her on Facebook and read all her posts, so I know a fair bit about her.
I know you distanced yourself from your first three kids, but you distanced yourself because they distanced themselves from you. It wasn't what you wanted. You wanted what you have now, but that does not take away the pain of separation from your children. It must be very hard right now for you.
I have my daughter here now living with me and I am grateful to the courts, the universe, my lawyer and good friend, Petro, who made it all happen. Based on what I am reading now about the vaccination damage, we may see a lot more deaths, maybe perhaps a greater death toll than the Black Plague, more than half the population. I keep imagining that there will be hoards of orphans and we will have to find a way to care for them, after their parents die. The world will have a much younger demographic then.
I cannot wait to meet Zoriana and Marrianna. Eddie I know is already a gem. Looks like you made a good decision 15 years ago when you moved to Kyiv. You not only will have to dodge Russian missiles but you will have to deal with the rapacious US vulture corporations who will expect red carpet treatment by Ukraine after the Russians are defeated. Watch out for the greedy Americans. They will steal your children's future right under your nose.
Thank you. Her mother will feel it much more than me. We are keeping her in our prayers.