Steve Kirsch asks: Why did the CDC hide the v-safe data from the American people for almost 2 years? Because it clearly shows that these vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines we've ever created, that's why.
treat those insiders as any group of humans with common interest. they seek to solidify their position in ways normally associated with property ownership. they will seek more resources to grow that interest. When that interest means getting more from the owners of the entity. In the case of your earlier example, teachers unions: the collective, union, seeks to influence the public by ties to politicians; and when bargaining they deal with other insiders, superintendents, students are prey.
over time union officials become an insider group and the teachers become prey as well.
no doubt Darwin anticipated this and home schooled. Fauci and Collins best understood with this approach to behavior.
I was a participant in V-Safe as were many of the early vaccinated. You seem to confuse the adverse effects of the vaccine (generally high fever and fatigue) with the likely alternative at the time - long COVID, hospitalization and/or death. Many vaccines have an adverse effect after dosage - flu, pneumonia, shingles, etc. Those side effects were well known once a significant portion of the population had been vaccinatied (we all knew somebody that had gotten the vaccine). Nobody has ever said that a vaccine has no side effects, only that the side effects are better than the possible alternatives. How many of those percentages you quote may have had much more severe symptoms from COVID itself?
I also note that there are no percentages for hospital care which means the side effects could not have been too bad. Medical care may be as simple as a consultant appointment with a doctor. My experience was a high fever and requiring a lot of rest for 24 hours. My wife didn't even have those symptoms.
Warren, V-Safe is new to me. The first question to answer is "Why is that?" Second question is "Why did it take close to two years, and a court order, to get a look at the data?"
Your observations would be reasonable if the government had been at all up front about V-Safe. They were not.
Maybe it is new to you because you live in a foreign country and did not get a vaccine. Those of us in the US were well aware of it. Here is a link to an article with preliminary findings. Please note the date - June 17, 2021, less than 6 months after the vaccine was given. I was one of the earliest vaccine recipients - December 29, 2020, only 21 months ago so it would be real hard to have two years worth of data. You got a lot of misinformation in your post.
1 10/12 = 1 5/6 rounds to two. I don't try to be pedantic.
As you know, I knew enough to avoid the jabs. I therefore didn't do original research. Nor am I going to start now with regard to V-Safe. If Aaron Siri says he had to beat on the government for a year and a half (rounding again - my bad) to get the data, I take his word for it.
The link you give pertains to pregnant "persons" (I gag already) using data up through February 2021. Two months after the start of the jabs. The lead author is Tom Shimabukuro, who has since earned quite a reputation in the anti-vax community as an amazing fabulist. I'm underwhelmed.
Did I mention I wasn't doing research? I did look at this article. It tells you what VAERS and V-Safe are and how to enter data. It also says that the top three of the 100,000+ adverse effects reported for each of the mRNA jabs were minor. They don't give percentages. My post today indicates more than one in eight. I gather you were one of the ones. That's more than with most shots, but irrelevant. What matters are serious side effects, which are not mentioned.
Steve Kirsch asks: Why did the CDC hide the v-safe data from the American people for almost 2 years? Because it clearly shows that these vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines we've ever created, that's why.
treat those insiders as any group of humans with common interest. they seek to solidify their position in ways normally associated with property ownership. they will seek more resources to grow that interest. When that interest means getting more from the owners of the entity. In the case of your earlier example, teachers unions: the collective, union, seeks to influence the public by ties to politicians; and when bargaining they deal with other insiders, superintendents, students are prey.
over time union officials become an insider group and the teachers become prey as well.
no doubt Darwin anticipated this and home schooled. Fauci and Collins best understood with this approach to behavior.
good post, Graham.
"My proposal is that the people who run institutions regard themselves as an in-group, and the people they are supposed to serve as an out-group. "
This is brilliant. Seems so simple but never heard it anywhere before.
The Expose news article is now on Wayback Might want to preserve a PDF given that the Archive has been known to respond to purge requests.
Hearty thanks. I've never used wayback. It is useful. As you note, I have posted the article here.
I was a participant in V-Safe as were many of the early vaccinated. You seem to confuse the adverse effects of the vaccine (generally high fever and fatigue) with the likely alternative at the time - long COVID, hospitalization and/or death. Many vaccines have an adverse effect after dosage - flu, pneumonia, shingles, etc. Those side effects were well known once a significant portion of the population had been vaccinatied (we all knew somebody that had gotten the vaccine). Nobody has ever said that a vaccine has no side effects, only that the side effects are better than the possible alternatives. How many of those percentages you quote may have had much more severe symptoms from COVID itself?
I also note that there are no percentages for hospital care which means the side effects could not have been too bad. Medical care may be as simple as a consultant appointment with a doctor. My experience was a high fever and requiring a lot of rest for 24 hours. My wife didn't even have those symptoms.
Warren, V-Safe is new to me. The first question to answer is "Why is that?" Second question is "Why did it take close to two years, and a court order, to get a look at the data?"
Your observations would be reasonable if the government had been at all up front about V-Safe. They were not.
Maybe it is new to you because you live in a foreign country and did not get a vaccine. Those of us in the US were well aware of it. Here is a link to an article with preliminary findings. Please note the date - June 17, 2021, less than 6 months after the vaccine was given. I was one of the earliest vaccine recipients - December 29, 2020, only 21 months ago so it would be real hard to have two years worth of data. You got a lot of misinformation in your post.
1 10/12 = 1 5/6 rounds to two. I don't try to be pedantic.
As you know, I knew enough to avoid the jabs. I therefore didn't do original research. Nor am I going to start now with regard to V-Safe. If Aaron Siri says he had to beat on the government for a year and a half (rounding again - my bad) to get the data, I take his word for it.
The link you give pertains to pregnant "persons" (I gag already) using data up through February 2021. Two months after the start of the jabs. The lead author is Tom Shimabukuro, who has since earned quite a reputation in the anti-vax community as an amazing fabulist. I'm underwhelmed.
Here is another article on data collected from V-safe, dated April 16, 2021. Plenty of data was available. Took me all of 2 minutes to find.
Did I mention I wasn't doing research? I did look at this article. It tells you what VAERS and V-Safe are and how to enter data. It also says that the top three of the 100,000+ adverse effects reported for each of the mRNA jabs were minor. They don't give percentages. My post today indicates more than one in eight. I gather you were one of the ones. That's more than with most shots, but irrelevant. What matters are serious side effects, which are not mentioned.