The United States is beset by institutional corruption. Academia has been corroded by the woke ideology. The corrupt pharmaceutical industry has been poisoning us for years with products such as AZT and Prozac. The evidence that they have been doing so with vaccines as well is increasingly strong.
Institutions that have traditionally been somewhat above corruption, the Armed Forces, churches and hospitals, and local police, appear to have been singled out to be compromised by government policy.
Ukraine presents a case study. Our country is beset by institutional corruption. Business and government are controlled by oligarchs. Our presidential elections have always been tainted. Yet, the people in my neighborhood, and the strangers I meet on the bus and in the market are almost invariably honest.
When I told the money changer I was presenting $1000, she told me I had miscounted it and gave me back the extra hundred. New bills stick together. Whenever I, or a clerk in the store, make a mistake making change, the other party will pointed out politely and we get it right.
This applies to other matters. People are generally pretty good about cleaning up after themselves. Not littering. Giving seats to the elderly (that's me) and children (mine) on public transportation. People we recognize but don't know greet me on the street with a "Dobri Den" or "Dobri Ranka." Russian or Ukrainian – the same spirit in either language.
Two wise men of a century and more ago, Thomas Huxley and Sir Arthur Keith, had books by the same title, "Evolution and Ethics." The human animal, like our primate ancestors, evolved to have in-group and out-group ethics. The in-group ethics applied to individuals we knew, those we interacted with every day. Three decades ago Evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar proposed that 150 is the number of people or primates with whom an individual can maintain a stable relationship.
For our ancestors, this Dunbar number would have been the approximate size of a tribe. Members of a tribe feed one another when they are hungry, support one another in war, take care of each other's children and get together for community projects such as building a house.
Out-group ethics applied to strangers. That's everybody else. As Diane Fosse and Jane Goodall discovered to their horror, this works among gorillas and chimpanzees as well. They will kill con-specifics from other tribes. Humans throughout history have quite readily made war on other peoples and tribes. We are guided only by our own best interests as we decide whether or not to cheat them in business.
My proposal is that the people who run institutions regard themselves as an in-group, and the people they are supposed to serve as an out-group. The callous disregard for "the little people" who are being squeezed by endless money printing, killed and disabled by ill-advised injections, neglected by government hospitals and government insurance schemes is simply to be expected.
We humans evolved to live in small groups. As I noted in my movie on depopulation, we have not reproduced ourselves in the couple of thousand years of living in the city. Now that we are a predominantly urban species our numbers are shrinking fast.
People want to assign blame for what is happening. They name evil actors such as Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and Albert Bourla. I think that Peter Breggin may be closer to the mark with his book "Covid 19 and the Global Predators – We Are the Prey." Yes, we, the prey, are the out-group. They don't care about us. They enrich themselves at our expense, and even at the cost of our lives.
There is nothing new about this. The medieval church enriched itself at the expense of the believers. Tsars and Kings expend the lives of peasant soldiers in quest of power and wealth. Civil War contractors sold shoddy blankets to the government, not caring that soldiers would freeze.
People would blame the Jews, seeing them as an in-group hostile to the rest of us. It cannot be that simple. While it is certainly true that they occupy top positions in the pharmaceutical industry, it is also true that if the vaccines are as dangerous as they appear, Israel has been as thoroughly victimized as any country on earth. Moreover, many of the most effective warriors against the New World order, the World Economic Forum and the Covid agenda are Jewish.
What's the remedy? Live as individuals, form networks at the family and neighborhood level, and avoid institutions to the extent possible. Especially institutions whose employees number above the Dunbar number.
This is just a blog post. I expect I’ll write more on this theme.
The Daily Exposé long disappointed me with its pro-Russia stance. Yesterday they more than redeemed themselves with a stirring pro-Ukraine editorial. Last year I managed to hit them with two totally anonymous donations. I don’t want anybody, especially governments, to know whom I support. The Exposé therefore does not have me on a list of benefactors and they keep shaking their tin cup in my face. With this volta-face, they might have been rewarded.
Not so fast! That wonderful article disappeared after a day. The link no longer works. Search on the article title “The Age of Nuclear Imperialism has begun” and you find other people had linked to it. None of us had the foresight to copy the article before it disappeared.
A lot has been written about the VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system) database maintained by the CDC. Now we learn that there was another database specifically designed for Covid. It is called V-Safe, started in 2020. It was prospective – put in place in advance of the rollout. People enrolled in the program were able to proactively report issues through their smartphones. In other words, it was done more or less correctly.
The government characteristically refused to let outsiders see the data until forced to do so by court order. A Midwestern doctor reports that this is what they found.
Of the 10,108,273 users who participated in V-Safe the following was found (you can review the data yourself here, keep in mind there will always be a degree of underreporting that occurs):
•1,225,867 (12.13%) were unable to perform their normal activities.
•1,344,330 (13.3%) missed work or school.
•782,913 (7.7%) required medical care, on average 2.7 times.
I recommend that you read the doctor’s entire post. The gist is that out of this very large sample, more than one person in eight was adversely affected by the vaccines. The government knew it, suppressed the information and did not act on it.
That’s the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the strong man is proud of himself for having read a chapter of geography in Ukrainian without a dictionary, the good-looking woman is conducting another music lesson, and Eddie was downstairs figuring out why the Internet is down. Again. And he fixed it! He is now fixing a bike tire for one of the music group moms.
Steve Kirsch asks: Why did the CDC hide the v-safe data from the American people for almost 2 years? Because it clearly shows that these vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines we've ever created, that's why.
treat those insiders as any group of humans with common interest. they seek to solidify their position in ways normally associated with property ownership. they will seek more resources to grow that interest. When that interest means getting more from the owners of the entity. In the case of your earlier example, teachers unions: the collective, union, seeks to influence the public by ties to politicians; and when bargaining they deal with other insiders, superintendents, students are prey.
over time union officials become an insider group and the teachers become prey as well.
no doubt Darwin anticipated this and home schooled. Fauci and Collins best understood with this approach to behavior.
good post, Graham.