"A couple then took me to task for endangering everybody around me by refusing to protect myself."

This is the delusion they are under, that only Big pHARMa can protect them with a quackcine, or the state that compels compliance with its meddling. That otherwise our immune systems are inadequate. This will keep happening until people can let go of this dependence on the state for their health.

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If we want to avoid this type of blame game, that is, blaming sickness on contagion and therefore on others who don't 'protect' themselves with state sponsored quackcines, it would be of benefit to examine more critically what evidence there is for germ theory, and in this case, fragment of genetic material causing illness or viral theory.

I have read numerous papers on the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 and there is no evidence that any lab has purified the full intact viral particle. They have in their terms isolated it, but not what is deemed isolation in day to day language. It is a cell culture which includes the human sample, antibiotics, and animal tissues such as fetal bovine serum and monkey kidney cells, as well as possibly human sourced cancerous cells.

Further, they are only working with the body fluids of one person. ONE person per study. Shouldn't we expect the same particles to be found in thousands of people, not a handful of people around the globe before declaring a worldwide pandemic??

Next, how can the genome be sequenced if you don't have the thing to sequence first? The genome they have was assembled, not read from a full intact viral particle. If someone knows of a paper that shows otherwise, please share.

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[Think in Long Term]

Unlike Western Europe, China has continued to change its centralized state almost every 200 years since around 260 B.C.

Their sense of time is very long and they always think long-term.

Therefore, they are also skilled in the art of centralization.

The Communist Party of China is seen as the most centralized government in Chinese history.

Western Europe, on the other hand, has come in the form of small feudal states since the Greek and Roman era.

Each country in Western Europe seems to have a sense of brotherhood, but in the case of the United States, it may be that there is not much of that.

From Japan's point of view, Henry Kissinger appears to be the man who deceived Nixon and sold USA to the CCP.

Even if Kissinger had no such intention, it seems that the sense of time was shorter than that of the Chinese Communist Party.

His short-sighted thinking continues to have a negative impact to this day.

Around 1200, Japan was attacked twice by Chinese and Mongol fleets, and was almost occupied, but in both cases we were saved by accidental typhoons that sank their ships.

Today's Japanese should learn about history in junior high school, but

Most of them carry it away from their memory when they grow up.

That's all for today. Bye.

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Big powers are like that. When I lived in Vietnam, the streets all seemed to be named for heroes who fought the Chinese. When I lived in Germany I noticed that each neighboring country had a different name for the Germans - derived from the tribe closest to their border, who was always whupping on them. Tedesco for Italy, Allemand for French, Deutsch up to the north. Nemtsev here in Ukraine.

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'no convincing signs the inhabitants..' ? I believe they voted freely for the change did they not? I believe there's been no outbreak of protest? And 'gave in 2014 but it didn't help' ? (paraphrase of course) 'Gave' ? The ink was still wet before Ukraine reneged on the deal. Ukraine was massing troops to invade the Donbas immediately prior to this were they not? You blame the Russians for the Ukrainians shelling their 'given' Donbas?

One thing surely is clear: the Ukrainian people are gaining nothing and while ever the fighting continues they will not. What does a dead man gain?

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They did not vote freely. I have spoken to a number of 2014 refugees. The election was sprung on them quickly. The ballots were worded in a confusing way. The Russians kept track of who entered the polling places. Ballot counting was under control of the Russians. It was a replay of the establishment of the satellite governments after the Soviets conquered Eastern Europe.

Western powers forced the Ukrainians into the Minsk arrangements. Ukraine had to accept the Western professions of good faith that they would broker a peace. It did not happen. There was continual artillery shelling from both sides. Powerful interests did not want peace.

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arrgh, cripes... when can I ever get hold of information I can trust.... now I have to try check your statements, Graham..

What about 'Zelensky was elected with an overwhelming mandate to broker peace' ? Is that much right?

And what about 'there was continual artillery shelling from both sides' ? Where was that? Each side of the breakaway states borders?

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Both Poroshenko and Zelenskiy promised to seek peace. Neither could have done so. Both sides accused the other of artillery usage. See the Olivier Stone video for the Russian account. Don't remember sources for Ukrainian.

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Try your patience and come back at you one more time: I reckon ceasefire right now wherever possible and seek peace on any terms. Not worth a single further Ukrainian dying, nor a single home destroyed to do any more. For what?

What say you in as few words?

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The people who are already kidnapped and taken to Russia would not come back.

Additional people would be "filtrated" and either imprisoned or shipped away.

Private property would be expropriated, especially corporate property and real estate.

Broken families would not be reunited.

The children would not have the opportunity to grow up in a free society. They would be stigmatized, as Ukrainians have been throughout Russian history, as "Little Russians" and disadvantaged within Russian society.

Ukrainians know this. That's why they are fighting. As I have written previously, my inclination would have been like yours, to buy peace. Ukrainians know better and have been proven right.

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Oh. My. God. How do you even come up with that? Half of Russians are Ukrainians, and no one (!) Is stigmatized! And Ukraine has turned into a terrorist state where opposition disappeared and killed, and women and children bombed on a regular basis after US violently invaded it in 2014. Since then, families have been broken, Russia has millions of refugees and the country has heard so many horror stories that eventually said "Enough of that". Shelling schools and hanging pregnant women is the "freedom" that 2014 US invasion has brought.

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o.k. thanks.

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'peace on any terms'. You mean 'surrender'. Why don't you just use that word? Be honest with your language.

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Ukraine already surrended in 2014 with its corrupt politicians not objecting, but some are still fighting for freedom and the ability to have peaceful relations with their families. US has no business in Ukraine, it only brought misery and death to the poor country. Russians and Ukrainians are all inter-married and inter-related, it was one country for centuries, and what the collective West is doing now by turning brothers against each other is simply criminal.

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talking about being honest with your language you mean to accuse me of dishonesty and you mean to say I want people to surrender and you mean to suggest that surrender would be intolerable.

But you don't say any of that.

Nor do you politely ask me for clarification.

It is difficult to explain all the nuance of any proposal in a few words which inevitably leaves room for many interpretations or 'spins' on what is presented.

One relies on the integrity of the audience for constructive interpretation.

The intent here is to put a stop to anyone dying or worse: shattered and crippled for life being worse than death to believers in the afterlife, one might suppose.

The idea being to have the strength to defend one's life and the lives of those one is closest to, not sacrificing them in the name of one's own political philosophy.

That is hardly a 'surrender' in the way you are intimating.

It is known as 'live to fight another day' in some quarters.

Currently the Ukrainian govt prompted by the USA et al and their extremist factions is engaged upon sacrificing their people to the machines of war and the US profiteers on a 24/7 basis.

The Ukrainian people have surrendered themselves to that grim reality.

Just as the people all over the world surrendered themselves to the utter madness of the covid thing.

To wrest back control of their own lives and to preserve their own lives from the grip of these insane 'high minded and principled' murderers would be a triumph in every way.

But, of course, extremely unlikely. In the realms of fantasy, more is the pity.

And note I say 'they have surrendered themselves' but in fact, as we know, the populace literally generally does nothing at all As we saw in covid, again. They just get herded around by the manipulators.

To refuse to be manipulated and to say I will fight no more is a triumph.

Madness, I have no doubt you will say. Impossible. Such men as we never surrender while ever there's a mother or child yet to sacrifice.

But in fact such surrender happens all day every day in warfare.

At the point of the gun when brought to it soldiers surrender, seeking to keep their lives rather than die or worse. Right there and then is when the real nature and desires and priorities of the normal humble human being are demonstrated: give me life, let me live.

It is a victory when the people say we will not fight each other.

'Each other' applies to all humanity. But all the more poignant in internecine such as the Ukraine where literally brother fights brother.

It is this deep, deep failure to see that they have already surrendered to the manipulators and the sacrificial priest that makes men fight their brothers all to no advantage to themselves, at immense costs to themselves and their families, their nations.

I will waste no more time on this.

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I went to several links re JANE BURGERMEISTER. I didn't see anything re her disappearance. any more leads on this?

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A Los Angeles podcast interview about 2020 mentions she is nowhere to be found. The latest you find on the Internet is this bizarre trial news from 2018 from Greece, where per earlier posts she had bee living.


Mainly, she is a public personality who has just vanished.

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