We really know how to reduce the effects of heat using trees and adding green zones to cities which have become heat islands. Trying to return to 1890 by petro use reduction is impossible in the short term. Trying to force those changes before we are ready just will mean great social turmoil which some are attempting to use for their advantage. We must ask who benefits from this climate emergency nonsense. Humans will adapt as they always have if necessary but we humans are not likely to change nature anytime soon. So odd that the West is being driven to solutions that won't work while continuing to buy more stuff from places that build a coal fired plant weekly to support that production. Will the climate people give up their phones for the cause?

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Thanks for the update. It's interesting to hear of your interactions with those who believe the Covid / Global Warming official narratives. I often wonder why they feel compelled to engage. with you.

I suspect their sources of information are largely the MSM, but then how do they come across your substack account. And if they are reading substack, articles, how can they be so uninformed. Quite a puzzle.

In any event, when I learn your thoughts on these matters are under attack, I feel compelled to offer a bit of solidarity. Keep up the good work. I read your column every day and your thoughtful approach to life and its issues are always worthwhile.

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Global Warming/Sea Level Rise - see http://www.spirasolaris.ca/sbb4g1bv.html "THE WARMER CLIMATE, RISING LAND AND FALLING SEA-LEVELS

First, there are two largely neglected issues that relate in no small way to the possibility of early transits through the Northwest Passage. Specifically, earlier, around the time of the Viking Sagas and for at least two more centuries (a conservative interval from 1000 - 1200 CE that also happens to include the dates allotted to some of the larger Norse ships) the climate was not only warmer:

the sea-level in the Arctic was also quite different from that of the present day, as seen from the following data for Ellesmere Island:

Nor was this phenomenon limited to the High Arctic. At the Naujan "Thule" site near Repulse Bay (in the northwest corner of Hudson Bay) the houses around 1200 CE:

... were near the sea on a beach. Since then, the land has risen, and today the houses are over twelve metres above the sea's level and one hundred metres from its edge. The ancient occupants of these shelters are known as the Thule (pronounced Too-lee) people. Ancestors of the modern Inuit, they had migrated eastward across the Canadian Arctic from Alaska about 1000 years ago. They settled at Naujan around A.D.1200, and were hunters of the great bowhead whales. (source: Naujan: Repulse Bay )" citing figures

Fig. 2. The Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age and the Vikings and Fig. 3. Rising Land Levels on Ellesmere Island, 2300 BCE to 1700 CE.

The real trouble we'll run into, unless we go over in a big way to nuclear power, is fossil-fuel depletion and the end of mechanized agriculture, which will result in Western food aid-dependent countries - essentially every country in Africa - reverting to their previous carrying capacity.

If we have sea level rises comparable to those in the Spira Solaris article, most of the arable land in China will be under water - not that it isn't already contaminated with mercury, arsenic, and cadmium already...

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I enjoy reading your thoughts on these 2 important issues. On the rare occasion I have a debate about man-made climate change, I mention the Vostok Ice Core samples. It proves that high CO2 levels were PRECEDED by a warming trend. Not visa versa. What a global hoax this has become. Just follow the money

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..."One of you readers of the liberal persuasion has chosen to take me on (again) on the topics of Covid and climate. "...

What has "Liberal" to do with science?

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Liberals, the ones who tell you to "follow the science," often know nothing about science. Like Anthony "I am science" Fauci. Like Joe Biden.

They are fond of deploring Christians as superstitious ignoramuses while they supposedly believe only in verifiable truth, such as that resulting from "gold standard" double-blind studies.

That's my point. I doubt my interlocutor can answer the questions in my quiz. Yet he is ready, as he demonstrates, to claim that I am ignorant of both science and world affairs.

I'm calling out hypocrisy. To answer your question more directly, in universities just about the only professors who aren't dyed-in-the-wool liberals are in STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

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