I also have viewed raising my kids as a way to help strengthen the community and society. My influence for good can stretch far into the future if I succeed in instilling good values into my posterity.
Even though it is commonly viewed today as a barrier to individual accomplishments, I have personally improved in so many ways after becoming a parent. Raising kids is a selfless and challenging endeavor, but there are actual several personal benefits from doing so. It’s kind of similar to the principle taught in the New Testament, “He who finds his life shall lose it, but he who loses his life for my sake shall find it.” When we lose ourselves in loving and nurturing our children, we find meaning and joy.
Most of the West lives in a world where the specter of 'racism' haunts our every move(with the exception of Eastern Europe).
We are afflicted with a mass psychosis we undergo every night we watch TV or every morning when we read the Post or NYT. That is the mass psychosis of 'racism' that apparently affects only diseased White people (but afflicts all White people). Why create more oppressors?
That makes the European sterile way of life... the childless hedonistic way of discontinuation of life ....the most moral choice.
You get hedonism and virtue signaling in the same act...vasectomies anyone?
The effort over the last several years is a product of conditioning in higher education that really began to arise starting in ~ 1960's. As the youth from that period moved into position they influenced the students of the 80's who now are teaching our youngest. Their disillusion and distrust of government is now in society at large as they promote the dream of socialism as the alternate. Thus we have wokeism. In order to find blame for their discomfort all sorts of names and shames are used. Sadly, many politicians find themselves not able to defend even their government in hopes of continued sinecure.
Take heart. The overreach is now becoming all too obvious and many 25-50 year of age are sensing the damage. Whether that can reach back into our institutions will take quite some time.
I was born without a gas deferens. Which left me one choice to reproduce: IVF. We did that. Sadly, it’s so expensive that we made the tough and very real financial decision to stick with our one and only miracle.
I wish I could have had more. I think about it every day now that my wife is of the age that it is more dangerous to attempt this.
Some 16 year olds can make bad decisions and find themselves with more children than I have... all completely by accident. I am not angry at those that can do this, but it does raise questions I will want to ask on judgement day.
I am certain that this newsletter rings true to so many more like me. Having children, raising them, and watching them thrive, is indeed the highest value we can provide on this planet during our lives. Otherwise what takes over? The bears? The wolves? Nature? And nobody bothers asking why animals don’t sit around and contemplate their purpose. They know. Kill. Feast. Breed. Protect. That’s it. That’s all the other animals do. We ignore all that.
Sadly in agreement with you notion about children. In my early days I didn't think too much about having them. Always thought it was somewhat traditional and imagined adding to my family legacy that I once thought mattered. As they grew up of course it was somewhat a burden but one that was managed. I am pleased in my old age that they turned out well that I helped put them on a good path to a greater or lessor degree. Their children seem to be happy and are finding their pathways. I hope I am bettered by the experiences and now by the joy in their children. It's sad that so many will not share my experiences that in the end are so human. When their toys and accomplishments age they have little to reflect upon.
Also an old military trope - when the troops stop complaining about the mess hall beware trouble is coming.
I also have viewed raising my kids as a way to help strengthen the community and society. My influence for good can stretch far into the future if I succeed in instilling good values into my posterity.
Even though it is commonly viewed today as a barrier to individual accomplishments, I have personally improved in so many ways after becoming a parent. Raising kids is a selfless and challenging endeavor, but there are actual several personal benefits from doing so. It’s kind of similar to the principle taught in the New Testament, “He who finds his life shall lose it, but he who loses his life for my sake shall find it.” When we lose ourselves in loving and nurturing our children, we find meaning and joy.
Most of the West lives in a world where the specter of 'racism' haunts our every move(with the exception of Eastern Europe).
We are afflicted with a mass psychosis we undergo every night we watch TV or every morning when we read the Post or NYT. That is the mass psychosis of 'racism' that apparently affects only diseased White people (but afflicts all White people). Why create more oppressors?
That makes the European sterile way of life... the childless hedonistic way of discontinuation of life ....the most moral choice.
You get hedonism and virtue signaling in the same act...vasectomies anyone?
The effort over the last several years is a product of conditioning in higher education that really began to arise starting in ~ 1960's. As the youth from that period moved into position they influenced the students of the 80's who now are teaching our youngest. Their disillusion and distrust of government is now in society at large as they promote the dream of socialism as the alternate. Thus we have wokeism. In order to find blame for their discomfort all sorts of names and shames are used. Sadly, many politicians find themselves not able to defend even their government in hopes of continued sinecure.
Take heart. The overreach is now becoming all too obvious and many 25-50 year of age are sensing the damage. Whether that can reach back into our institutions will take quite some time.
I am reminded of "We will bury you" - https://www.rbth.com/history/334638-we-will-bury-you-khrushchev of the 60's. BTW - that leads to “Показать кузькину мать” (Pokazat kuzkinu mat) discussed https://www.rbth.com/history/334584-khrushchev-kuzmas-mother. I found the latter stuff almost stunning for this Ukraine war.
I was born without a gas deferens. Which left me one choice to reproduce: IVF. We did that. Sadly, it’s so expensive that we made the tough and very real financial decision to stick with our one and only miracle.
I wish I could have had more. I think about it every day now that my wife is of the age that it is more dangerous to attempt this.
Some 16 year olds can make bad decisions and find themselves with more children than I have... all completely by accident. I am not angry at those that can do this, but it does raise questions I will want to ask on judgement day.
I am certain that this newsletter rings true to so many more like me. Having children, raising them, and watching them thrive, is indeed the highest value we can provide on this planet during our lives. Otherwise what takes over? The bears? The wolves? Nature? And nobody bothers asking why animals don’t sit around and contemplate their purpose. They know. Kill. Feast. Breed. Protect. That’s it. That’s all the other animals do. We ignore all that.
Sadly in agreement with you notion about children. In my early days I didn't think too much about having them. Always thought it was somewhat traditional and imagined adding to my family legacy that I once thought mattered. As they grew up of course it was somewhat a burden but one that was managed. I am pleased in my old age that they turned out well that I helped put them on a good path to a greater or lessor degree. Their children seem to be happy and are finding their pathways. I hope I am bettered by the experiences and now by the joy in their children. It's sad that so many will not share my experiences that in the end are so human. When their toys and accomplishments age they have little to reflect upon.
Also an old military trope - when the troops stop complaining about the mess hall beware trouble is coming.