"Putin has become so personally involved in the war in Ukraine that he makes operational and tactical decisions "at the level of a colonel or brigadier general." This should work out well, Putin was the military genius behind the Kyiv offensive. I'll bet having a spy/bureaucrat in charge of military strategy and tactics is encouraging to the officers in charge of the Russian Armed Forces. Hitler did a similar thing in World War II, with the exception that Hitler had actual military experience, and had won the equivalent of two Iron Crosses for bravery under fire. An instructive video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfrVViwgQrs
"The EU will help Ukraine to export grain from storage to Europe, including by sea, to make room for a new crop." - That might end up in conflict but seems the right thing to do. Makes the Russians a bit more careful at sea.
"Putin has become so personally involved in the war in Ukraine that he makes operational and tactical decisions "at the level of a colonel or brigadier general." This should work out well, Putin was the military genius behind the Kyiv offensive. I'll bet having a spy/bureaucrat in charge of military strategy and tactics is encouraging to the officers in charge of the Russian Armed Forces. Hitler did a similar thing in World War II, with the exception that Hitler had actual military experience, and had won the equivalent of two Iron Crosses for bravery under fire. An instructive video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfrVViwgQrs
Hilter might have thought himself a military expert, as likely does Putin, but is more likely to do some stupid things. We can hope.
Eventually Ukraine may need to attack depots in Russia to slow the munitions delivery.
"The EU will help Ukraine to export grain from storage to Europe, including by sea, to make room for a new crop." - That might end up in conflict but seems the right thing to do. Makes the Russians a bit more careful at sea.