"Most remarkable was the speed with which domestically inverted right-wing isolationism exemplified best by Trump," ...

These off-topic, inaccurate snarkshots at Trump, who was the best and only hope America had for at least a generation, and by extension, at the (at minimum) 45 million Americans who are sick of globalism and want American interests put first, have no place in a bulletin ostensibly for the friends of Ukraine to keep up to date on the war. Less Hahvad don and more beat reporter is what's called for.

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'Ukrainian forces continue counterattacks north of Kharkiv, recapturing several cities and villages in the direction of the Russian border. ' Is there any possibility of Ukranian forces actually crossing the border onto Russian territory? I think the pyschological effects would be interesting.

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If they do cross borders, it should be to reclaim the People's Republics and Crimea. Russia has a historical paranoia about being invaded. Taking back what's ours would be a different issue.

Even cross-border counter artillery and anti-aircraft is risky, but I would not be surprised if it were necessary.

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