I keep reading the latest conventional wisdom, apparently, this war is like Vietnam, or Afghanistan, or Iraq. For the West. It is seriously claimed that the West will tire of the conflict, like they tired of those previous conflicts and so withdraw their support of Ukraine. It is Russia which is in a quagmire in another, hostile country. It is Russia which is bleeding. It is Russia which is isolated, economically and financially draining. It is Russia with no apparent possibility of achieving anything remotely like a 'victory'. And yet the oh so educated and wise chattering classes think that is it the West which is tiring. Despite the West not taking a single casualty, not taking any risks, with the only price paid having been a temporary rise in the price of natural gas and the price of weapons supplies which is basically a rounding error in government budgets.
Russia is stuck in a quagmire which is slowly turning into a nightmare. But that's too obvious and truthful so the 'clever' commentators can't possibly state that.
I keep reading the latest conventional wisdom, apparently, this war is like Vietnam, or Afghanistan, or Iraq. For the West. It is seriously claimed that the West will tire of the conflict, like they tired of those previous conflicts and so withdraw their support of Ukraine. It is Russia which is in a quagmire in another, hostile country. It is Russia which is bleeding. It is Russia which is isolated, economically and financially draining. It is Russia with no apparent possibility of achieving anything remotely like a 'victory'. And yet the oh so educated and wise chattering classes think that is it the West which is tiring. Despite the West not taking a single casualty, not taking any risks, with the only price paid having been a temporary rise in the price of natural gas and the price of weapons supplies which is basically a rounding error in government budgets.
Russia is stuck in a quagmire which is slowly turning into a nightmare. But that's too obvious and truthful so the 'clever' commentators can't possibly state that.