It is certainly true that Putin has lost the PR/propaganda war to NATO and the west. But I doubt he ever could have won it and he probably couldn't care less so long as he had China backing his play. All that matters is that he is winning the actual war, no matter how many billions the US throws at the notoriously corrupt kleptocrats in Kiev.

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It is being reported that the 2nd in command of the Russian Black Sea Fleet has been killed in fighting in Mariupol. What on earth would such a senior naval figure be doing on the ground there? Also, curious how many high ranking officers have been killed, it does seem that the Ukrainians are successfully targeting them. I imagine the impact on Russian effectiveness and morale must be significant.

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Do you read The Saker & Andrei Martyanov , if not you should , would be valuable for you .

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The Saker is very predictably pro-Russian. I have paid attention to them for years on Unz. Worth reading, with the recognition that it is a Russian propaganda organ. Like RT. They sometimes offer truths and perspectives that are suppressed elsewhere.

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