Just listened to Colonel McGregor. I've lost count of the number of blatant lies he just told. Giood grief, who is paying that man? Seriously, why is he saying things that he knows are completely false?

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Ukrainians would be insane to reduce their military capabilities. Don’t put much stock in anything that comes out of the Pentagon.

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Very informative! Thanks especially for the Churchill video!

Small corrections:

1. You've missed Ternopil region from Western Ukraine (a very special region I consider, almost seriously, a white hole of Ukrainian ethnos that populated not only most of Ukraine after Mongols were defeated, but also parts of former Yugoslavia, North and South America).

2. Technically, Volyn and Rivno are also elements of Western Ukraine for many centuries, the famed Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Galicia%E2%80%93Volhynia).

3. Whereas Zhytomyr belongs more to the Kyiv group.

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Bob is reporting stuff he considers important war news. Ternopol has suffered a bit of bombing as I recall. Yes, Volyn and Rivne have been back and forth among Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine in their complex history.

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