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It is very sad. I see you still report the whole thing as Russian aggression. That is not true and it helps no one. It effectively kills Ukrainians.

It is the DPR and LPR protecting themselves against Ukrainian aggression is what it is.

Immediately that is said we get protests about the DPR and LPR having no right to exist.

That's a red herring. That's a different subject. That's a discussion for another time.

The thing is the DPR and the LPR existed and it was hurting no one. If you can make a case for it was hurting that case subsides to nothing compared with the hurt of all this.

But Ukraine persisted in hurting the DPR and the LPR and for eight years Putin said you must stop or else.

As soon as we say that we get protests about Putin couldn't/shouldn't say this, that the level of hurt was very small, that is didn't happen at all, that is was justified.

Another red herring. Discussion for some other time.

The fact is the DPR and LPR thought it was happening and so did Putin and Putin did say those things for those years.

And Ukraine flaunted themselves before Putin and ostentatiously did everything he asked them not to do.

So we get this.

They were warned. And warned. And warned.

As soon as we say that we get protests about 'warning' etc. Another red herring.

And where are we now?

We are where Ukraine is turning into an American debtor State, a mere satrapy, where Ukraine is effectively a dictatorship with all democracy suspended, where the famous crooked and incompetent and unacceptable are happily lining their pockets and swanning in the limelight and prostituting themselves on the world stage as mendicant beggars, while thousands of good Ukrainian lads die and worse, live on crippled.

And what's in it for the Ukrainian lads? And their mothers and father and grandparents and the little children?


They don't lose what they had if the DPR and LPR exists, for that's where they were before.

They don't gain anything if the DPR and LPR cease to exist for no one plans to give them anything.

What do they lose if all stops now?


What do they gain if all continues 'to the last man', 'fighting with shovels' ?


So what is it all about ?

It is about what Iraq and Syria and Afghanistan and Palestine and Yemen and Somalia and Lybia etc. were about: lining the pockets of the war profiting corporations of America that effectively ARE America today. Them and all their stooges, cronies, lickspittle hangers on and grimy grifters and puppet politicians.

There is a clear, clear, clear way for the Ukrainian people to profit:

CEASEFIRE and start as Churchill said, 'the jaw jaw, not the war war'.

A good step towards what would be to clearly see, remember, know and contemplate the words of this lunatic Zelensky: 'to the last man', 'with shovels'.

Show me the profit to the Ukrainian State with every man dead with a shovel in his hand.

Only a completely unrealistic lunatic enamoured of his own rhetoric and blind to facts and careless of his own people's welfare would utter such specious crap.

No authority, no observer, no participant, no reporter who does not say CEASEFIRE is worthy of the time of day.

Angelo here puts it very well very early in the video:


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