4:15 PM. More rockets, a bit closer. One positive note. Exchange rate of Ukrainian hyrvnya improved from 29.80 to 29.32. That's about 1.5%. Ruble has lost about 9% today, to 112.

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3:00 PM. There have been missile attacks again today. Sporadic, distant, different sides. Still nothing in the skies. What's the opposite of blitzkrieg? Shits creek?

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Thank you dear friend for your most excellent report may I only offer one minor correction we in the downtown city centre of kyiv have a few supermarkets open to us Mega market Antonovycha St, 50, Kyiv, 02000 and le silpo Baseina St, 6, Kyiv, 01004 the very upscale market that is being reconfigured for war they have restocked pineapples with beats and onions and are baking three types of bread daily. Most of the shelves ate empty only the overpriced vacume sealed steaks remaining now being replaced with minced meat. I have spoken with the manager and they now accept Iban bank transfers I have the account number somewhere if anyone needs it. Then of course there is the Jordanian money changer Hanni 050.298.1123 ever present in the subterranean parking lot silpo entrance who also accepts Iban or credit card transfer into dollars euros and hrywnja. Oh BTW on a funny note the youtuber coach red pill was kicked out of the Premier Palace Hotel after unbeknownst to him a video clip of him denouncing the president for handing out weapons to Criminals surfaced on the putin channel RT.

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