At this point, it's too much of a gamble to move, too many people with itchy trigger fingers, whether Russian or Ukrainian - there is controversy over the question of which side shot up those journalists yesterday. If you've been through this before, then you've probably got a better handle on the risks. If there's a ceasefire and an official refugee convoy organized by the International Red Cross or the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, I'd think strongly of doing that, otherwise stay put...
At this point, it's too much of a gamble to move, too many people with itchy trigger fingers, whether Russian or Ukrainian - there is controversy over the question of which side shot up those journalists yesterday. If you've been through this before, then you've probably got a better handle on the risks. If there's a ceasefire and an official refugee convoy organized by the International Red Cross or the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, I'd think strongly of doing that, otherwise stay put...