Welcome new subscribers. Why I write and who I follow. Expect the unexpected – and outrageous
Quoth the Raven, a Substack post I follow religiously, asked for comments about the impending war here in Ukraine. I offered the opinion you have read here – America wants the war a whole lot more than anybody else – and included a link to this blog. Which gives me an opportunity to welcome many new people.
Let me introduce myself. I got out of the National Guard so I could spend four years in Vietnam as a civilian. I raised a family of three millennials who got steeped in cultural Marxism. No appreciation, no grandchildren, and it is a decade since they have talked to me.
I started over in Ukraine in 2007 and have three kids. I have long observed that we foundational Americans are not having children. Most seem unconcerned whether their children grow up with the conviction to carry on the culture, ethos, religion and so on that they inherited. Two blogs from last fall, here and here, provide my thoughts on these subjects.
I have posted over 500 reviews on Amazon over the course of 20 years. It started as a discipline to try to remember everything I had read. This blog is in the same vein – notes on society in general and raising children in particular. Quite a few touch on marriage. This is my third, and despite differences in age and background far and away the most successful. I have learned not to let little things bother me.
The schools here, unlike those my millennials attended, do not relentlessly indoctrinate children. I am homeschooling my son Eddie, 10, simply because I have the time and the background and I think I can do a better job than anybody else. I can also teach him English he wouldn't learn in school. Talking about little things, I gave him the American idioms "don't get your panties in a bunch," "don't get your knickers in a twist," and "don't get wrapped around the axle." We had a discussion about why it is not improper to mention panties in a blog such as this or at the Toastmasters public speaking club we attend. American idiom is rich - if you have any colorful expressions conveying the same notion, we will enjoy reading them in the comments.
I am not attempting whatsoever to recruit a legion of old men to come to Ukraine and start new families. Therefore, I don't go any farther than to share what I have read and where I find it. I'll let you make up your own minds.
In that connection, another of my quirks is paranoia. Big brother scans everybody's mail, and posts like this I am sure, for subversive material. I have an extraordinarily long list of sources, a great many on substack. Here is a list of the top ones presented in such a way that big brother can't easily scan them and you therefore have to retype them rather than cut-and-paste:
bаd cаttіtudе
Еdwаrd Slаvsquаt
Glеnn Grееnwаld
Mаrgаrеt Аnnа Аlіcе
Mаrk Chаngіzі
QTR’s Frіngе Fіnаncе
Rоundіng thе Еаrth
Stеvе Kіrsch's
Thе Truth Bаrrіеr
TK Nеws by Mаtt Tаіbbі
Unrеpоrtеd Truths
Who is Rоbert Malоne
Also a few newsletters:
thеdaіlyеxpоsе dоt uk
glоbalrеsеarch dоt ca
rеvоlvеr dоt nеws
I mention these among the theses advanced in the first two links above. The last couple of days' news indicates that more and more researchers, now in New Zealand and elsewhere in the Anglosphere, are finding unexplained, unlisted nanoparticles and graphene oxide in the injections such as the Argentine doctors found a couple of months back. More and more pathologists, coroners and embalmers are reporting unusual blood clots in the bodies they handle. Don't look at the pictures – one is a clot two feet long taken out of somebody's leg. The evidence of heart disease and spontaneous abortions has been well established for months. Recent statistics show steep post-vaccination declines in both male and female fertility.
My take from this is that my children will grow up in a more sparsely populated world. Just as in the decades after the black plague, or even more significantly the few Amerindians who survived the trek from Siberia to populate all of the Americas, they will find a world with a lot of resources and a big demand for talented people to exploit them. In other words, the findings above provide a background for the decisions with regard to children. I have no need to persuade you, although if you conclude that Kyiv would be a good place to raise your family I certainly want to welcome you.
My next long piece will be on the people who have veto power over your medical choices: your government, your socialized medicine, your insurers, your HMOs, your employers and so on. I will write about the dramatic effects I expect Covid to have on all of these organizations.
There is not much new on the war front. Oksana says that some of her friends have their bags packed. Don't know where they would go. There was an anti-Russian demonstration in the center of town yesterday, though not terribly large. The television seems to be spreading scare stories. I had lunch yesterday with a guy from the Greek Embassy who expressed disgust at America's fanning the flames of war. He shares my opinion that the Russians are too smart and disciplined to buy it.
I will close by noting America's past success in getting wars when it wanted them. There are strong cases made that the Mexican-American war, the Civil War and the Spanish-American war resulted from provocations and could have been avoided. Wilson allowed the Lusitania to sail unprotected, allegedly carrying forbidden materials of war, through waters patrolled by German U-boats. It is known that he wanted war and the American people mostly didn't. Roosevelt squeezed the Japanese, cutting off exports of scrap iron and oil, and sat on intelligence about an impending attack on Pearl Harbor. He let the heads of the Army and Navy in Hawaii take the fall after the attack, only to be exonerated a couple of years later. And FDR got the war he wanted.
In more recent history, the Gulf of Tonkin that brought me into Vietnam is universally agreed to have been faked. The weapons of mass destruction that brought us into Iraq were bogus. Hillary Clinton's case against Moammar Gadhafi in Libya was trumped up. I recently cited Flight MH17 and the New Cold War, which contends that the US did it again here in 2014. I suggest that you be a bit skeptical if anything sudden happens over here.
That's the news from Lake WeBeGone on a Sunday morning, where the strong men have the kind of muscle pain that shows they are making proper use of exercise bikes; the good-looking women are playing with happy children, and the children doing their best to convince the world they are indeed above average. Welcome aboard, new readers.
Thanks for the welcome. Look forward to learning more about Ukraine from a valid source vs MSM! Biden has plummeted to new all time lows! He really needs a war to distract the American people! However I don’t think their administration is smart enough to execute anything! Lol!
Je suis d'accord