Gloomy books and deep thoughts
This blog is going out over Substack. I sent several of the latest ones by email. The mailing lists are only approximately the same. Email has the advantage that you can easily respond, and I like to receive your letters.
There have been a couple that I have posted only on Substack, for which I did not send a notification. Please check the archive to see if you missed anything.
Last week I wrote that I am investing and raising my children on the assumption that the world is going to experience a decrease in population, one which will result in deflation. A contributing factor will be the coming economic collapse due to the financial policies that have been in place for many years and the shrinking of the workforce due to depopulation.
I want to emphasize that these are simply observations. I'm not urging any action. I'm simply reporting what I see and telling you what I'm doing based on what I conclude.
The morality of what I observe is another question. The eugenicists starting a couple hundred years ago with Thomas Malthus made two observations. First, the world's population was likely to outstrip its resources. Second, the world would not voluntarily curb its population. Under any popular government it could not.
From this followed proposition number three, that the elites of the world had a responsibility to control population. It could only be done without the consent of the people.
We have seen numerous thrusts in this direction. The forced sterilizations in the United States in the 1920s. The Nazi movement to exterminate the insane and the mentally feeble, the Gypsies and the Jews. You may remember the sudden popularity in the spring of 2020 of the meme "Boomer Remover" to describe Covid 19. It disappeared equally quickly – perhaps it was too much on the mark.
You readers are old enough to remember hearing in the course of your education: "There are too many people in the world. Something needs to be done." It has been a theme in the popular press at least since Paul Ehrlich's 1970s "Population Bomb."
A great deal has been done over the past half century, consciously or not, covertly or overtly. Here is a list of movements and phenomena that, in my opinion have curtailed fertility in the United States, especially among us foundational Americans. I don't want to argue with respect to either their reality or their morality, simply to say that a lot of things point toward a program to decrease our fertility. This is my a priori, and one does not argue a prioris.
Birth control measures going back to the time of the Rockefellers. Planned Parenthood
Legalization of abortion
Promotion of the hedonistic lifestyle – Playboy Magazine in 1952, Sex And The Single Girl in 1962.
Promotion of homosexuality and transsexuality
Enabling no-fault divorce
Enticing / forcing women into the workplace
Feminism. The Feminist Mystique in 1963, the results of which are described in books I have reviewed, including "Sexual Utopia In Power" and "No Campus for White Men," among many others.
Destroying neighborhood social capital through forced integration
Taking the curriculum away from teachers and local school boards and putting it in the hands of committed progressives.
Repeating ad nauseum in popular magazines that having babies is unnecessary (the kid you adopt is fully equivalent) and immoral (the world is overflowing with adoptable babies).
The message that the human race is a weed species, with a constant drumbeat about the environment, global warming, extinctions and so on.
Demonization of traditional values, especially religious belief
Destruction of social organizations such as Boy Scouts, 4H and so on via lawsuits or simple denigration
Cultural Marxism in schools
The diversity mantra designed to make white children feel guilty
Destruction of what Susan Sonntag called ":Christian breeding grounds by busing, forced integration, property taxes, and so on
Legalization of recreational drugs such as marijuana
Promotion of dangerous prescription drugs such as Oxy-Contin
Many of you readers believe that such programs were justified in the interests of fairness, equality and so on. I won't argue. I am simply saying they negatively affected our fertility. Covid 19 is a logical successor in that sense.
Where Covid came from and whether it is intentional are irrelevant. I have read several articles on the topic, especially at the Unz Review, by Mike Whitney, Linh Dinh and Paul Craig Roberts. There are a number of great videos – I will forward a list if you ask. Books from RFK Jr., Joseph Mercola and Alex Berenson repeat the same themes. The best of the lot is a long book by the Peter and Ginger Breggins entitled "Covid 19 and the Global Predators: We Are The Prey." My review is here. .
These Covid19 authors don't go into the antecedents – the long history of plans to curb population, and unlike me they do wax moralistic. I certainly recommend them to any of you who are interested in the history of the Covid 19 phenomenon, and especially the injections. But my point is to take the analysis to the next step.
Taking the depopulation agenda as a given let me address you – something more than 100 people whom I know – and observe some inconsistencies among our number. Only about half of us have descendants who are in a position to bear and raise children – carrying on our civilization. Relatively few of you have the requisite four grandchildren simply to represent your genome in the rising generation.
Uninvested as you are in the world's future, you should logically subscribe to what Charles Murray calls the Europe syndrome: "The purpose of life is to while away the time between birth and death as pleasantly as possible, and the purpose of government is to make it as easy as possible to while away the time as pleasantly as possible."
Yet many of you express great concern about the future of the planet. About global warming, species extinctions, pollution and so on. This is a disconnect. You have little or no stake in the future of the planet, yet you embrace it with religious fervor. We should all be concerned, but not to the exclusion of considerations about people.
Changing sexual mores are aligned with the depopulation agenda. In my lifetime we have progressively destigmatized and legalized…
Unwed motherhood, i.e., bastardy
The hookup culture
Polyamorous relations
Over the horizon are coming, without too much resistance:…
The one remaining strong taboo is polygamy. Why? It is the only practice among all these designed to conceive and raise children in a somewhat stable environment. Ironically, we ask few questions when our Muslim immigrants practice it, but we jump all over the Mormons when they, God forbid, go about raising otherwise traditional families on their own dime, wanting no more from government than to be left alone.
I conclude that the posited depopulation component of the Covid 19 agenda is simply another, more potent means to the same end. Many have written about it. The review cited above names several of the authors. It is authoritative –the Breggins are Harvard psychiatrists who have authored 17 books including the bestseller "Talking back to Prozac" and often appeared as expert witnesses against pharmaceutical companies.
The powers that be have been reasonably successful in avoiding collecting accurate statistics and in suppressing discussion. The campaign to make life so uncomfortable for everybody that they accept the jab continues largely unabated.
Deaths within weeks of the injection are only the tip of the iceberg. Medical researchers, including Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA, describe how the spike protein ravages the immune system, making people who have accepted the injection more susceptible to other diseases, and even mutants of Covid19 itself. Moreover, the spikes disrupt the epithelial cells lining our capillaries and blood vessels, causing leaks, blood clots and other dangerous malfunctions. Since the injections teach the recipient's body to produce spike proteins, once injected there is no turning back. The toxins have been shown to concentrate in ovaries and testes. There has not been time enough to measure the effect, but it cannot be positive.
On October 16 I wrote you that "In theory, if each of our brains performed its own independent analysis to form opinions on the social issues of the day, such opinions ought to be uncorrelated. What I observe is close to absolute consistency. Opinions on global warming, race differences, gender differences, Trump, Israel, Russia, sex education, government healthcare, childhood vaccines, Covid 19, Covid vaccines and the like correlate, if not absolutely, at a vastly higher than random rate."
I would like to add to that the people who share my views are people who are inclined to read books such as that by the Breggins named above. The people who do not are inclined to forward articles from the New York Times or links to CNN about "horse dewormer," but never point to actual books supporting their position. It is a split between people who "follow the science" dictated the authorities and people who read books by scientists. True scientists are a skeptical lot. They contradict each other frequently and with impunity. Government spokespeople and their media claque do not often contradict each other or those in authority.
Contradicting people in power is dangerous. In 2013 I reviewed "Inventing the AIDS Virus," a 1996 book by Peter Duesberg. It was highly praised by many of his colleagues, including Kary Mullis, a Nobel prize winner. It went too deep into analyzing Anthony Fauci's handling of the AIDS crisis. Robert F Kennedy Jr. cites Celia Farber this year in his "The Real Anthony Fauci" saying that Duesberg has not received any foundation money whatsoever in the 20 years since its publication. Many people assured me Duesberg was off target, all wet, to the extent that I more or less believed them. Celia Farber is now writing about the evil machinations to squeeze huge profits from AZT, which required squashing Duesberg. Such is the power of the establishment.
I will end this riff with an invitation. If anybody can cite a serious book by a reputable scientist supporting the wisdom of the global Covid 19 injection campaign, I will be glad to read it. Otherwise I will stick with my thesis that depopulation has been the agenda for a long time and the observation that they are succeeding. I will add, that while such an agenda would be wholly immoral, there may indeed be more of us than the earth can comfortably support. My question, in any case is what follows the depopulation.
A parent's primary objective is to prepare children for the life they will encounter. That is all the more important in my situation because of the uncertainty in the world and the uncertainty of my tenure herein. This blog is long enough – I'll close in naming some of the topics I will be considering.
What happens to K-12 and university education in a widespread demographic and financial collapse?
What skills and credentials will the children need to feed themselves?
How to navigate a social world in which many of the available marriage partners may have been rendered sterile or had their health compromised by the injections?
How to navigate a world in which there is negligible physical and Internet privacy?
Ukraine's place in a world increasingly dominated by China.
The concept of national defense in an underpopulated world. Hint: lack of privacy may be an essential tool in controlling our borders.
Self-preservation in a world no longer able to provide welfare to those accustomed to it
What belief system can create a self-perpetuating society after the general collapse?
These are the kind of thoughts that cross a man's mind when he is locked down too long when the days are too short. Actually, being confined to a house full of children, with relatively frequent guests, has been rather pleasant.
That's the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the men are strong, the women are good looking, and the children sufficiently above average to be worthy of reproducing themselves.