I think most of us wish to be free to do things we enjoy. We enjoy contemplating our future and that of our closest loves. We likely want some degree of prosperity - to eat, drink and consume what we wish. The Russians have the same thoughts, I would think but their average citizen has many more constraints. Who would wish to live that way? The Chinese profess to be happy but those who profess to not enjoy their situation will be re-educated until they do become happy.

We also see in most 'free' nations a tendency for others to decide what's good for us with the claim it benefits society. Not too much different than Chinese re-education. In China if you can't be property re-educated perhaps you simply disappear.

Who knows what Putin really wants? He's said to have all the riches he can ever use, all possible comforts. Perhaps he dreams that restoring Russia makes him historic, a remembered name to Russia. Some of us remember Stalin and Mao who practiced population control quite well. We may have some of those today who just aren't in such a commanding position to achieve their notion of population reduction.

I just wish for a better tomorrow.

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Love the take off on Garrison Keillor, that wimp! Though I admit to getting some laughs from his show back in my lonely bachelor days, his approach to women (and much else) is all wrong and your corrections put things back in their proper order, as well as being funny! Lake "We be gone", indeed!

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don't knock Keillor ! I often take long, long drives ( couple of thousands kilometres ) and I play recorded 'lake woebegones' over and over to keep me company. good value, most of them, I find. :)

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Something wrong about Steve Kirsch. He doesn't do what he could do and what you'd think he should do.

Always plugging this 'I offered a million dollars for a debate' and that sort of thing

But apparently couldn't or wouldn't put up a few dollars and get the 'long white blood clots' analysed and publish the analysis.

Which according to the best info I can get to date would be normal blood subjected to post mortem slow settling where white platelets settle out and you finish up with 'chicken fat' clots. A well known phenomena.

He calls in the piece you link to according to my hasty reading of the first part of it, for a 'document or video that answers the questions we have'.

But that's the same thing many of us have been talking about and looking for a long while now.

That is: an authoritative repository of proven covid facts. Unassailable science. Which, of course, can and should include scientifically arrived at 'results' that do not lead to a definitive answer.

At its simplest a list of the major contentions of the 'dissenters' and of the 'mainstream'.


masks and lockdowns do/don't work.

covid is/was really virulent

covid stats are/aren't valid stats

masks do/don't work

vaccines do/don't work.

And so on.

At its basic level just being a place one could reference and provide links to when in 'pub debate' with the mainstream people and trying to convince them.

Avoid the argument and the heated debate and the acrimony but just cite the link and leave it at that.

Sensible? Yes, I think so. And the beginning of Kirsch's linked article here leans on that I think. But has he ever done anything at all to provide such a place? No.

I with nothing have provided a far better place than anything Kirsch has done simply by collecting all relevant links I've come across in the last two years and putting them on covidhonesty.com, check it out for yourself. More than a thousand. Nowhere near as good as a properly organised and presented venue such as I've posited there, nowhere near, but a damn sight better and more than anything Kirsch has put up.

Even Collateralglobal. You know? Sunetra Gupta's site. Outgrowth, I believe from the Great Barrington Declaration group. Lists all the horrible statistics and prognostications about death and injury caused across the world by our ridiculous covid madness.

Almost completely ineffectual. Hidden in the first place from casual googlers by having the title it does: no mention of the world 'covid' in it. And then has a front page with urbane quiet little square areas each with it's little picture and title of what's behind it Most undramatic. Most kinda 'scholarly' looking. Useless. The opposite of 'hard hitting'.

Kirsch could have financed the scouring of that database and the representation of its facts in the most dramatic manner.

And deplatforming. Kirsch laments deplatforming. But he is in a position to create his own platform.

Any of us can have a domain name for peanuts. And we can be hosted somewhere for slightly more. But if no host will have us then what? We can't run a site. But Kirsch could have his own Internet servers. It's cheap for a man like him. The requirement is only, I think, to have two servers up 24/7/52 is all. See the point? He is in a position where he could set up a stage for all the truth to perform on.

But all he does is keep telling us about how he's asked someone to come up on some other stage with him and debate him or whatever. I think he's more interested in Steve Kirsch than anything else.

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Thus it was from the beginning, when he shamelessly upstaged Robert Malone on Dark Horse. Still, the forty questions he poses are good, and the fact that nobody in the establishment will answer them is indeed newsworthy.

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Yep, I saw that video. Remember it well. Mr Malone's come a long way since then.

The 'newsworthiness' of these 40 questions is right. When we say that we imply that the whole world should be caught by it and be standing rapt waiting for answers, waiting to see what will happen - or slack jawed in a amazement and with growing indignation that they're not being answered.

That's kind of the whole point, isn't it?

But the 'whole world' is not even aware he's asking them much less that they won't answer.

Is the real point. He's got nowhere in the last two years - we've (all of us 'dissenters' or 'free thinkers' or whatever we are ) all got nowhere.

And this ploy won't get us anywhere either. Because the public just ain't listening and don't want to know.

I think. :)

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Excellent post. Thank you. I'm looking forward to going through your links. Looks like you've identified good sources I haven't yet found and have organised info a lot better than I've been able.

It must be a hell of a strain in your situation. I wish you well, I hope all goes well.

p.s. just read your piece on Dugin. Great. Thanks.

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