It would be hard to be anti-Semitic. The target is so ill-defined. Today one of my favorite members of the tribe, David Cole, has an exquisite article on two of my least favorite members, George Soros and the long dead American communist Herbert Aptheker. He was a dedicated communist, father of Bettina Aptheker, a leader of the Free Speech Movement when I was a Berkeley. And also, according to her autobiography, an incestuous pedophile.
Both Aptheker and Soros used America’s blacks in an attempt to bring down us of the white majority. I would say that they succeeded quite well. Cole describes how and why they did it. Why we let it happen is another interesting question, one which Cole addressed in his 2014 book Republican Party Animal.
Having established that as a Gentile I noticed that Jews are different, and trying to say that despite such an embarrassing observation I don’t consider myself an anti-Semite, I bravely point you to this article that I have written about why Ukraine is lucky to have a Jewish president at this juncture. I offer it with a caveat. I come pretty close to saying what I think, which falls short of unqualified praise.
Four days ago I wrote about two different accounts of who is responsible for the Covid democide. They don’t conflict so much as cover different aspects of it. Today I’m adding two more tiles to the mosaic.
David Martin describes the two and a half decade development process that led to the simultaneous (!?) development of Covid 19 and the supposed vaccine to treat it. There are 4000 and some patents with Pfizer, NIH, DARPA and Chinese fingerprints all over them. Attorney Reiner Fuellmich has more of a historical focus, tracing the depopulation movement over the past century and describing personalities such as the Rockefellers, Margaret Sanger, Bill Gates’ father and others who thought that there were altogether too many people in the world and worked actively to do something about it. I recently linked to the movie about Bill Gates’ deceptive tetanus vaccines in Africa that covertly included birth control.
One of the first to come out and use the word democide was former Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon. He describes the effect of the vaccines on the body, and the way in which the normal vaccine development and production protocols were perverted, ignored, and overridden for Covid. His conclusion is that there is no way it can be attributed to stupidity or blunders. They knew what they were doing. They knew it would kill people.
Today a compelling new link shows up, demonstrating that the Chinese were not only involved in the laboratory work to develop both the Covid 19 disease and the vaccine, but they have significant financial interests in the Western companies manufacturing them. This one from Dr. Naomi Wolf. I checked to see if this is the feminist author of The Beauty Myth. The photos look the same. A woman of all seasons. And (I note for skeptics) another righteous Jew on our side of the argument.
It would not do to leave out the Russians. They have their own story. Which they aren’t telling, but others are. The Covid corruption is just as deep there as elsewhere, and it has extensive foreign roots. Nor the Japanese. Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, still a political powerhouse, an advocate of ivermectin and opponent of big pharma, who somehow got himself assassinated.
You have your choice of conspiracy theories. Or, you can mix-and-match. Pick your own bad guys: White American billionaire philanthropaths, the Jews who run big Pharma and the media, or the Chinese. In the interest of fairness and diversity, we need to come up with some black and Hispanic suspects. How come the evil genius lists never nominate them?
I have not written about the many support groups for the vaccine injured, focusing instead on the mechanisms of the injury, the symptoms and the intentionality in the agenda. One of you readers calls my attention to this article about how the health authorities, starting with people’s own doctors, ignore and deny vaccine injuries. The article links to a website in which people can tell their own stories of vaccine injury. Nobody here in Ukraine has shared accounts of vaccine injuries with me, but then again, not many have been vaccinated and many who have are still out of the country.
The same reader has a useful note on global warming, a propos of my recent post:
I wanted to share this great article from The Maine Anchor:
Maine's 110 Year Record
"Little has changed after another year of global warming headlines. All of Maine's record highs and most of the world's Continental high temperature records remain unchained.
Maine's record high temperature of 105 degrees F set July 10, 1911, in North Bridgton, is now one hundred and ten years old. Sixteen towns and cities in Maine have current high temperature records of 100 degrees and above. Eleven of the records were set in 1975. The five remaining records were set in 1907, 1911, 1935, 1955, and the latest in 1987. Contrary to last week's newspaper headlines, data sourced to the National Climate Data Center shows Portland's record of 103 degrees set in 1975 still stands. The same data source also notes the hottest year on record for Maine was 1913.
Thirty-four states (68%) still have record highs more than 50 years old. Only 3 states have set record highs in the last 20 years. Low temperature records also do not support the often-stated extremes. Thirteen states have record lows over 100 years old. Only 3 states, Maine included, have set record lows in the last 20 years. A review of temperature records in world capitals shows Africa, Asia, Europe and North and South America with some record highs set over 100 years ago.
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) recognized a single new Continental high record temperature in 2020. It was for the Antarctic Continent with a February 6 temperature of 64.9 degrees F. The previous record was 63.5 degrees F. In the review process, they rejected a higher reported temperature of 69.4 degrees F at another location.
It is important to note that there is a certification process for recognized temperature records as noted in the paragraph above. Headline stories, for the most part, do not receive any type of rigorous review and are unreliable from a scientific standpoint. To those who say 'follow the science', I would caution them not to confuse headlines and sound bites with science but rather follow the data. Taken by itself, the data looks unremarkable." - Joe Grant, Wiscasset, ME
That’s the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the 10 day forecast for is lows not below 60 and highs not above 80. How close to ideal can you get? The good looking woman had another successful music lesson this morning, the strong man is chipping away at reading Ukrainian while writing more of this blather than usual, the number one son Eddie is headed to Western Ukraine for a week of camp where they will teach the artistry of wood burning, but the main attraction is that his best friend Yarema will be there, and the girls are enjoying swimming almost every day.
I see a very disorganized world of confusion now with more and more information arriving in conflict. The public health officials have become politicians unable to admit error and correct policies that clearly have failed, if I can trust the data in the various non-partisan databanks. It seems total inertia prevents an change in mindset. Examine today's recent debate I am stunned at Dr Cifu's capture by other authority. The comments are revealing that the readers aren't buying his viewpoint. I simply am concerned that his logic is not data driven but full of opinion when data are available.
On your home front, we see some debate over US supporting the war. I find that any tolerance for allowing Russia to invade a neighbor is awful politics. If Zelensky is corrupt so what, we have remedies for that and it's a side show against a brutal aggressor. I'm convinced that nearly all politicians are corrupt anyway and few have the guts to represent their constituents. Can the world afford to ignore the aggression?
The climate debate is also flawed and the attempt by a few to return to 1890 seems crazy. Malthus has been refuted in every generation by technology advancements created by a excess of energy over primary needs. We no longer spend hours hauling water from that well but some can afford to stare at a screen all day. What technology has harmed, technology can restore. But we need continued prosperity to develop those technologies which can't be rushed. Killing the goose before we get the golden egg isn't wise policy.
More articles come out daily. This one is about the incentives for hospitals to (1) identify anybody they could as Covid patients, (2) put them on ventilators and remdesivir, and (3) thus kill them. Worth $100,000 a pop.