In this article I attempt the most dangerous thing a Gentile can do. Offer a candid assessment of the Jewish question, in this instance as it relates to Ukraine.
Americans find it curious that Ukraine, which is less than 1% Jewish, has a Jewish president and a half-Jewish ex-president. Many members of the legislature are Jewish as well.
I will have to agree it is curious, but I think it is going to work out for the best. At least in the short term.
It is not controversial to say that Jews have an affinity for one another. Victoria Nuland championed Arseniy Yatsenyuk to lead Ukraine in 2014. There is no doubt that Nuland (again) and Blinken feel comfortable working with Zelensky.
It helps that the press in both Ukraine and the United States – indeed throughout the West – is disproportionately in the hands of Jews. Zelensky, who rose as a comedian, is an impressive speaker. Even if you don’t understand the language, watch a speech with the sound turned off. Moreover, he gets kid-glove treatment, and a predictable chorus of acclaim that is essential in winning the support Ukraine needs to fight Russia.
Putin, on the other hand, suppressed the Jewish oligarchs who emerged immediately after the fall of the Soviet Union. He pushed some into exile, locked a few up, and brought the remainder to heel. He tolerates them if they are useful. His clot shot tsar is a guy named Gintsberg. Nevertheless, the world Jewish community does not like Putin. One of the oligarchs from whom he recouped ill-gotten gains (not for the state of course, but for Putin's own account) is American Bill Browder, who has worked overtime to malign him. A significant number of Russian Jews, including Putin bagman Anatoly Chubais, have decamped to Israel on account of the war.
In the West it is mostly the alt-right who support Putin, such as Paul Craig Roberts, and the CounterCurrents and Daily Stormer people who post on the (ironically, Jewish) Even they are getting much quieter in the face of continued Russian blunders, such as their inept management of their overwhelming material superiority and their atrocities against Ukrainian civilians.
The Jews in the Russian Empire were always a people apart. Nobel prize winner Solzhenitsyn wrote about it in his last book, "200 years together." The English translation entitled "The Crucifixion of Russia," shortly disappeared from Amazon and every bookseller in America. Who made that decision? You know.
Descendants of "Russian Jews," most of whom came from beyond the pale, that is to say Ukraine, Belarus, Moldava and even Poland, repeat their ancestors' stories of atrocities and anti-Semitism. Pogroms get a frequent mention. Bringing up the small numbers of deaths is dangerous. The historical figures one finds are usually given in between one and three digits. Whatever blood was on the hands of the Gentiles in the old country was more than offset by the unknown millions of victims of the Bolshevik–Jewish led Holodomor.
The fate of the Jews in Soviet Russia remains murky to this age. Though there are claims of massacres such as that of Babi Yar here in Kyiv, they are not supported by forensic evidence. Questioning the numbers killed in the Holocaust is a dangerous game for Jew and Gentile alike. Tribe members David Cole and Norman Finkelstein are severely ostracized, though they still find publishers. The fate of Gentiles such as David Irving is even worse. Suffice it to say that the Jews defend their narrative quite well.
Large numbers of Jewish émigrés from the Russian Empire chose to resettle in the United States, Canada, Argentina and South Africa. The choice was more economic than for safety. They were welcomed and prospered in each new homeland.
As Solzhenitsyn (above) wrote – if you can get your hands on the book – the Jews filled a different role in society than the Russian peasant. They distilled his vodka and sold it to him on credit. They worked as overseers for foreign (mostly Polish) landowners. They initiated and became wealthy in businesses such as sugar beets. And they sneered at Simple Ivan, much the way liberals in today’s US Congress sneer at deplorables from the flyover states.
Diaspora Jews enjoy the same natural advantages everywhere. They have the feeling of kinship and mutual support that characterizes small minorities. Moreover, it is well documented that they are more intelligent.
Exactly how much smarter would require answering ill-defined questions: what is an Ashkenazi Jew, and what is intelligence? However it is done, most researchers conclude that they are somewhere between .5 and 1 standard deviation – 7 to 15 points – above average intelligence.
Even the most favorable assumptions about the Jewish advantage in intelligence don't explain their success in Ukraine. The diagram below shows that even if one assumes a 20-point IQ advantage – more than anybody proposes - their 80:1 population advantage means there should be more Ukrainians at every IQ level. There have to be other factors such as mutual support, and cultural emphasis on the acquisition of education, wealth and power to explain the Jews’ obvious success.
The disproportionate level of Jewish power in Ukraine has positive and negative sides. As mentioned above, solidarity with the Jewish elites in Western nations and the press has been essential in drawing international support to Ukraine’s fight against Russia. The international banking community is being generous in awarding loans. International philanthropy, once again disproportionately Jewish, is providing a lot of support to displaced families.
Ukraine’s Jews do not threaten Gentile interests as much as America’s. Kevin McDonald points out that in the US the evolutionary interests of the Jews have been served by promoting every conceivable interest except that of straight white men. They founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, NAACP, in 1909 and led it for so long it was an embarrassment to black people. They have championed Hispanics, women, homosexuals and virtually every other minority at the expense of the European-descended majority.
Ukraine’s only highly visible ethnic minority is the Gypsies, who simply do not make very sympathetic mascots. There is not much discontent that can be fomented to advantage among Ukrainian women and homosexuals. Ukrainian Jews straightforwardly look after their own interests.
Ukraine’s Jews exercise political power through political office. While the process is corrupt, the corruption is more efficient working without facilitators such as lobbyists and trade associations. They don’t need legions of consultants to tell them how to circumvent bothersome laws in the practice of corruption.
Critics of Jews in Ukrainian politics, especially of course Putin, point to many negatives. The World Economic Forum and other globalist groups are pushing Ukraine to adapt portions of their agenda: a cashless society, open borders, vaccine passports and the like. Ironically, Putin is doing more to implement these than Ukraine.
Although Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada, the legislature, has enacted legislation supporting the New World Order, nothing is likely to happen during the war. More broadly, Ukraine is always halfhearted in implementing programs in response to international pressure. Covid vaccinations did not go very far. Even childhood vaccinations are not enforced. Gay and transgender issues don’t get much traction. Ukraine gave lip service to resettling asylum-seekers, but neither Ukraine nor the refugees in question wanted it very much. Amnesty International finds the prison situation deplorable, a situation which appears just fine with the Ukrainian citizenry and government alike. George Soros spent a lot of time here 15 years ago, but apparently concluded that Ukraine was just not receptive to his message.
Jews in Ukraine are content simply to make money. While the people loudly decry the oligarchs’ control of business, the fact remains that prices are still modest by world standards. Though electricity is in the hands of a monopolist, it costs only $200 a month for an all-electric single-family house. Internet and telephone are each about $10 per month. Pharmaceuticals, hardware, groceries and household chemicals are all quite reasonable. The oligarchs are not all Jewish by any means, nor are the Jews necessarily the most rapacious.
The oligarchs in Ukraine do not push social agendas that are anathema to the population. One simply never hears about gay rights, transgenders, sex education, racial discrimination, or housing discrimination. Ukrainians generally buy the CO2 story about global warming but they are not motivated to political action. They likewise believe that GMOs are bad but don't object when farmers use RoundUp at harvest time.
Ukraine is already beholden to Western interests, which will no doubt push their agendas harder in the future. They have a strong desire to open up Ukrainian farmland to foreign ownership. They will push to reform the corrupt legal system in which foreigners are at a considerable disadvantage. Western banks will do their best to repeat their dubious successes in Latin America and elsewhere, saddling Ukraine with debt that cannot be repaid as a means of making the country dance to their tune. For two years it appeared they would attempt to force the Covid jabs on us, although enthusiasm for them is waning rapidly as throughout Europe.
This brings me to a final point about the Jews. The world has always been awash with conspiracy theories to the effect that the Jews have a master plan to take over the world. One of the most persistent hoaxes was the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which came out of Russia in the early 20th century. Covid makes it clear there is no master plan.
Jews head the pharmaceutical companies that are getting rich beyond measure from the so-called vaccines. Jews are overrepresented in the national health establishments that adopt them and pay for them. As it becomes more and more clear that the shots are deadly in both the short and long term, one has to ask whether it could be a Jewish conspiracy.
Obviously not! Israel, the Jewish homeland is one of the most highly vaccinated countries on earth. Conscientious Jewish statisticians are doing a better job of reporting the extent of the disaster than almost any other country. The states within the USA where Jews hold the most political power, such as California and New York, have most vigorously enforced vaccination mandates. Elite colleges and universities, where Jews are prominent in both faculty and administration, strongly mandated vaccination for their students. Jews are killing Jews. This can’t be a conspiracy.
Ukraine is lucky at this point in history to have its Jewish president with strong support from Jewish communities throughout the Anglosphere and Europe. We are lucky as well that Putin has so alienated the world Jewish community. He has driven it into our camp.
How long this unprecedented international generosity will last is a good question. Jews worldwide have been strong supporters of a number of campaigns that are losing steam. They have been pushing gay and transgender rights, climate change, modern monetary theory, welcoming asylum seekers and advocating Covid vaccines, all of which are feeling increased pushback. The British recently sacked Boris Johnson and the Italians Mario Draghi. Other WEF-favored, globalist leaders such as Macron in France, Rutte in the Netherlands and Trudeau in Canada are under pressure. Among the questions being asked is why they are so generous with Ukraine when they have problems at home.
History may show that we are lucky as well that Putin’s war against Ukraine totally disrupted the Covid vaccination campaign and all that went with it. We have no masks, lockdowns, social distancing, vaccine passports, monkeypox monkey business, or anything of the sort.
As deadly as Ukraine’s war is, the deaths, morbidity and sterilization resulting from the forced vaccinations might easily do more damage in developed countries than they do here. Only a disastrous war will save Russians – Putin continues to enthusiastically push the Sputnik vaccine from Gintsberg’s Gamaleya Institute. China, using research resulting from collaboration with the American FDA, CDC and pharmaceutical companies, has its own vaccines with the same adverse effect. Ukraine, avoiding them, may be the last man standing.
The Jews are a power to be reckoned with and can not be assumed to look out for the interests of us Gentiles. On the other hand, they are not united against us here in Ukraine and have not so far forced prejudicial public policies on us. We need to keep our eyes open but nonetheless appreciate our talented Jewish president. It could all work out for the best.
Great post Graham, it is also noteable that the ADL is letting the Neo-Nazi Azov off the hook by openly declaring, "they aren't that bad...". Kevin Macdonald has noted that Jews have gone from non-Zionist to Zionst...from Communist to Capitalist....from Socialist to Libertarian...he would describe this as being a "flexible strategizer"...what works to advances Jewish interests, they'll quickly and quietly drop a political movement if it isn't advancing their goals. Unfortunately, I can't forgive them. As Kevin Macdonald and Nathan Cofnas battled online in their debates, Kevin noted that Communism can come and go, psychotherapy can be dismissed as pseudoscience, cultural relativism can be thrown in the dustbin of history...but immigration utterly and irreversibly has transformed the West. Note that the things that Jews advocate for in the West is polar opposite for in Israel. Israel is so right wing it's falling off a cliff - ethnostate, 30 feet walls around its borders, no refugees, hate speech laws protecting Jews only, open carry gun laws for Jews, banning pornography, no gay marriage etc.