Just got a totally predictable email accusing me of being an anti-Semite. For supporting Greenwald, Cook, David Cole, Finkelstein etc. To which we could add Steve Kirsch, Harvey Risch, Jessica Rose, Stephen Pinker....and the 200 or so Jews I have reviewed favorably on Amazon. Go figure.

Calling me names isn't going to make me change. It detracts from your credibility. It muddies the waters, complicating useful dialog. In short, it is pretty dumb. You who style yourselves so smart, please stop acting so stupid!

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I did engage with someone on substack who said I was being or was antisemitic. I tried pointing out that there are Jews who say they are Jews but are not, they are fake Jews. he was apparently Jewish but couldn't understand the difference.

And as I say to people the word should be anti-Jewish, but so many get the wrong end of the shtick (sic).


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I think the lower IQ scores in the graph suggest that more people are attending college these days, collecting a pretty piece of paper that you need in order to get a job. When you include a larger segment of society, you tend to revert to the mean. That idiot, Obama, wanted everybody to get a degree, but college is not for everybody. Somebody's got to fix the plumbing or keep on the lights. Not everything can be done on a computer screen. I think they have dumbed down the populace with shoddy education, the purpose of which is to raise slaves, or better even, robots. Robots are superior because they don't gripe, don't slack, and don't get sick. They only break down from time to time. You don't have to pay them sick leave or provide maternity care.

I think people are equally intelligent today as they were yesterday, but most of them don't know the things that "educated" people are supposed to know. There is a standard of what is considered educated, and at the turn of the Century it was Latin, Greek, and the like, while today many kids can't find the US on a map, but they know about the Kardashians. It's still knowledge but not exactly the knowledge that is considered important.

If you want to know what is considered to be educated today, watch the British TV program called University Challenge. The questions there establish the standard of what is considered knowledge.

Let's not forget that Shakespeare never went to college and neither did Chaucer, the two greatest writers in the English language. Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Sophocles, and Euripides didn't get a degree. George Washington didn't have a formal education, neither did Thomas Jefferson. They were home schooled, and we should be grateful for that. They didn't have to sing God Save the King in class every day. Today, public schools teach conformity and the important values of the day, like Gender dysphoria and Global Warming and the repression of the poor by the World Bank, not anything useful. In Berlin, they let kids out of school one day a year so they can protest and be little copies of Greta Thunberg, the champion of climate stupidity.

Just listening this morning to a podcast by Tulsi Gabbard who was home schooled. She's very sharp, very articulate, even if I disagree with her about the war in Ukraine. She was interviewing a guy named Matt Beaudreau who was a teacher and now runs alternative education programs. I don't want to call them schools. He says that a motivated kid can learn everything that is taught in 12 years of schooling in 2-3 years. I have said that a kid like me needs only one year to get all the education taught in our public schools.

He calls it industrial education and he's right. It's ground into students until they hate school and everything to do with school, except their friends. In Germany where modern education was established, like modern medicine, I might add, they intended to teach the peons to operate the machinery. They needed factory workers for the modern industrial world and they are still teaching the same way today. For the brightest kids in German schools, the curriculum is there to make engineers, not human beings who are happy and fulfilled by life, who are doing what gives them joy. There is no joy in the German school system. There is no joy in Germany for that matter. Germans are very serious about school.

The first rule is you will follow the rules. There is no second rule.

When a bird has been sitting in a cage for a long time, the other birds that fly by the cage look insane. No sane bird flies. Right?

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Well said!

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off topic, but perhaps of interest:


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Very useful and unbiased analysis. Recommend it to all readers.

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Interesting. All part of the Fourth Reich's Lebensraum policy in action.

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A nice article, Graham.

If I am reading your article clearly, if you receive a BCC copy and 'reply all', your response will go to the sender and all the people who are CC'd. No copies will go to the BCC people. .

I can't see why this is objectionable. If the sender doesn't want his recipients to be visible, he should BCC them. I thought the correct email etiquette was to send all recipients BCC copies, so their names remained confidential and they don't get unsolicited emails.

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Rod - that's how I see it. But if somebody wants to take offense, they will find a way.

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Presumably, everyone goes to Highvschool. So the declining IQ isn't due to more people and lower admission standards. Either more people were 'flunked' from High school in the past or the general population is rapidly becoming more stupid. Or both. I can't think of any other reasonable explanations

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A bit of everything. It's a good article.

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There are 2 prongs.

1. The academic side being destroyed by Marxists.

2. The physical/chemical side being destroyed by the Nazis neuro-toxic drugs who typically run big pharma.

Marxist and Nazis both cam out of Germany. We are seeing the Fourth Reich in action.

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When I'm in Japan, which is located at the eastern end of the Eurasian Continent, 300-1000km across the sea, it is difficult for me to intuitively understand the Jewish situation in the West. I only know Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice and Einstein.

I've just know Semite=Jew.Thanks for increasing my knowledge.

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It is a very touchy subject. The Jews are unique. Uniquely intelligent, uniquely accomplished, and uniquely averse to being talked about. Almost anything I write will be interpreted as anti-Semitic by somebody.

I have reviewed quite a few books on the subjects of Israel and Judaism, about half by Jews. I think I'm fair-minded, but I am sure others will not. I'll post the links before too long.

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Strictly a Semite is about one third of the worlds' population as Semite means descended from Shem, one of Noah's three sons.

The Jews are strictly part of the Israelite tribe who descend from Shem but many others do too.

The term Semite has been weaponised to distort the truth and set people against each other, part of the globalist's plans. They use black/white in the same way.


Whilst I have not researched in detail, I understand that the Japanese might be descended from Shem so you would be a Semite.

The use of the term anti-Semitic in the way it is used should be ridiculed for obvious reasons.

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Education above high school in Japan is voluntary, not compulsory.

High school enrollment rate 95.5% (2020)/94.4% (1990)

University entrance rate 58.5% (2020)/36.3% (1990)

When I was in high school, some of my classmates got a job after graduating from high school due to economic poverty, even though they were sure to get into university.

Nowadays it seems that there are ranks from A to F in universities. There is a small story about an F-ranked student taking an entrance exam for a company and saying, "I'm an F-ranked person, but I have the momentum of a Fenix." He mistook the initials of Phenix as 'F'. As expected, F- rank.

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Meanwhile, I see things like the video I’m linking to here, which tell me your decision to stay in Ukraine was and is the correct one. https://twitter.com/iamyesyouareno/status/1623561754465779713

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