If Putin or Russia is not defeated now, other similar countries will imitate and the world will be full of wars. For Japan, the Chinese Communist Party imitates. China tried to conquer Japan twice in the 12th century.

Even if Ukraine can't win, it's important to create a lesson that will cause considerable damage to the attacking side.

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You are absolutely right. The tragedy is that neither Japan nor China can afford to lose its youth in war. Neither one is reproducing itself. War would be an old men's folly.

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Even if the United States is different now than it was during World War II,

After losing to the United States, Japan has become a much better country than militarism for most of its citizens.

I think that the most important thing is to make democracy a pillar, even if it is imperfect than materially.

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Democracy was grafted onto Japanese culture. It appears somewhat forced, but it works as well as most modern democracies. Japan appears to me to still be dominated by keiritsu, corporate and perhaps political as well. As in the west, it leaves a very shrunken role for the average citizen, men especially. As a consequence you are not marrying or having enough children to carry on an ancient and accomplished civilization. It affects my children as well. That's the topic of my recent videos on rumble.

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I think you're wrong. We'll see.

There is no Ukraine side to support. Ukraine lost everything months ago. There is no Ukraine as was. It never was never should have been.

It was Russian Ukraine and The Other (call it what you will).

Now we have The Other and it is bankrupt many times over and totally in the grip of the USA which is worse than being in the grip of the devil.

No one can support this 'Other'. They can only support America's proxy war, NATO's proxy war on 'The Other's land.

But why? To what end?

Even USA and NATO will lose enthusiasm. What's in it for them?

All it was ever about was destroying Russia and Germany and Europe.

The truth of that fact is coming out like an ink blot spreading across blotting paper.

And rebounding against them.

Hence it has lost its utility. No longer fit for purpose.

They will jettison it I would expect.

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Dutton seems an interesting character. His YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0UlFwj1UeI might be true. I note he asserts besides genetic advantages, the online experience is creating even more tendency toward being a conservative. Apparently diversity efforts results in even more division and group trust diminished where the left is the side of intolerance thus rejecting people.

Ah Eddie. Aside from our human nature of constant greed, we also suffer from internal laziness. Normal kid. I'm sure his curiosity still inspires him so will motivate out of lazy. Connecting pieces just takes time.

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Good summary. Agreed.

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I feel for you Graham but I think you have it wrong.

But more than that I think who's right or wrong doesn't matter.

Stopping the killing is what matters, surely.

And that requires your mad comic to either regain his sanity or quit. I think.


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I'm legitimately curious as to why someone in the West would take Russia's side on this war. What exactly do you disagree with?

This war is a war against the West. It's become a war against the dollar. And that means, if you live in the west, it's war against your earning power.

I agree that the West provoked Putin, but his war is indefensible.

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Take your throwaway closing postulate first: the war is not indefensible.

Now return to the beginning: I disagree with Kiev seeking to dictate all conditions of life to the Russian Ukrainians and I disagree with the USA killing thousands of Ukrainians simply in order to 'Keep Russia out, keep America in and keep Germany down.'.

Now the centre postulate: It is not a war against the West. It is the USA using the West to make war against Russia. They have the gall to even declare this to be so. They dictate tactics that even use the West against the West.

Dollar related postulates in the centre: It is not a war against the dollar. The dollar was used to make war against Russia leaving Russia no alternative but to find another currency. To call that a war on the dollar is as ludicrous as a bunch of kids complaining that the kids they wouldn't let play with their baseballs are attacking their baseballs because they've gone off and played basketball. It is a logical fallacy.

Closing: earning power: The earning power of the typical American, I'm told, has not increased in a decade, some say twenty years. I know in my own country our earning power and worse our future purchasing power are being steadily eroded. Our savings and retirement funds were plundered of billions with zero interest rates recently and hundreds of thousands of us impoverished. The dollar at home in the USA is a house of cards. All reason and financial responsibility is completely gone. The idea is that they can print money whenever and wherever and as long as the world needs dollars it will be alright.

And if they world doesn't want dollars well then kill the mischief makers: Hussein, Gaddafi, et al.

But this path is doomed to failure. The world is bigger than these tiny brains think it is and an America pledged to this path must fail.

And if we stick like glue to America as our ass licking politicians would have us do then we fail too.

America failing in a disorganised optionless world is one thing. Comes down and brings everyone and everything down.

But America failing in a world with a real alternative and sensible people cooperating to do sensible things is an entirely different matter.

We can jump off the sinking ship and onto one that will float. One free of coercion and mad politics.

In short everything we see happening shows promise for my earning power for the future, shows promise for my future, our future.

Whereas the united states of criminal activity and world wide destruction promises nothing but death.

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Wannsinn. Cloud cuckooland.

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New one on me. You'd mean this I guess:


Ah well. We'll see....

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Somewhat set in stone now seems to be concessions in Crimea related to the Russian port interests and added access to Crimea via Ukraine (the land bridge) but this won't end until that can happen. The logistics are on Ukraine's side at the moment. Alternate fuels will affect the EU winter and if the winter is mild, no change in ability and desire to support Ukraine.

China has an interest in ending this war. They are economically in trouble and need market stability. Partners of both China and Russia will need to take sides so Chinese influence is key.

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