It has become very clear that the vaccinations don't stop infection, and they don't stop spread. So as a medical treatment they're defective, and they have no use in public health, since they don't stop spread. So it's obvious that these clearly defective products have no benefits - and yet there is substantial risk. Any intelligent risk/benefit analysis would result in avoidance of these products, especially since all risk is on the consumer, by legislative action in all countries where the vaccines were offered.

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Rudeness and condescension are hallmarks of many left-leaning academics. They really do believe they are smarter and better than everyone else. These behaviors are actually the manifestation of an internalized, buried inferiority complex, in my opinion. Normal, healthy people simply do not think and behave that way.

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Quite well said. I just don't know how the Team Pandemic will deal with the appearance of OAS in the data. Highly vaccinated regions seeing more infection and repeated infection compared to less vaccinated regions. Many of those vaccinated becoming ill are adverts for Team Reality. At some point people discover the truth no matter what they have been told.

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