I think you have hit on two major themes, among more than I have time to examine more closely. There is no question that there has been and no doubt still is although opaque to me an effort to limit population growth. Many academic centers include population studies, some focused on control. Contraception was encouraged when I studied public health. The movement to the education of women and ensure that they have a place in every workplace no doubt has an anti childbearing component. So you are not wrong, but locating a cabal pushing it, for this reason, is beyond my reach.

The meaning of tribes and the dis-utility of trying to eliminate tribes are counter-productive although now nearly a universal push. Ironically the Black Lives Matter and reification of CRT are pushing us back towards tribalism. At least two: white privileged and not white oppressed.

Thanks for a stimulating post!🙏🏾

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Thanks for the post! This is the easiest way to exchange views. Yes, tribalism is a taboo subject in America. We renounce our roots. The founders envisioned a country of people like themselves - an extended Anglo tribe. However, they had universalist ideals. The decline started when idealism trumped reality.

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