Great summary pointer to multiple substacks. Many of the misinformation writers are found in this comments https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/community-covid-resources/comments?s=w. I started my journey with Berenson and continued on to follow many others. I appreciate those with data and checked several multiple times to try to find bias. I haven't found much different but I'm not that skilled at digging at the data. So many independent writers seem to end up in the same place.

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That's a brilliant article, I think. Thanks for that.

If the Covid story is just about over perhaps you could publish your findings?


. Was there a disease worthy of 'emergency measures'?

. Were the emergency measure appropriate?

. Did they in the event do some good?

. Did they do harm?

. Was it/is it right to ban IVM and HCQ?

. Was it/is it right to fail to exhort the population to sensible immune enhancing measures?

. Was it/is it right to pretend no vax = no protection?

. Pfizer claimed 0.1% immune enhancing. What % enhancement with sunlight, adequate Vit D and melatonin, exercise, other minerals, vitamins, good nutrition, company of friends and family?

. At what date could the vaxes fairly claim to have been properly tested?

. Any estimate of overall damage done globally by these measures? Any truth in the claims by Battacharya of millions dead and suffering?

. How would that overall damage compare with proven benefits?

. How many democratic freedoms and rights were trodden on?

. How many such freedoms and rights remain trodden on and now enshrined in legislation, custom, common practice, 'normal' behaviour?

. Prognostications for ongoing damage from vaccines are shocking - how true in your estimation?

. How real the danger that these vaccines and an overall mandate for immediate disease supposed prophylaxis by vaccine will be the norm for decades to come?

Not to load you up, you understand. But this article you've just posted does such a good job of clear overall analysis that I think you could probably respond to all those questions and I think your response would be valuable and interesting to us all.

p.s. were you the author who mentioned suffering from gout? My own experience is to refrain from Chinese wheat based beer, from pork and from spices such as ginger and chilli and a quick hit of Arthrexin and a Panadol at a first twinge and I generally get along okay.


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The world has been so flooded with propaganda/misinformation/disinformation/malinformation that nothing I or anybody writes will be convincing. My objective was to point to the clearest arguments on both sides and let people draw their own conclusions.

Problem is that it takes (1) intelligence, (2) a bit of background, and (3) time. Won't happen on any wide scale. Mark 8:18 "Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear?" No, they don't.

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And you did a good job of it.

I think the world evolved to have this present state as a matter of efficiency and convenience

We can't all have sufficient intelligence, background and time for all issues. We simply have to take much on faith just so's we can get on with things.

When the paradigm gets as clearly unproductive as it is today where it is actually destroying social progress whether people at large realise it or not then a paradigm shift is required.

Just imagine a world wherein everyone continually or at least frequently considers whether they have sufficient intelligence, background, time to ascertain the truth of a matter?

Cripes. Very different to today, right? Unimaginably different perhaps.

Or perhaps not. We've already had numerous paradigm shifts in behaviour in many respects with the sophisticated industrialisation and coming of electronics and the communications age and now this amazing phenomenon: the internet and everyone's immediate access via cheap smartphone.

It has made us a completely different organism, I believe. Virtually one with an embryonic 'mass mind' which currently is schizophrenic to say the least.

Planet earth long was infested with these organisms: humans. Now it is infested with one single organism: the 'mass human'. And that organism, like Frankenstein's monster, is just coming to life, it's mind is just beginning to operate.

I'm thinking we find startlingly swift and wide paradigm shifts courtesy of it, of this new thing.

Because within 'it' we all have enough intelligence, background and time. Well perhaps not one's self, in our own head - but there before us, accessible in the 'mass mind' and it can doit all for us and serve it up to us, on demand.

We may simply find protocols for getting that to happen. And we all may get in the habit of using them. So that 'it' provides the intelligence, the background and the processing time at our request.

Habitual use of that protocol would effectively make us performers of that protocol.

Nice flight of fancy. What do you reckon?

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" In my mind the Covid story is just about over." In your mind only: they will never let it die, this will keep to be exploited till the bitter end. Either of humanity, or the perpetrators. An existential conflict.

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What are your thoughts on Zelensky banning oppo parties and “nationalizing” tv broadcast? If that is happening… apologize in advance if you’ve addressed this. Im behind reading on a few of your posts…

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He has banned Medvedchuk's pro-Russia party. That happens. The Communist party was banned in the US for something less than a shooting war.

The media here remains owned by oligarchs. Not necessarily a good thing, but it is not the government and they do not agree with one another.

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Thanks for the clarity.

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The Communist party of US is not banned just not super popular


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Not banned now. I thought it was in the 50s. Maybe not.

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