Agree 100% and will add kids should be taught sexuality by parents. Full stop.
Did the idiot writing you include info on the number vaccinated? Which I daresay, being a study from the VA, is likely very very high? The ignorant fail to understand the vax causes the SAME symptoms as the original illness, in many cases worse. They also fail to understand that Remdesivir adverse events are the SAME as severe Covid adverse events - and is highly likely the primary killer, rather than actual Covid, in all countries who used it chief among them the US. It's likely why the US had more deaths than other countries too. Fauci continues to push Remdesivir as a treatment (my RN niece and her co-workers all call it "RunDeathIsNear"). Neither do they know that when Remdesivir was trialed on ebola the death rate of users was 56%. But Fauci is invested in it and needs his money.... The natural progress of illness and immune response is guaranteed to be less severe than the gene therapy called a "vax" especially after 2nd and 3rd doses.
I just can't comprehend people who don't do their own study and research and make their own health decisions based on their findings. I've said many times, beginning as early asJanuary 2020, that it was going to be awful to find out much later that our govt did all this crazy stuff over what amounts to the flu. And I wasn't wrong - think about it: if they had not used Remdesivir likely 30% (unknown how many it was used in so estimate is low) would still be alive, if they had not blocked IVM and HCQ likely 60-75% would still be alive. Leaving us with the same as annual flu deaths in the US. If I, not a doctor or statistician, can deduce this why can't the idiot Left??
My answer:
God has sent them a strong delusion that they would believe a lie
Thank you, Graham, for your independent and well-written analyses. It is fascinating and helpful to hear your observations from Ukraine.
We live in Bethesda (near some friends of yours who told us about your blog).
You are spot on with your call-outs of the horrific culture here - particularly in the schools. And also on the Covid lies and general manipulation of the news narrative for the purposes of power, money, and control. Thank God for brave independent doctors, independent journalists, and some vestiges of American founding principles here and there. God bless you and your family and the Ukrainian people.
I have noticed that a lot of Westerners on the 'right' are making excuses for Putin because they dislike the 'woke' cultural marxism of the West. It seems to be too hard for a lot of people to move beyond simplistic 'enemy of my enemy' nonsense. The West can be degenerate and Putin can be a dangerous warmonger, these statements are not incompatitble but that is too complicated for a lot of people I had thought better of to understand.
Agree 100% and will add kids should be taught sexuality by parents. Full stop.
Did the idiot writing you include info on the number vaccinated? Which I daresay, being a study from the VA, is likely very very high? The ignorant fail to understand the vax causes the SAME symptoms as the original illness, in many cases worse. They also fail to understand that Remdesivir adverse events are the SAME as severe Covid adverse events - and is highly likely the primary killer, rather than actual Covid, in all countries who used it chief among them the US. It's likely why the US had more deaths than other countries too. Fauci continues to push Remdesivir as a treatment (my RN niece and her co-workers all call it "RunDeathIsNear"). Neither do they know that when Remdesivir was trialed on ebola the death rate of users was 56%. But Fauci is invested in it and needs his money.... The natural progress of illness and immune response is guaranteed to be less severe than the gene therapy called a "vax" especially after 2nd and 3rd doses.
I just can't comprehend people who don't do their own study and research and make their own health decisions based on their findings. I've said many times, beginning as early asJanuary 2020, that it was going to be awful to find out much later that our govt did all this crazy stuff over what amounts to the flu. And I wasn't wrong - think about it: if they had not used Remdesivir likely 30% (unknown how many it was used in so estimate is low) would still be alive, if they had not blocked IVM and HCQ likely 60-75% would still be alive. Leaving us with the same as annual flu deaths in the US. If I, not a doctor or statistician, can deduce this why can't the idiot Left??
My answer:
God has sent them a strong delusion that they would believe a lie
Thank you, Graham, for your independent and well-written analyses. It is fascinating and helpful to hear your observations from Ukraine.
We live in Bethesda (near some friends of yours who told us about your blog).
You are spot on with your call-outs of the horrific culture here - particularly in the schools. And also on the Covid lies and general manipulation of the news narrative for the purposes of power, money, and control. Thank God for brave independent doctors, independent journalists, and some vestiges of American founding principles here and there. God bless you and your family and the Ukrainian people.
I have noticed that a lot of Westerners on the 'right' are making excuses for Putin because they dislike the 'woke' cultural marxism of the West. It seems to be too hard for a lot of people to move beyond simplistic 'enemy of my enemy' nonsense. The West can be degenerate and Putin can be a dangerous warmonger, these statements are not incompatitble but that is too complicated for a lot of people I had thought better of to understand.
Right you are. Nuance is dead.