My view, from the outset, going back to early 2021, when it became obvious that the vaccines were more of a "kill shot" than a vaccine, was that they were being used to select for critical thinkers, individualists, and those who would not be swayed by groupthink - and who had the resources and will to back this up - a sort of "intelligence test" if you will, an exercise in applied eugenics. The official stories through their various permutations were so counterfactual and often contradictory that no reasonable person could possibly believe them.

Given Gates and his familial connections to the Progressive Eugenics movement - and the involvement of the Wellcome Trust in the UK, this struck me as no great surprise...

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Covid seemed like an opportunity to use the idea of 'safetyism'(Matthew Crawford?) to push the envelope of rules, both state Election rules and economic rules to use inflated fears to weaken the independent Middle Class service industry(independent non chain stores and restaurants) and in the process get rid of Trump. The Orange man, loose canon, who was alarmingly allowing YT to not feel guilty and then(horrors!)possibly unite, just like other ethnic groups. Trump ignored the Guilt regime which has been in place since the passage of Civil Rights. He had to go!

It worked. Trump is gone, YT is diffracted and back to being guilty, things are back to normal.

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YT = whitey. I learn something every day.

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I've ordered the book, but Amazon is rather slow paced in delivery. Now, after reading this review, I wonder if I should read the book at all. I do want to point out however that in China the corruption runs deep in regard to Sars-CoV-2, so much so that those making money from testing, quarantine centers, and the herding of people into lockdowns has caused chaos and is still causing chaos. While the west has virtually abandoned any pretense of fighting this bio-weapon, China continues to be harmed by false positive tests which benefit those who make money from the suffering of others. We still don't know how much harm the mRNA injections have caused, while in China it is zero Covid policy that is the main culprit of harm.


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Kindle version was free for a while.

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That YouTube reflects a horrid situation. You can build an economy by hiring people to break windows and hiring people to make windows and repair them, but it really adds nothing. The Men in White are in trouble as zero covid ends.

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Thanks for this summary. I probably wouldn’t have read this book.

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Thanks for the note. That's my objective in most of my reviews. I try to do a "Cliff's Notes" summary instead of simply saying that I liked it or not. You know what it covers and can buy it if and when you want more.

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Well I've looked forward to this book. You don't make it sound much like a 'must read'.

Must read why? You make no mention of the lies. What were the lies?

Yes, I can make a list for myself but then why read the book? The book has some eye opening, some illuminating revelations regarding lies that I can seize upon and use as ammunition during my never ending attempts to sway, convert, convince, educate people about the covid madness?

You don't say.

And my personal hobby horse addresses your dismal conclusion: that we don't have the people, the minds, the brains, to fix things now.

It is this: we need people to understand that being citizens of a democracy means they have to continually and persistently monitor the doings of their elected representatives. Monitor them and instruct them.

Just that.

I think it is possible for that understanding to sweep the world, become the 'new fashion' , become something that everyone does.

And then we'd see changes.

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