Ukrainian perspective: everywhere you look there's a target!
Tanks are fearsome machines when they're moving and protected by infantry and air. When they are sitting still, out of fuel, out of ammunition, or their advanced blocked, they are sitting ducks.
A day of relative quiet yesterday, and almost absolute quiet today has to be a disaster for the Russians. Ukrainians know where they are and have become pretty skillful at taking them out. Putin had better cut a deal shortly and get out or he won't have much of an army left.
That's the opinion of an armchair warrior.
Meanwhile, our neighbors are shopping at the big grocery store in Livoberezhna. That's right along the Russian's path to Kyiv - if they were so able. Oksana asked Ilya to pick some stuff up for us as well. Life is back to normal for us. We can only pray that the Russians find their senses and get home to their mothers while I still can.
10:45 Second mom and pop store is open this morning. Shelves are empty of staples, but we got some cabbage, apples and ice cream. Owner marked them up by about a dollar, rather shamelessly. We paid, grateful that he is there.
This is a town where you never see weapons. Eddie got a close-up view of a Kalashnikov with a 30 round clip. Looked like business. Also a 100-year-old, wooden handled, single shot pistol.
Neighbors greeting one another very happily. Sense is that this is over.
Has anyone else noticed that the people who defend authority do so by agreeing with the flawed ideology that was adopted to transmit the regime’s message? Not a single critical thought is contained in this reader’s message to Graham. Now these members of the Ostrich Brigade (Dr. Gad Salad’s term, not mine) have keyboards and they’re not afraid to use them as a megaphone into the echo-chamber they so desperately need to protect their introverted character. Facts do t matter to these people, only the “credibility” of the people they’ve never met that have been chosen by the ivory tower bureaucrats to be the face of the computer model (no you can’t see the model, you’re too dumb to understand what it says) and these ideological ostrich brigade clowns never use facts because they never bothered to look. And somehow, the critical thinkers are labeled conspiracy theorists. Well, when evidence arises (even observational data) that destroys their premise, they gaslight the world. They defend the Fauci’s without ever considering he might be lying… for a reason they do t want to admit). I’m done with thought police. Graham, who invests considerable effort to give his independent analysis and opinions FOR FREE does not deserve such empty attacks. The cluster B personality types and the ideologues who buy their bullshit are the problem, and every time the ostrich brigade shows us another member, it is they who need to be ostracized and removed from the public discord. Not the critical thinkers. We know how it ends. We only need remember that Socrates was executed for asking questions. Thanks for your writing (derived from all that wonderful reading) Graham!
6:45 pm. Two explosions, closer than yesterday, to our south. Probably in Livoberezhna, 3 miles south, site of the supermarket where Ilya went shopping. Nothing military there either - probably shooting apartment buildings again.
Long opinion article in the (gasp) Washington Post this morning. Discusses the long history (going back to the Obama years) of the US trying to assist Ukraine in shutting down leftover Russian biolabs. Also clarifies Victoria Nuland's commentary with Senator Rubio. I expect you won't read it since it is published by the WP.
Yes, I saw your blog and clicked on the articles. Here is what I saw. An Under Secretary of Defense testifying under oath about that fact that there are no bio warfare labs in the Ukraine. In your blog, you offered nothing to support your conviction that she was lying under oath. I also saw a Venezuela newscaster repeating what has been shown to be Russian propaganda. Venezuela is a satellite state of Russia (well, until they invaded Ukraine).
As far as your reporting, you consistently mix up bio warfare labs with bio labs. Precise language is important. Yes there are bio labs in the Ukraine. No, there is no evidence that there are biowarfare labs run by Dr Fauci as you have alleged. You will tell me that you are simply passing on information. That is known as rumor mongering and you do not provide any evidence to support these rumors.
And I have to say, your attitude towards criticism surprises and dismays me. Belittling me, using sarcasm, ignoring my questions, etc does not remind me of the Graham Seibert I used to know. You do not want an honest exchange of information and opinions. You want to beat down whoever disagrees with you. I will believe you are serious about a debate when you take my questions and say - "interesting thoughts and questions, let me research a bit more and get back to you with what I find".
10:00 AM. Curfew is lifted. People on the streets. Mayor advocates caution, says to go out only for groceries, drugs and other necessities. No explosions yet. Oksana says there is still fierce fighting and rocket attacks elsewhere. Cultural centers and historical sites being destroyed.
3:00 p.m.
Russian perspective: we have Kyiv surrounded!
Ukrainian perspective: everywhere you look there's a target!
Tanks are fearsome machines when they're moving and protected by infantry and air. When they are sitting still, out of fuel, out of ammunition, or their advanced blocked, they are sitting ducks.
A day of relative quiet yesterday, and almost absolute quiet today has to be a disaster for the Russians. Ukrainians know where they are and have become pretty skillful at taking them out. Putin had better cut a deal shortly and get out or he won't have much of an army left.
That's the opinion of an armchair warrior.
Meanwhile, our neighbors are shopping at the big grocery store in Livoberezhna. That's right along the Russian's path to Kyiv - if they were so able. Oksana asked Ilya to pick some stuff up for us as well. Life is back to normal for us. We can only pray that the Russians find their senses and get home to their mothers while I still can.
10:45 Second mom and pop store is open this morning. Shelves are empty of staples, but we got some cabbage, apples and ice cream. Owner marked them up by about a dollar, rather shamelessly. We paid, grateful that he is there.
This is a town where you never see weapons. Eddie got a close-up view of a Kalashnikov with a 30 round clip. Looked like business. Also a 100-year-old, wooden handled, single shot pistol.
Neighbors greeting one another very happily. Sense is that this is over.
Has anyone else noticed that the people who defend authority do so by agreeing with the flawed ideology that was adopted to transmit the regime’s message? Not a single critical thought is contained in this reader’s message to Graham. Now these members of the Ostrich Brigade (Dr. Gad Salad’s term, not mine) have keyboards and they’re not afraid to use them as a megaphone into the echo-chamber they so desperately need to protect their introverted character. Facts do t matter to these people, only the “credibility” of the people they’ve never met that have been chosen by the ivory tower bureaucrats to be the face of the computer model (no you can’t see the model, you’re too dumb to understand what it says) and these ideological ostrich brigade clowns never use facts because they never bothered to look. And somehow, the critical thinkers are labeled conspiracy theorists. Well, when evidence arises (even observational data) that destroys their premise, they gaslight the world. They defend the Fauci’s without ever considering he might be lying… for a reason they do t want to admit). I’m done with thought police. Graham, who invests considerable effort to give his independent analysis and opinions FOR FREE does not deserve such empty attacks. The cluster B personality types and the ideologues who buy their bullshit are the problem, and every time the ostrich brigade shows us another member, it is they who need to be ostracized and removed from the public discord. Not the critical thinkers. We know how it ends. We only need remember that Socrates was executed for asking questions. Thanks for your writing (derived from all that wonderful reading) Graham!
6:45 pm. Two explosions, closer than yesterday, to our south. Probably in Livoberezhna, 3 miles south, site of the supermarket where Ilya went shopping. Nothing military there either - probably shooting apartment buildings again.
With regard to bioweapons, a reader sends this link this morning.
Got egg on your face yet??? See my blog of March 10.
Long opinion article in the (gasp) Washington Post this morning. Discusses the long history (going back to the Obama years) of the US trying to assist Ukraine in shutting down leftover Russian biolabs. Also clarifies Victoria Nuland's commentary with Senator Rubio. I expect you won't read it since it is published by the WP.
Yes, I saw your blog and clicked on the articles. Here is what I saw. An Under Secretary of Defense testifying under oath about that fact that there are no bio warfare labs in the Ukraine. In your blog, you offered nothing to support your conviction that she was lying under oath. I also saw a Venezuela newscaster repeating what has been shown to be Russian propaganda. Venezuela is a satellite state of Russia (well, until they invaded Ukraine).
As far as your reporting, you consistently mix up bio warfare labs with bio labs. Precise language is important. Yes there are bio labs in the Ukraine. No, there is no evidence that there are biowarfare labs run by Dr Fauci as you have alleged. You will tell me that you are simply passing on information. That is known as rumor mongering and you do not provide any evidence to support these rumors.
And I have to say, your attitude towards criticism surprises and dismays me. Belittling me, using sarcasm, ignoring my questions, etc does not remind me of the Graham Seibert I used to know. You do not want an honest exchange of information and opinions. You want to beat down whoever disagrees with you. I will believe you are serious about a debate when you take my questions and say - "interesting thoughts and questions, let me research a bit more and get back to you with what I find".
10:00 AM. Curfew is lifted. People on the streets. Mayor advocates caution, says to go out only for groceries, drugs and other necessities. No explosions yet. Oksana says there is still fierce fighting and rocket attacks elsewhere. Cultural centers and historical sites being destroyed.