eat organic food, don't see a doctor unless you are guided (moved) to do so. I follow that practice, and haven't been guided to see a doctor in 50+ years. When I get sick, I find myself going to bed. I stay there, and don't eat or drink water [as moved], until I am moved to rise...usually, within a day or two or three, I am healed. This sort of discipline means you have to look after your health yourself, and makes you more cautious about what you take into your body, and how often you wash your hands. at 79+ results have been excellent, although there are other factors, including responding sincerely to the gift God has given mankind in recent decades. in the matter of the corona vaccine, I have no concerns about it - either I will be guided to get it, or not. planning on traveling, I may be guided to get get it, and if so, there will be no worries :)
Can't put the covid vaccine even on the same page as earlier vaccines. The mRNA technology platform has not been proven over history. Getting notoriously unstable RNA to be stable over time has always been difficult, thus the needed cold chain to reduce it's degradation. Then getting into the body past our efficient immune system that knows it's foreign and is designed to remove such stuff. Malone says he worked 10 years and failed and he says others worked another 10 years, yet we now say we have mastered the technology. We side stepped animal testing and detailed human testing because we though the pandemic was going to be more severe than it has been. An experimental technology rushed to market. We can justify all sorts of reasons why we acted at first but as data arrived we should have stopped pushing them.
RFK Jr book gives great pause to vaccination nation. There are good vaccines proven over time using well established technology. Whether they are all as necessary as health officials suggest depends on individual factors. As a child I had none of them and I'm sure my parents had difficult moments as I became ill from nearly all the diseases. But given the average lifespan continues to improve and these vaccines might have aided in that, give credit where credit is due. We are now at risk from excessive cleanliness for children who may develop a less adequate immune system. My children did get the vaccines but that was 50 years ago and there were fewer of them.
I am sorry to read this. I understand and agree with all it says but I think the way it says it is misleading and dangerous.
Vaccines are not 'insurance against getting sick'. That thought, thinking that way, is the problem: that's what makes people take the covid vaccine.
Vaccines are an attempt to make your immune system work EVEN BETTER.
That's not at all the same thing, is it? People nowadays believe they have NO immune system. They think it is 'vaccine as insurance against getting sick' or - Get Sick !
And they think a vaccine is an actual agent, a specific, I mean something that walks up to a sickness and hits it on the head, confronts it, does something to it. Vaccines, of course, do not such thing: they provoke the immune system is what they do. The immune system confronts the enemy.
This article good though as it is only helps to support this deep misunderstanding that is killing our people.
I believe the people need major education in the facts, even the very existence, of the immune system.
I believe they need to clearly understand some vaxines such as Pfizer's offered from the start only a 0.1% improvement in immune system performance - and that at the cost of intaking an unknown, exposing to an unknown risk AND at a cost demonstrated today due to the mode of action of vaccines: i.e. provoking the immune system. It is much under reported, the 'provoking' aspect. Look:
(a) Provoking it leads to immediate sickness while it adjusts and copes - this gives rise to the famous two weeks after the vax when people are MORE prone to severe sickness from covid - so much so that they refuse to number these people amongst the 'vaccinated' when compiling statistics - so they go by default into 'unvaxed'. So people get sickness, severe sickness, even death BECAUSE they had the vaccine and this is reported as sick, severely sick, dead because of being UNVAXED !
(b) We see this now: the system being provoked by an 'incomplete' imitation of the real threat it makes an incomplete, somewhat inaccurate response. Now one of the things the immune system does it remember previous sicknesses and call upon those 'trained' troops to respond as soon as it gets an indication that enemy has returned.
And it does this on what might be called 'coarse' cues. It doesn't waste time checking the fine detail. If it looks pretty much like what was there before then that'll do.
Now if that enemy returns in some mutated form - as Corona (common cold) viruses always do - then the response it mounts is 'out of date' and it can get to where it is almost completely ineffective. As we see today.
Now that response has just emasculated your immune system. It is not capable now of performing as well as it would have had you not been vaccinated.
They have been very shrewd legally. However, the defenses can be penetrated if a litigant can prove fraud or other acts of bad faith. Reiner Fuellmich and his allies have researched it pretty thoroughly. Wish them luck.
Yes but at the same time we read they've paid out billions. Or was it governments paid it out on their behalf, accepting responsibility? For that's virtually what Pharma asked govt to do. Remember if the history I read is correct it was the Govt pushing Pharma to produce vaccines. They didn't want to. But Govt wanted it. We're talking America. I forget why they wanted it but I guess it's pretty easy to see how it could come about, we've just two years of it...
So they knew the history and they acted like actuaries I suppose and crunched the numbers and said christ there's big money here but big risk: too big.
They essentially said to the Govt you're asking us to do something that's just too risky. You will have take the risk or at least indemnify us.
So they got indemnity.
Now who's to blame for that?
They were virtually forced to make the vaccines.
It was govt policy.
A sane government would have stopped there and then and said well if they're too risky to make then we won't make them until we've taken the risk out of it.
So it wasn't what I call a sane government, was it?
Any more than we can find a sane government in the Western world today
So now where's the fault?
There at the beginning?
Same place as we find it now at the end:
With us. The populace. Who take little or no notice of what our 'elected representatives' are doing.
We treat them as our 'elected masters', elect them and turn away and forget them, leave them to it.
And they bring us here.
They are overjoyed whenever we fight amongst ourselves, whenever we attack a straw man, whenever we get impassioned about the wrong thing.
They love it when we hate big Pharma.
Because it leaves them free to mandate an evil and we hate not them but the mechanical manufacturer.
Ron Paul is another useful idiot. "According to the NBC News article, “multiple US officials acknowledged that the US has used information as a weapon even when confidence in the accuracy of the information wasn’t high. Sometimes it has used low-confidence intelligence for deterrent effect…” This is what CIA is for, no? How does this excuse Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, or Putin?
Question is whether the CIA is working for the USA or for its own power and perpetuation. This question has dogged them since the days of Wild Bill Donovan and Allan Dulles.
eat organic food, don't see a doctor unless you are guided (moved) to do so. I follow that practice, and haven't been guided to see a doctor in 50+ years. When I get sick, I find myself going to bed. I stay there, and don't eat or drink water [as moved], until I am moved to rise...usually, within a day or two or three, I am healed. This sort of discipline means you have to look after your health yourself, and makes you more cautious about what you take into your body, and how often you wash your hands. at 79+ results have been excellent, although there are other factors, including responding sincerely to the gift God has given mankind in recent decades. in the matter of the corona vaccine, I have no concerns about it - either I will be guided to get it, or not. planning on traveling, I may be guided to get get it, and if so, there will be no worries :)
Can't put the covid vaccine even on the same page as earlier vaccines. The mRNA technology platform has not been proven over history. Getting notoriously unstable RNA to be stable over time has always been difficult, thus the needed cold chain to reduce it's degradation. Then getting into the body past our efficient immune system that knows it's foreign and is designed to remove such stuff. Malone says he worked 10 years and failed and he says others worked another 10 years, yet we now say we have mastered the technology. We side stepped animal testing and detailed human testing because we though the pandemic was going to be more severe than it has been. An experimental technology rushed to market. We can justify all sorts of reasons why we acted at first but as data arrived we should have stopped pushing them.
RFK Jr book gives great pause to vaccination nation. There are good vaccines proven over time using well established technology. Whether they are all as necessary as health officials suggest depends on individual factors. As a child I had none of them and I'm sure my parents had difficult moments as I became ill from nearly all the diseases. But given the average lifespan continues to improve and these vaccines might have aided in that, give credit where credit is due. We are now at risk from excessive cleanliness for children who may develop a less adequate immune system. My children did get the vaccines but that was 50 years ago and there were fewer of them.
I am sorry to read this. I understand and agree with all it says but I think the way it says it is misleading and dangerous.
Vaccines are not 'insurance against getting sick'. That thought, thinking that way, is the problem: that's what makes people take the covid vaccine.
Vaccines are an attempt to make your immune system work EVEN BETTER.
That's not at all the same thing, is it? People nowadays believe they have NO immune system. They think it is 'vaccine as insurance against getting sick' or - Get Sick !
And they think a vaccine is an actual agent, a specific, I mean something that walks up to a sickness and hits it on the head, confronts it, does something to it. Vaccines, of course, do not such thing: they provoke the immune system is what they do. The immune system confronts the enemy.
This article good though as it is only helps to support this deep misunderstanding that is killing our people.
I believe the people need major education in the facts, even the very existence, of the immune system.
I believe they need to clearly understand some vaxines such as Pfizer's offered from the start only a 0.1% improvement in immune system performance - and that at the cost of intaking an unknown, exposing to an unknown risk AND at a cost demonstrated today due to the mode of action of vaccines: i.e. provoking the immune system. It is much under reported, the 'provoking' aspect. Look:
(a) Provoking it leads to immediate sickness while it adjusts and copes - this gives rise to the famous two weeks after the vax when people are MORE prone to severe sickness from covid - so much so that they refuse to number these people amongst the 'vaccinated' when compiling statistics - so they go by default into 'unvaxed'. So people get sickness, severe sickness, even death BECAUSE they had the vaccine and this is reported as sick, severely sick, dead because of being UNVAXED !
(b) We see this now: the system being provoked by an 'incomplete' imitation of the real threat it makes an incomplete, somewhat inaccurate response. Now one of the things the immune system does it remember previous sicknesses and call upon those 'trained' troops to respond as soon as it gets an indication that enemy has returned.
And it does this on what might be called 'coarse' cues. It doesn't waste time checking the fine detail. If it looks pretty much like what was there before then that'll do.
Now if that enemy returns in some mutated form - as Corona (common cold) viruses always do - then the response it mounts is 'out of date' and it can get to where it is almost completely ineffective. As we see today.
Now that response has just emasculated your immune system. It is not capable now of performing as well as it would have had you not been vaccinated.
It has now been trained to react inappropriately.
It now goes to war loaded with blank ammunition.
The vaccine companies are shielded from civil liability from vaccine injury or death in every country where they've been given - in the US, this: and in the UK, this:
They have been very shrewd legally. However, the defenses can be penetrated if a litigant can prove fraud or other acts of bad faith. Reiner Fuellmich and his allies have researched it pretty thoroughly. Wish them luck.
Yes but at the same time we read they've paid out billions. Or was it governments paid it out on their behalf, accepting responsibility? For that's virtually what Pharma asked govt to do. Remember if the history I read is correct it was the Govt pushing Pharma to produce vaccines. They didn't want to. But Govt wanted it. We're talking America. I forget why they wanted it but I guess it's pretty easy to see how it could come about, we've just two years of it...
So they knew the history and they acted like actuaries I suppose and crunched the numbers and said christ there's big money here but big risk: too big.
They essentially said to the Govt you're asking us to do something that's just too risky. You will have take the risk or at least indemnify us.
So they got indemnity.
Now who's to blame for that?
They were virtually forced to make the vaccines.
It was govt policy.
A sane government would have stopped there and then and said well if they're too risky to make then we won't make them until we've taken the risk out of it.
So it wasn't what I call a sane government, was it?
Any more than we can find a sane government in the Western world today
So now where's the fault?
There at the beginning?
Same place as we find it now at the end:
With us. The populace. Who take little or no notice of what our 'elected representatives' are doing.
We treat them as our 'elected masters', elect them and turn away and forget them, leave them to it.
And they bring us here.
They are overjoyed whenever we fight amongst ourselves, whenever we attack a straw man, whenever we get impassioned about the wrong thing.
They love it when we hate big Pharma.
Because it leaves them free to mandate an evil and we hate not them but the mechanical manufacturer.
Like hating the knife not the person wielding it.
Ron Paul is another useful idiot. "According to the NBC News article, “multiple US officials acknowledged that the US has used information as a weapon even when confidence in the accuracy of the information wasn’t high. Sometimes it has used low-confidence intelligence for deterrent effect…” This is what CIA is for, no? How does this excuse Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, or Putin?
Question is whether the CIA is working for the USA or for its own power and perpetuation. This question has dogged them since the days of Wild Bill Donovan and Allan Dulles.
Since the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the answer has been crystal clear.
But has nothing to do with Russia's war with Ukraine, as implied by Ronny.