Putin the politician. Layers of the problem. Thinning the woke herd
Putin is a cannier politician than warrior. Thank goodness. This piece of propaganda he put out for Russian consumption is altogether too much on target. I laughed out loud. It explains why he is popular with some segment of the American right such as Paul Craig Roberts. Stephen Tucker on Takimag has a pretty good take on the matter.
I am pleased that such opinions are being expressed. In a link sent by Gary in London, Glenn Beck, speaking about Putin’s state-of-the-union address, says we are fighting two battles. There are no white hats. Putin is undoubtedly evil, and must be defeated, but Satan’s forces (Beck is a religious guy) must also be fought. This is what I have been saying all along. Defeating Russia will be less than half the battle. The United States and the West are attempting to force New World Order and the woke agenda on the rest of the world. Ukraine is especially vulnerable because we are dependent on NATO for the weapons we need to win this war.
Putin’s speech was crafted for a global audience, and it has a lot in it to appeal to the likes of Paul Craig Roberts. Beck says that Alexander Dugin is the most dangerous man in the world, citing his “Foundations of Geopolitics.” I have not read it, but subscriber streamfortyseven devoted an entire column to that 1997 work. Stream says that the book I did review (harshest I have ever written, The Fourth Political Theory) was just for external consumption. The real meat of his argument is in Foundations.
Beck’s bait-and-switch point is that Putin is calling attention to the nefarious agendas running rampant in the West in order to justify his invasion of Ukraine. Though there can be no justification whatsoever for Russia’s unprovoked aggression, he is right about those agendas. They are everywhere. In particular, they are running all through Women After All, the book I reviewed yesterday.
After cutting it from 23,000 to the allowed 20,000 characters, I submitted my review to Amazon with a three star rating. I ignore the fact that the book is totally infused with the woke agenda, confining my critique mostly to the author’s presentation of the facts. I would appreciate you readers’ comments as to what Amazon star rating (1 to 5) I should assign this thing when I edit it, as I will certainly have to do.
That’s two levels of evil we in Ukraine have to fight: first the Russians, and then the New World order. But there is a third question.
In my movie entitled Depopulation I address the fact that many people consider the world overpopulated. As John B. Calhoun noted half a century ago in his Universe 25 mouse experiments, populations become weird when they get overcrowded. His mice displayed hyperaggression, aversion to sex, ignoring their offspring, homosexuality, anomie and withdrawal. Sound familiar? The popular press at the time predicted it, and for once they their fearmongering may have been on target.
Perhaps there are too many of us. More than the world can comfortably support, as analyzed by Joel Cohen a couple of decades ago in How Many People can the Earth Support? If that is the case, a thinning of the herd might not be a bad thing.
I am inclined to agree with Robert Malone and Mike Yeadon that there is something of a depopulation agenda associated with the Covid 19 vaccines. I am not invested in figuring it out the way they are. My attitude is more like that of Igor Chudov, commenting on the requirement of being vaccinated against Covid 19 in order to attend a Satanism convention. He is not terribly concerned if the woke are killing themselves off. That’s my feeling about Melvin Konner, the fanatically woke, pro-VAX author of Women After All. Go for it!
Which brings me back to my focus on raising children rather than getting terribly involved with the politics of this era. It is kind of a “this too will pass” kind of attitude, and a trust that evolution will bring things back into equilibrium as it has managed to do throughout the planet’s history.
Those of the doleful musings from Lake WeBeGone, fortunately not concerns for the good-looking woman or the children. The time will come to discuss my worldview with the kids, but there’s no need to rush it. First they need the tools to deal with information – reading, writing and ‘rithmetic. And enough knowledge of history, evolution, geography and science so they can put things in context.
From my rather brief post containing this video - good catch! - "Both the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist “Woke” and Putin and his allies stand in diametric opposition to the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, they are for the centralized aristocratic autocracy that Hamilton, Jay, and the Federalists strove for, and that the Administrative State and various National Security States continue to force upon people who desire, above all, to be free. The “woke” are Punch, and Putin and his allies are Judy - puppets on two hands controlled by the same body and mind. Both must be stringently opposed, and the Declaration - and its guiding principles - and the Bill of Rights, must be upheld and conserved." https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/at-long-last-four-years-after-i-started
Glenn Beck finally figured it out, from the comments, about 90% of his followers have not... Maybe Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Solovyov ought to get together, they'd probably be fast friends...
I do not know a single liberal/Democrat that I know or I read that refers to themselves as woke. However, I constantly see references to "woke" by conservative media. No liberal can tell you what woke means. Conservatives have definitions all over the place. Take Sara Huckabee Sanders State of Union rebuttal, any Tucker Carlson broadcast, or DeSantis recent speech in NYC. They all talk about "woke". MTG uses the term all the time.