
I grew up in a drug infested and gang controlled neighborhood of ABC

city in Manhattan.

Marihuana was the entry drug to at that time Heroin. I knew no heroin

user to live past 30 years of age.

Having lived this nightmare I have never imbibed any drug except

foolishly got abdicated to Nicotine at the age of 12 which I was able

to stop in my 40's and being of Ukrainian heritage prided myself in

being a Kozak and able to drink my friends under the table. The

foolishness of youth and culture.

To this day I do not understand the stupidity of recreational use of Drugs.

At 12 years of age I knew the dangers.

As to vaccinations, what I see are miracles of modern medicine.

I would not be writing you this email if a Shaman was ministering my health.

Respectfully yours.

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Thank you. With regard to vaccines, I respect your medical decisions. All I ask is that my decisions regarding my own body be likewise respected.

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Petro, really glad to "see" you again! We communicated a few times on that site that is now defunct called "World" something or other, back in 2014-15. I was using my other screen name, the alpha-numeric designator of a military unit I once belonged to. You and posters like Oknemfrod were tremendously informative and patient with me as I got up to speed on Ukraine and its history. All the best to you sir!

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Yes I learned a lot from Oknemfrod. I had corresponded with him starting in 2015 but ultimately lost contact. I will share is a letter I wrote on the basis of what I learned on the now defunct called "World". Under a separate email.

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The problem is that contagious bacterial and viral diseases affect your neighbor.

That is why public health exists, it changed the population dynamics

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Absolutely. The mechanisms are well known. Clean water, sewage, garbage collection. Epidemiology - understanding the transmission of disease - led to improvements in quarantines. Better medicines and prophylactics, such as hydroxychloroquine, reduced malaria. Ivermectin reduced scabies - which I picked up from the Indians in Mato Grosso do Sur.

Several recent books address the limited effect of vaccinations, even the supposedly most notable: smallpox, polio and measles. Consensus among the authors is that improved public health and medicines, above, had the greatest impact. Also the decrease of virulence over time as a pathogen mutates - Muller's ratchet.

It is not vaccines alone, or even primarily vaccines, that deserve the credit.

It appears that "herd immunity" through vaccines is a chimera. Only theoretically possible when the bug does not mutate rapidly and there is no epidemic going on.

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A tuna-filled piñata in a tiger cage.

Public health, explained by Deborah Birx to Rep. Jim Jordan. Wryly presented by bad cattitude. This is why we don't trust the bastards.


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