I can't wait for the funny version of "what women want"! Humor and religion are the only things that will get us through these multiple genocides!

OMG! Even two years ago I didn't conceive of them using MULTIPLE genocides this fast.

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Right. I misquoted Franklin. Big difference in theory. Tytler was closer to the mark with regard to what we got.

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"A Republic, if you can keep it." Big difference between democracy (rule by a mob) and a republic. Otherwise, enjoying your writing.

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Oh dear, joining the boogaloos with those shirts? I kinda like them myself and wear the ones with collars but few buttons. Shirts can get mighty expensive at https://nakeuawaidesigns.com/collections/mens where the pull-overs go for $150+; more conventional at https://manuhealii.com/collections/men or https://www.shakatime.com/category/hawaiian-shirts-men.html for a bit less. These are not the tourist type shirts, but are for a business like attire. I discovered the difference while working there; not that those I was working with would ever mention how poorly I was dressed <G>.

For fun my friends at https://www.kauaichickens.com/shop/mens/3 will sell you the Kauai chicken shirts. Chickens seem to be quite wild there roaming about often too many f them.

Thanks for that super vaccine link. It really is a solid summary set of links.

Ready to get the humorous version of What women...

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Check into npshopping.com. You get a NJ address, and Nova Poschta takes it from there. A bit pricey, but still works for me.

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