"Bob Homans recently commented that Ukraine is simply inconvenient and that the powers that be would like the war to end. Even with territorial concessions to Russia."

That's the same damned thing the powers-that-be said in 1938 with the Sudetenland and Hitler. "Peace in our Time" ... ooops.

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I read it that Bob was conveying what he judged to be the position of the WEF/DAVOS/UN bunch...not his personal view.

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''That's a short survey of the bogeymen of my childhood, the things that our elders, often our parents as well, told us we should fear. Most kids took them at their word. We didn't have the tools or the desire to examine the substance of the issues. ''

I remember as a child, being terrified about the imminent nuclear war that was going to kill us all. Teachers put on films depicting the end of the world, I had actual nightmares. Now, teachers terrify children about the destruction of the planet by 'climate change. And I have noticed that the adults and teachers are getting the feeling of moral self righteousness as they terrify the children. They actually enjoy it, if they really believed that the world was ending, they would not be taking pleasure in their preachings. I strongly urge parents to protect their children from such abuse, for parents to take an active interest in what their children are being told. But, obviously, the vast majority of parents will do no such thing.

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Czechoslovakia was inconvenient too back in 1938. History teaches us that it teaches us nothing.

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I do wonder how women fed their babies before formula was invented......... Just another fake 'convenience' that traps people into dependence.

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I remember years ago watching a PBS show teaching us about how the USDA had recently revised the graphic associate with the major food groups. The outgoing graphic was a simple square, divided into four parts. The new five-group graphic was represented by a pyramid, with grains as the base, fruits and vegetables one level up, etc. While the narrator described a balance across the food groups, I thought the visual implied a greater volume of grains would be required - it was the pyramid base, and therefore a much larger section of the graphic. The glaring mistake got me to watch the entire show to the end, when the PBS announcer declared that this show and the work behind it was "sponsored by the Kellogg's corporation." Kellogg's - that multinational producer of grain-based products known around the world.

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Re: formula. Once upon a time the women knew women who could help them get their babies fed no matter what. They shared. I understand that grannies are capable if they had breast fed when younger but that bringing the milk back requires extreme effort. Generally communities relied on their circle of women to avoid formula back before there was formula. But in a pinch goat's milk is much closer to human milk than cow's milk. Every backyard once had a goat, right?

Re: Holmans. I see his reporting quite complete and understand his bias. Quite acceptable and thanks for the relay. I really don't think Ukraine has a choice but to try to push Russia out. A settlement like Minsk was made from weakness that Ukraine has remedied. The Russians did not abide by that agreement nor are likely to abide by any agreement that allows Ukraine independence. As it is, the utter ruthlessness of Russian destruction with no military purpose makes the war quite costly, likely for most of the free world. Better that the free world face up to such a bully. The real end will be a disaster for the Russians as the sanctions isolate them from trade. Eventually the munition factories will find resupply difficult.

You may wish to see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kj_KTeJKHRg where The Goodfellows of Hudson can't agree about the war. Then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ09BqDkfWI.

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great and fun read! Monkey Pox is just a ruse to gin up support for more government edicts, and it isn't worthy of more than a local story. Transmission? Someone with it was at the party.

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Enjoyable read, Bob. At 78 I identify with your observational timeline.

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