Apr 13Liked by Graham Seibert

Tucker is horrible wrong. The US and UK and the USSR are to maintain security per an agreement long ago. But the US become the world cop after WW2. True enough the US can't really afford the war but OTOH, it can't afford for Russia to destroy Ukraine either. To my mind the US needs to rebuild it's defense production capability if only to intimidate those wishing to dominate the world - China mainly and Russia to a lesser degree. I can hardly believe that Russia is able to outproduce the US much less the US + the EU in terms of weapons. To my mind that's a political embarrassment. Wonder why Tucker doesn't get it.

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Here's why it's important for the US to support Ukraine in its campaign to stop Russia dead in its tracks, drive its occupying forces out of Ukraine including Crimea, and secure Ukraine's borders against the threat of future incursions:

"How is a revived Eurasian--Russian empire to bring about "the geopolitical defeat of the U.S." (260)? An appropriate response to the looming Atlanticist threat, Dugin contends, is for the renascent Eurasian-Russian empire to direct all of its powers (short of igniting a hot war), as well as those of the remainder of humanity, against the Atlanticist Anaconda. "At the basis of the geopolitical construction of this [Eurasian] Empire," Dugin writes, "there must be placed one fundamental principle--the principle of 'a common enemy.' A negation of Atlanticism, a repudiation of the strategic control of the United States, and the rejection of the supremacy of economic, liberal market values--this represents the common civilizational basis, the common impulse which will prepare the way for a strong political and strategic union" (216)" https://tec.fsi.stanford.edu/docs/aleksandr-dugins-foundations-geopolitics

It looks like Ukraine may soon be able on its own to put Russia's energy sector out of business - the thing about oil in the Far East is that it has to keep moving through pipelines - if it stops and the wellheads freeze, that's the end for that well. That's another reason Putin wants Ukraine - huge oil and natural gas formations in the Black Sea and a warmwater port- that's why he took Crimea and Abkhazia, and wants the rest of the Black Sea coast. He can't run a military, but he does have a PhD in natural resource economics from St Petersburg Mining University.

As for Tucker Carlson, our latter-day Lord Haw Haw (that laugh...), Goebbels once remarked that the best propaganda is 80% true, with a 20% false payload. The true part makes the false payload - the important part - a lot easier to swallow, and Tucker is an excellent propagandist, Goebbels would be proud...

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This is quite an evenhanded analysis. Personally I don’t feel Ukraine has much of a future even if they win and hold their territory they will simply be asset stripped by Blackrock et al. Your children if they remain will be working for Blackrock and if they get uppity there are plenty of Africans to replace them.

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