I liked "speeding the garden" :-)

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Please, those of us who did write perfectly well understand what your efforts are like. I assure you this reader values your content and the meaning beneath the content. I do appreciate the effort it takes and really don't worry too much over typos. Self-editing is quite hard when the garden needs attention.

I have observed that most wealthy nations have a low birth rate. I tie it to personal greed and a shallow view of the future. My children and theirs and now the greats are a joy at my age. I have been fortunate but never money rich. In my dotage, the children really are that important now. Would not have said that 40-50 years ago.

For Ukraine, the people out drain has been, I understand, bad for years. People were seeking a life that they imagined might be better. My community suffers as well from a loss of the young. Here it's largely because of low opportunity, perhaps there as well. Here, inept politicians, perhaps there as well. The great thing about the future is that one ought to exist and change can happen once the powers decide or the people decide. No matter what, some will be attracted to turn the land into food so I remain hopeful.

I need not point out that you elected to stay.

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Thank you for that. Has a calm tone in this insane world. Good.

So Putin's shot himself in the foot? After this there'll be even fewer 'Russians' in Ukraine asking for his support and for him to use as a rationale? I don't know the numbers - is this exodus a significant proportion - is it effectively 'emptying' the place of Russians? (by which I mean of course Russia identifying Ukrainians).

Assuming he withdraws and leaves the place essentially as it was then what'd be your prediction for the plight of those 'Russians' we've seen in the breakaway part of the Donbas, sobbing and crying that they've had enough of these years of constant shelling and agression on them from the 'ukrainian' ukraine?

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(editing) paragraph 17, "...family are huge in the odds..." should read: "...huge and the odds,,," :). a fun post. one reason people defer from having children is that they don't realize souls bring their provision with them when they come here.

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