There is no winning in the Covid battle. We are all going to lose something. I don't care at all that Dilbert decided that he was wrong. I am thinking about the children dying in their sleep. I am thinking about the thousands of people with debilitating heart disease brought on by the vaccine. I am thinking that even though I saw through the entire Covid hoax, the mass of the population didn't see what I saw and we do live by mob rule. One day, they may force their values on me in a way that I am not prepared for. We all learned something about the system and the system is broken. This means chaos in the future. In that, we will all lose. I fear that the system cannot be fixed and there will be no system to replace it.

Do you know what is special about celebrities? It is that they are celebrities. That's it.

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A pessimist after my own heart.

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Many's the time I regret taking that evacuation bus with the kids to Germany (for indoctrination is German school). At the time, I was ambivalent about it. I told the wifey that if she was so worried she could take the kids back to the West herself. I also explained that one is most in danger while in movement. But She-Who_must-Be-Obeyed was insistent, so off we went. The sight of a body on the side of the road (I'm assuming a collaborator or spy of some kind) was the only traumatic experience the kids had, which would have been avoided had we just stayed put. The shellings of March and most recently would have been frightening for the kids, I'll admit.

In the between time, we've swapped places several times for house and animal custodial duties, and the kids even spent a delightful August here at home. I'm now back here with no plans to swap again. I have no desire to return to Germany, other than to close up the apartment and deregister myself. Unfortunately SHMBO is convinced of better prospects for our children in the future in the land of "Woke," and because German law allows children who have reached the age of 16 to be alone, they might just stay there as the love of my life returns home to me.

One word about the war; the main thing that fills me with horror is the loss of human life. My anger also explodes towards those who are profiting from this. They care not about the people dying, only in extending this terrible conflict. It is a matter of considerable satisfaction for me when I see the SBU at work taking out the war profiteers. I think it would contribute considerably to a Ukrainian victory to "terminate" as much corruption as possible. I'd put them to work on the MIC, as well. Putin may have started it, but these human scum are making big bank from it.

There will be a day of reckoning.

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German schools are centers for indoctrination. My daughter is going to a German high school and she hates it. It's all PC and woke and you're going to die from Global warming. What do they learn in Geography? How the World Bank is impoverishing the poor. They watch some TV program and write an essay about it. It's awful! And the Germans think that it is the highest standard in the world. The first thing that happens to refugees is that the Germans send them to school to be good Germans. Yuck!

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So different here! Eddie came into my office this morning, interrupting me to ask for a geography lesson (!). We talked about the history of Brazil.

We started with dates. When did Cabral discover Brazil? What was he doing there? (Volta do Mar - U-turn in the Atlantic on the way to India). We went backwards to Columbus. When did he discover America?

Back from there. How did Columbus know the earth was round? How did Pythagoras and Eratosthenes? I asked Eddie how Pythagoras would have computed the radius of the earth. After a couple of false starts (he is, after all, only 11 and has not studied geometry) I showed him. I think he'll remember.

I asked him how the handful of Portuguese controlled a huge Brazil (12 captanias up and down the coast - never bothered inland), how they used Indian and African slaves, what riches they extracted (lumber, gold, later sugar). Who it was (Jesuits, army). What they did for wives (you got it) and so forth.

We have covered most of South America in five sessions. Important to me is that Eddie is enthusiastic about it and remembers it.

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Here, they give kids the day off to protest global warming. Ooops, Climate Change now. School girls here have messed up mestrual cycles because of the stress of school. My daughter showed me a class photo of the kids from her class. She likes exactly five girls. There was one boy that she truly despised, but he got booted out of school because of drugs and alcohol abuse. My daughter says she sees kids from her class buying drugs off campus. This is the new Germany. The girls are doing a class project, a poster in support of the women's revolution in Iran. Of course, there's also math, physics, chemistry, and biology, plus Russian, German, English and Spanish. How many subjects can one child absorb in a year?

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It is not efficient for the kid to study so many subjects at once. It is for the convenience of the school.

German kids all learn English quite well. They start early and study intensely. I never noticed that they did well with Spanish, Russian or French.

Messed up cycles may be due to the injectable biological products called Covid vaxxes.

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I agree with you. Too many subjects, too cluttered. Better to focus on three major areas of study. I think so many course are required by politicians and thus it must satisfy the appearance of professionalism. Young people in Berlin under the age of 30 all speak good English, and I rely on them when I am shopping. I hate the German language. It's an ugly sounding guttural monstrosity. At my daughter's high school, many students are from other countries. It's one of the few schools in Berlin that offers several languages. There are Russian students so Russian is offered. It is located in East Berlin, so the school is bi-lingual, English and German, all German students must study Spanish or French, and this school offers Russian, so my daughter takes classes in English, some in German, and she has courses in Spanish as well as Russian. She speaks Ukrainian with her brother and mother to keep it fresh.

As the messed up cycles, none of the girls are vaccinated, none of the ones that I have been consulting.

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I recall in 1999 visiting the East side of Berlin, English was rare in the shops and eating places. Many spoke Russian. Whole different story on the West side.

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I'm pleased that Denys Davidov is making that argument, strongly.


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I’m an avid Scott Adams fan. The last week or so this routine he’s been on this rant. It has been painful to watch.

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I followed him during the 2016 election and thought he was great.

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I detest the word " celebrity".

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