Once, a few years ago, I flew home from Ukraine, and I stayed in a motel by the airport because I was meeting friends the next day instead of going straight home. That evening, I turned on the TV to watch for the first time in years. After flipping through the channels for a couple of hours, I had to get a grip on reality. I had become insane in two hours. The world I knew wasn't the world anymore. It's a package collective madness appearing on a tube near you. Suddenly, it felt like I'd gone through the looking glass, and to be truthful I had. I turned the TV off and sat in the room for a short time and realized that it was all okay.
If everyone is walking toward the cliffs and you turn around and walk the other direction, they assume that you are insane.
Gold is a fiat currency too. It's all based on belief. An ounce of gold would have to worth millions in order to facilitate global commerce at this time. Utterly impractical. Can you imagine? You have to take gold coins to the supermarket to buy groceries. On the way there, you'd get robbed. I like paper money. I shudder when I see these young tech types buying food with their wrist watches and smart phones. A smart phone is simply a surveillance device, designed so that governments can track your every movement and everything that you buy. Even real estate has a fiat value. What if nobody wants to buy your small chunk of soil? It's then worth nothing unless you can grow something on it. It's all based on demand. If there's demand, then whatever it is has value. Without demand, it's worth nothing. I have a friend who bought five apartments in Kyiv as an investment. What are they worth today? Nada, zilch. Paper is just the medium of exchange. It's all based on belief. Everything. I give pieces of paper to somebody once a month in exchange for my living in a cozy warm flat while snow falls outside the window. That person exchanges those pieces of paper for bog rolls, other pieces of paper. Nothing has value unless we give it value.
Nah. Fiat is Latin for "Let there be." Gold just IS. No government makes it.
You are absolutely right that gold alone would be no good for small, even medium transactions. That's what I said - go back to 1971, but with something other than the US government backing the banknotes. Could be paper or electronic.
The QR code people are blind to the fact that electronic money is worthless when the Internet is down. Which it has been frequently here in Kyiv and in India, for two examples. Also throughout Africa.
The apartments in Kyiv still have value, just less than before.
I think that just about everyone that I know that got the 'vid V is injured:
Male, 30's - passed out so hard that he put a hole in the wall and broke several ribs
Female, 30's - on her 3rd month of a menstrual cycle
Male, 30's - can no longer urinate without medication
Male, 80's - aggressive bladder cancer
Female, 60's - aggressive ovarian cancer
Female, 60's - two episodes of unexplained passing out
Female, 70's - woke up with no memory
Female, 30's - major food allergies
Female, 30's - died while driving - just slumped over in her car and slowly rolled to a stop, on her way to pick up her children to take them to their new house (the most heartbreaking story)
Female, 30's - Bell's palsey
Male, 40's - ALS (he was one of the largest, strongest, healthiest individuals that I know and is now preparing his home and his family for a short life in a wheelchair)
Female, 20's - MS
Male, 30's - became depressed and suicidal after his first booster. Young father with 2 daughters, was one of the happiest, content guys that I knew
Female, 60's - Tinnitus
Female, 70's - Diverticulitis
Male, 80's - Parkinsons
Female, 70's - Depression
Male, 60's - Blood clots in lungs. This was finally diagnosed after they gave him a quadruple bypass surgery that they later admitted was unnecessary!
I'm sure there are others that I'm forgetting.
And add these to my friends that have family members with heart attacks, blindness, blood clots, hemorrhaging, death....And such a diverse array of symptoms, it makes it easy to hide the cause.
"People will more readily forgive you for being wrong than being right" - A sad observation.
"Maher presents a conundrum. He, like Jon Stewart, is such a centerpiece of the liberal establishment that they cannot eject him." - Mockery as Rules-Radicals uses is effective. But HBO has a small reach, but hits the liberals. I do hope some sanity might return. On Twitter the left-right nonsense continues, more balanced than before Musk.
When I was a boy, I got my shots. I think there were five vaccines. We all stood in line years later and got our polio sugar cube, like good sheep.
The thing is you have to wonder today how we survived as a race for the past two and a half million years. How is it possible without Big Pharma?
The world is the safest it's ever been unless you live in a war zone, yet people are more afraid. Why is that? When I was born, there were 2 billion people living on the planet. Now there are 8 billion so it's no wonder that it feels more crowded, but how did we increase population so rapidly if it's so unsafe?
It seems to me that by trying to eliminate disease, we are making society sicker. One of the most important elements in human health has been forgotten. In order to have a strong immune system, it needs some exercise. We cannot eliminate illnesses; we can only teach our bodies to deal with them.
In this mess of a fake pandemic, early on I spent some time studying the plagues of the past. I learned that there was a plague in Rome in about 180 AD. There was an outbreak during the Byzantine Empire called the plague of Justinian. We all know about the Black Death, but even during this worst of outbreaks, the worst pandemic in human history that we know about, about half the population of Europe survived. In Journal of the Plague Year, the last outbreak in Europe happened in London followed by the Great Fire of London. Approximately 25% of the population in London died from the plague. Why did some die and some live? Nobody has really tried to study this to determine why some did well and others did not.
In my youth, I turned to natural foods. I realized that the food, even then, was crap, so I began to eat better and I think my life after that was pretty robust. That's what you want. To be Robust. Later, I began to study Chinese Medicine. Why? Because western medicine made no sense to me. The thing is that western medicine is exactly the opposite of Chinese Medicine where we treat every person individually. It's not a collection of warm bodies to be injected, but people, each of which is different from every other. Respecting those differences and recognizing the individuality of every patient is the key to both acupuncture and herbal medicine. The problem in my eyes with Big Pharm and their business model is that they want one drug to treat the same disease. They want to do big studies with thousands of participants, when i reality you just have to do a diagnosis of one person to know how to property treat that person. No two people are alike. Thus, you cannot treat two people in exactly the same way. This is the reason that the drug industry is failing. To do proper diagnosis, you have to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each person in order to treat them correctly.
We are not cars that have come off the assembly line and are identical. But the truth is even those cars are not identical, even if they practice quality control and try to make them identical. We live in a time of great industrial medicine, and they treat us like factory farm animals destined for the same drugs and the same treatment.
During the fake pandemic, I worried that the cure would be worse than the disease, and now I know that the cure was far worse than the disease. The western medicine model of disease is wrong and many are going to suffer from excessive iatrogenic interventions by the very people who are there supposedly to protect us.
Nothing that they did was right, and you would have to assume that if they were making mistakes that they would get at least something right, but in every instance they got it wrong. That means that the treatment plan was intended to fail.
I think all governments knew that SARS-CoV-2 was a bioweapon. They knew that the CCP released the virus intentionally around May 2019 when Wuhan government agencies including the PLA started doubling their orders of PPE equipment like masks and other hospital gear. I have since heard from people in the UK that in the summer of 2019 a number of people got sick with exactly the symptoms of Covid-19. Because governments knew that SARS-CoV-2 was a bioweapon they felt that they had to react and do something big. They feared that it would be far worse than it was. But they couldn't tell the public that the virus was improved by gain-of-function research, could they?
The fantasy is that technology is always going to improve life. In the case of mRNA products, it is the opposite. In my research, I believe that we are headed towards a cliff. The spike proteins in the serum injections damages every cell that it invades. Some of that damage will be dramatic and instantaneous, while some damage will take time to manifest itself. There will even be some who will not die from the vaccines because their immune systems are robust, aka anti-fragile. The world is going to be a much more lonely place in five years than it is today. That's my prediction. I am preparing as I always prepare by taking care of myself physically, emotionally, and psychically.
I'm rereading "Male-Female: The evolution of human sex differences". A major point of sexual reproduction is to create genetic diversity, so no single disease can wipe us out. Finding and competing for a mate is costly. Asexual reproduction would be more efficient. But sexual reproduction dominates for a good reason.
That's why I thought it absolutely bonkers that the US military bosses decided it was OK to mandate the vaccine. I thought they might have learned from the Anthrax shots that injured so many and the use of EUA vaccines was prohibited, yet the Covid EUA was ignored. Talk a about a systemic vulnerability in people who we may need!
In a world of unknown unknowns, the brass was quite stupid. I always thought that the Peter Principle might be different for the military - guess not.
Too Right! They have put the US military at risk, but there are some who say that it was done intentionally because of the WEF and the New World Order. As long as the US military exists, it could block the agenda of the super elite because it is such a formidable fighting force, but decimated by vaccines it is vulnerable.
Yes, in terms of genetics, the more diversity the better. When I did a DNA test on my daughter and myself, I did some research. It seems that 25% of all those children tested in the US were being raised by men who were not their fathers. That's a lot of cheating, but it may be driven by the need for diversity in a genetic way. My German family law attorney tells me that all European governments are extremely conservative and try to compel the formation of families, but more than 50% of the children born today come into unmarried households. I assume that means both women raising kids on their own and couple co-habitating without a government piece of paper to legalize their union. The term shacking up was once used a lot, but not anymore. Everyone has a "partner," a word that I despise. I wanted to use the word "hate" but that word is now verboten. I used to have a partner, but he was my business partner. We did not share bodily fluids.
Women have a partner for the time being, called the gummint. There will be a reckoning when the facts come out that said partner has maxxed out the credit card and is flat broke.
Lots of people say something like this, but what are the options? The US currency may be dogshit, but it doesn't smell as bad as rubles or renminbi. I wouldn't use Euros if I had any choice. Talk about dogshit! I guess the Swiss Franc is good to hold, but there's not much of it. For those who love gold, there is not nearly enough of it to sustain global commerce. Without those dollars sloshing around in the financial system, global trade would grind to a halt. On the other hand, I wish the Gummint would be a bit more responsible.
Watching the markets a lot tells me we have a sovereign debt crisis that is certain to explode. The current US debt must get amortized by fundamentally devaluation via inflation. Historical revenues-outlays differed by about 2% so a steady inflation covered the difference. The 1950 dollar bought a lot more stuff than a later dollar. All was OK until Obama where the 2008 property bubble crashed as the boomers retired en-mass. The deficit exploded. Then Trump got rolled into tax breaks for the big guys, something he said he didn't want - more deficit. Then the Chinese virus came around and the government did all the wrong things - still doing that. But as the largest economy in general, the inflation gets exported via the dollar.
The UK and many EU nations are also in a deficit pickle. So is China BTW with a demographic major problem. And all the bright guys can blame it all on a virus where they all did the same stupid stuff the US did. Now wars are a great way to cover over bad stuff forcing us all into a lower standard of living - "for the cause". I do worry for my kids, I'm too old to be much of use. Hard times could be on the way. Might be a good distraction from woke and SJW. Hungry folk all of a sudden aren't too picky about things. Graham's garden springs to life!
The Swiss Franc is just another fiat currency. Only benefit is that the Swiss are a bit more responsible than other countries.
Gold could serve if the price were allowed to rise. Problem is that it is awkward to store and carry and no good for small transactions. Even now.
We need to go back to 1971. Gold-backed notes. But not issued by governments. Probably electronically traded. Somebody will figure it out. Also, don't count out Bitcoin.
Contradicts this bit from "Male-Female." I expect that (1) times have changed and (2) actual figure is in the middle.
The most remarkable aspect of these studies is the relatively low rates of nonpaternity (cuckoldry) found in many populations. In developed, Western nations a variety of methods, including DNA fingerprinting, have revealed nonpaternity rates of 1% to 3 % (K. G. Anderson, 2006; M. Wolf, Musch, Enczmann, & Fischer, 2012). The nonpaternity rates have declined since the advent of modern birth control (Voracek, Haubner, & Fisher, 2008), but this is not the whole story. Matches between DNA on the Y-chromosome (inherited from father) and long-term patrilineal genealogies reveal similarly low nonpaternity rates extending back 300 to 500 years in various Western populations (Greeff & Erasmus, 2015; Larmuseau et al., 2013; Solé-Morata, Bertranpetit, Comas, & Calafell, 2015). Strassmann et al. (2012) estimated non-paternity rates of between 1% and 5% for the natural fertility (i.e., no birth control) Dogon in the Republic of Mali, in west Africa.
Regarding nonpaternity rates, you are correct. Every bit of research shows that it is very low, at least in the West, and has been for centuries and probably longer. Razib Khan and Peter Frost have both written about this in their blogs, and Khan also wrote about it in his Discover magazine column.
A woman needs a man to protect and provide for her and her children in the vulnerable time of pregnancy and early child-rearing and he won't do that if he is not very sure that the children he is providing for are his.
That's the thesis of this book. So far the author has not gotten into the fact that about half of all babies born in Europe these days are out of wedlock. The calculus has shifted. To where, I don't know. That's why I'm reading it.
I'm not sure you're right about non-paternity. From what I've read, about 25% of all children who've been DNA tested are being raised by men who are not the biological fathers. This is also what my family law attorney in Berlin said. All these governments are run by old men who want a conservative family structure, but the populace wants something else.
Once, a few years ago, I flew home from Ukraine, and I stayed in a motel by the airport because I was meeting friends the next day instead of going straight home. That evening, I turned on the TV to watch for the first time in years. After flipping through the channels for a couple of hours, I had to get a grip on reality. I had become insane in two hours. The world I knew wasn't the world anymore. It's a package collective madness appearing on a tube near you. Suddenly, it felt like I'd gone through the looking glass, and to be truthful I had. I turned the TV off and sat in the room for a short time and realized that it was all okay.
If everyone is walking toward the cliffs and you turn around and walk the other direction, they assume that you are insane.
Gold is a fiat currency too. It's all based on belief. An ounce of gold would have to worth millions in order to facilitate global commerce at this time. Utterly impractical. Can you imagine? You have to take gold coins to the supermarket to buy groceries. On the way there, you'd get robbed. I like paper money. I shudder when I see these young tech types buying food with their wrist watches and smart phones. A smart phone is simply a surveillance device, designed so that governments can track your every movement and everything that you buy. Even real estate has a fiat value. What if nobody wants to buy your small chunk of soil? It's then worth nothing unless you can grow something on it. It's all based on demand. If there's demand, then whatever it is has value. Without demand, it's worth nothing. I have a friend who bought five apartments in Kyiv as an investment. What are they worth today? Nada, zilch. Paper is just the medium of exchange. It's all based on belief. Everything. I give pieces of paper to somebody once a month in exchange for my living in a cozy warm flat while snow falls outside the window. That person exchanges those pieces of paper for bog rolls, other pieces of paper. Nothing has value unless we give it value.
Nah. Fiat is Latin for "Let there be." Gold just IS. No government makes it.
You are absolutely right that gold alone would be no good for small, even medium transactions. That's what I said - go back to 1971, but with something other than the US government backing the banknotes. Could be paper or electronic.
The QR code people are blind to the fact that electronic money is worthless when the Internet is down. Which it has been frequently here in Kyiv and in India, for two examples. Also throughout Africa.
The apartments in Kyiv still have value, just less than before.
I think that just about everyone that I know that got the 'vid V is injured:
Male, 30's - passed out so hard that he put a hole in the wall and broke several ribs
Female, 30's - on her 3rd month of a menstrual cycle
Male, 30's - can no longer urinate without medication
Male, 80's - aggressive bladder cancer
Female, 60's - aggressive ovarian cancer
Female, 60's - two episodes of unexplained passing out
Female, 70's - woke up with no memory
Female, 30's - major food allergies
Female, 30's - died while driving - just slumped over in her car and slowly rolled to a stop, on her way to pick up her children to take them to their new house (the most heartbreaking story)
Female, 30's - Bell's palsey
Male, 40's - ALS (he was one of the largest, strongest, healthiest individuals that I know and is now preparing his home and his family for a short life in a wheelchair)
Female, 20's - MS
Male, 30's - became depressed and suicidal after his first booster. Young father with 2 daughters, was one of the happiest, content guys that I knew
Female, 60's - Tinnitus
Female, 70's - Diverticulitis
Male, 80's - Parkinsons
Female, 70's - Depression
Male, 60's - Blood clots in lungs. This was finally diagnosed after they gave him a quadruple bypass surgery that they later admitted was unnecessary!
I'm sure there are others that I'm forgetting.
And add these to my friends that have family members with heart attacks, blindness, blood clots, hemorrhaging, death....And such a diverse array of symptoms, it makes it easy to hide the cause.
An amazing set of coincidences. Like Wayne Allen Root.
"People will more readily forgive you for being wrong than being right" - A sad observation.
"Maher presents a conundrum. He, like Jon Stewart, is such a centerpiece of the liberal establishment that they cannot eject him." - Mockery as Rules-Radicals uses is effective. But HBO has a small reach, but hits the liberals. I do hope some sanity might return. On Twitter the left-right nonsense continues, more balanced than before Musk.
When I was a boy, I got my shots. I think there were five vaccines. We all stood in line years later and got our polio sugar cube, like good sheep.
The thing is you have to wonder today how we survived as a race for the past two and a half million years. How is it possible without Big Pharma?
The world is the safest it's ever been unless you live in a war zone, yet people are more afraid. Why is that? When I was born, there were 2 billion people living on the planet. Now there are 8 billion so it's no wonder that it feels more crowded, but how did we increase population so rapidly if it's so unsafe?
It seems to me that by trying to eliminate disease, we are making society sicker. One of the most important elements in human health has been forgotten. In order to have a strong immune system, it needs some exercise. We cannot eliminate illnesses; we can only teach our bodies to deal with them.
In this mess of a fake pandemic, early on I spent some time studying the plagues of the past. I learned that there was a plague in Rome in about 180 AD. There was an outbreak during the Byzantine Empire called the plague of Justinian. We all know about the Black Death, but even during this worst of outbreaks, the worst pandemic in human history that we know about, about half the population of Europe survived. In Journal of the Plague Year, the last outbreak in Europe happened in London followed by the Great Fire of London. Approximately 25% of the population in London died from the plague. Why did some die and some live? Nobody has really tried to study this to determine why some did well and others did not.
In my youth, I turned to natural foods. I realized that the food, even then, was crap, so I began to eat better and I think my life after that was pretty robust. That's what you want. To be Robust. Later, I began to study Chinese Medicine. Why? Because western medicine made no sense to me. The thing is that western medicine is exactly the opposite of Chinese Medicine where we treat every person individually. It's not a collection of warm bodies to be injected, but people, each of which is different from every other. Respecting those differences and recognizing the individuality of every patient is the key to both acupuncture and herbal medicine. The problem in my eyes with Big Pharm and their business model is that they want one drug to treat the same disease. They want to do big studies with thousands of participants, when i reality you just have to do a diagnosis of one person to know how to property treat that person. No two people are alike. Thus, you cannot treat two people in exactly the same way. This is the reason that the drug industry is failing. To do proper diagnosis, you have to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each person in order to treat them correctly.
We are not cars that have come off the assembly line and are identical. But the truth is even those cars are not identical, even if they practice quality control and try to make them identical. We live in a time of great industrial medicine, and they treat us like factory farm animals destined for the same drugs and the same treatment.
During the fake pandemic, I worried that the cure would be worse than the disease, and now I know that the cure was far worse than the disease. The western medicine model of disease is wrong and many are going to suffer from excessive iatrogenic interventions by the very people who are there supposedly to protect us.
Nothing that they did was right, and you would have to assume that if they were making mistakes that they would get at least something right, but in every instance they got it wrong. That means that the treatment plan was intended to fail.
I think all governments knew that SARS-CoV-2 was a bioweapon. They knew that the CCP released the virus intentionally around May 2019 when Wuhan government agencies including the PLA started doubling their orders of PPE equipment like masks and other hospital gear. I have since heard from people in the UK that in the summer of 2019 a number of people got sick with exactly the symptoms of Covid-19. Because governments knew that SARS-CoV-2 was a bioweapon they felt that they had to react and do something big. They feared that it would be far worse than it was. But they couldn't tell the public that the virus was improved by gain-of-function research, could they?
The fantasy is that technology is always going to improve life. In the case of mRNA products, it is the opposite. In my research, I believe that we are headed towards a cliff. The spike proteins in the serum injections damages every cell that it invades. Some of that damage will be dramatic and instantaneous, while some damage will take time to manifest itself. There will even be some who will not die from the vaccines because their immune systems are robust, aka anti-fragile. The world is going to be a much more lonely place in five years than it is today. That's my prediction. I am preparing as I always prepare by taking care of myself physically, emotionally, and psychically.
We're in for a wild ride.
We are in for a wild ride.
I'm rereading "Male-Female: The evolution of human sex differences". A major point of sexual reproduction is to create genetic diversity, so no single disease can wipe us out. Finding and competing for a mate is costly. Asexual reproduction would be more efficient. But sexual reproduction dominates for a good reason.
That's why I thought it absolutely bonkers that the US military bosses decided it was OK to mandate the vaccine. I thought they might have learned from the Anthrax shots that injured so many and the use of EUA vaccines was prohibited, yet the Covid EUA was ignored. Talk a about a systemic vulnerability in people who we may need!
In a world of unknown unknowns, the brass was quite stupid. I always thought that the Peter Principle might be different for the military - guess not.
Too Right! They have put the US military at risk, but there are some who say that it was done intentionally because of the WEF and the New World Order. As long as the US military exists, it could block the agenda of the super elite because it is such a formidable fighting force, but decimated by vaccines it is vulnerable.
Yes, in terms of genetics, the more diversity the better. When I did a DNA test on my daughter and myself, I did some research. It seems that 25% of all those children tested in the US were being raised by men who were not their fathers. That's a lot of cheating, but it may be driven by the need for diversity in a genetic way. My German family law attorney tells me that all European governments are extremely conservative and try to compel the formation of families, but more than 50% of the children born today come into unmarried households. I assume that means both women raising kids on their own and couple co-habitating without a government piece of paper to legalize their union. The term shacking up was once used a lot, but not anymore. Everyone has a "partner," a word that I despise. I wanted to use the word "hate" but that word is now verboten. I used to have a partner, but he was my business partner. We did not share bodily fluids.
Women have a partner for the time being, called the gummint. There will be a reckoning when the facts come out that said partner has maxxed out the credit card and is flat broke.
Lots of people say something like this, but what are the options? The US currency may be dogshit, but it doesn't smell as bad as rubles or renminbi. I wouldn't use Euros if I had any choice. Talk about dogshit! I guess the Swiss Franc is good to hold, but there's not much of it. For those who love gold, there is not nearly enough of it to sustain global commerce. Without those dollars sloshing around in the financial system, global trade would grind to a halt. On the other hand, I wish the Gummint would be a bit more responsible.
Watching the markets a lot tells me we have a sovereign debt crisis that is certain to explode. The current US debt must get amortized by fundamentally devaluation via inflation. Historical revenues-outlays differed by about 2% so a steady inflation covered the difference. The 1950 dollar bought a lot more stuff than a later dollar. All was OK until Obama where the 2008 property bubble crashed as the boomers retired en-mass. The deficit exploded. Then Trump got rolled into tax breaks for the big guys, something he said he didn't want - more deficit. Then the Chinese virus came around and the government did all the wrong things - still doing that. But as the largest economy in general, the inflation gets exported via the dollar.
The UK and many EU nations are also in a deficit pickle. So is China BTW with a demographic major problem. And all the bright guys can blame it all on a virus where they all did the same stupid stuff the US did. Now wars are a great way to cover over bad stuff forcing us all into a lower standard of living - "for the cause". I do worry for my kids, I'm too old to be much of use. Hard times could be on the way. Might be a good distraction from woke and SJW. Hungry folk all of a sudden aren't too picky about things. Graham's garden springs to life!
So if the vaccine hasn't killed too many ....
The Swiss Franc is just another fiat currency. Only benefit is that the Swiss are a bit more responsible than other countries.
Gold could serve if the price were allowed to rise. Problem is that it is awkward to store and carry and no good for small transactions. Even now.
We need to go back to 1971. Gold-backed notes. But not issued by governments. Probably electronically traded. Somebody will figure it out. Also, don't count out Bitcoin.
Contradicts this bit from "Male-Female." I expect that (1) times have changed and (2) actual figure is in the middle.
The most remarkable aspect of these studies is the relatively low rates of nonpaternity (cuckoldry) found in many populations. In developed, Western nations a variety of methods, including DNA fingerprinting, have revealed nonpaternity rates of 1% to 3 % (K. G. Anderson, 2006; M. Wolf, Musch, Enczmann, & Fischer, 2012). The nonpaternity rates have declined since the advent of modern birth control (Voracek, Haubner, & Fisher, 2008), but this is not the whole story. Matches between DNA on the Y-chromosome (inherited from father) and long-term patrilineal genealogies reveal similarly low nonpaternity rates extending back 300 to 500 years in various Western populations (Greeff & Erasmus, 2015; Larmuseau et al., 2013; Solé-Morata, Bertranpetit, Comas, & Calafell, 2015). Strassmann et al. (2012) estimated non-paternity rates of between 1% and 5% for the natural fertility (i.e., no birth control) Dogon in the Republic of Mali, in west Africa.
Hello, Graham,
Regarding nonpaternity rates, you are correct. Every bit of research shows that it is very low, at least in the West, and has been for centuries and probably longer. Razib Khan and Peter Frost have both written about this in their blogs, and Khan also wrote about it in his Discover magazine column.
A woman needs a man to protect and provide for her and her children in the vulnerable time of pregnancy and early child-rearing and he won't do that if he is not very sure that the children he is providing for are his.
That's the thesis of this book. So far the author has not gotten into the fact that about half of all babies born in Europe these days are out of wedlock. The calculus has shifted. To where, I don't know. That's why I'm reading it.
I'm not sure you're right about non-paternity. From what I've read, about 25% of all children who've been DNA tested are being raised by men who are not the biological fathers. This is also what my family law attorney in Berlin said. All these governments are run by old men who want a conservative family structure, but the populace wants something else.