Hi Graham,

I am a big fan from Australia and found out your blog by reading your reviews on Amazon from the controversial books that you have reviewed. Suffice to say, some of your reviews are obviously excellent but even summarise the points of the book so that one doesn't even need to read the book to have a decent understanding of the points of the book - most of the other reviewers I think agree with me. Keep up the good work!



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That's my objective! Thanks for saying so.

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Why did Amazon take you down?

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In general they do not. They have taken down books by Kevin MacDonald, Roger Devlin, Roosh Valizadeh, Alexander Solzhenitsyn (translated by Columbus Falco) and others to satisfy certain powerful interest groups. When the book goes down, my review goes with it.

I had trouble reviewing some books because they continually got tangled in Amazon's AI checkers. Can't think of one right now, but it is fairly often.

On the other hand, I am pleased at how often my review is the first one they present. Try a few links and see.

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