On the Covid front, people keep dying of the injections. Here's an account by a pilot who might have, but did not, about his career-ending injury, a blackout that could have crashed his airplane, and the unfairness of being forced to take the jab to keep his job, then having his company desert him when he had an adverse reaction.
The Daily Exposé discredits itself daily by supporting Russia. Nevertheless their Covid coverage seems good. They post several articles a day on the numbers of people dying from the jabs. It gets tedious. I'm committed to not getting the shots and just don't want to read any more. I check in periodically to see what's changed. One article today is to the effect that Australia, despite its "zero Covid" policy and draconian lockdowns, has Covid in spades and that four out of five deaths are among the fully vaccinated.
My friend Stephanie Seneff is tireless. She has a peer-reviewed article coming out in Science Direct, co-authored by Peter McCullough, entitled "Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs." Basically, a scientific explanation of how the injections destroy your immune system. The news to me is that this is an Elsevier publication – the same outfit that unpublished a paper by McCullough and Jessica Rose last summer. No excuse, and despite being peer reviewed, accepted and published. Elsevier now seems to be allowing actual science to outweigh the powers that be.
None of this is news. Minds are made up. My folks on Substack keep shouting about it, but it is a yawn. Those of you who were going to be jabbed, are jabbed. We who are not will not. The mounting accounts of excess deaths, in proportion to the doses administered, continue to be reported. But who cares? The die is cast. Pun here? The dying is forecast?
The battle at hand seems to be against the New World Order. They are trying to subordinate national health organizations to the World Health Organization, which in turn is subordinate to Bill Gates and the other megafunders. This time around they only jabbed about 65% of the world population. Next time they will go for 100%, and make sure that the vaccines include digital IDs, so they can simply scan people to know vaccination status, bank balances, and political persuasions. And, of course, you will own nothing and be happy.
On the war front, the promised Russian offensive has turned out to be kind of a bust. The level of fighting seems to have remained fairly constant despite the Russian proclamation of big things coming. As Bob Homans reports, western armaments continue to flow into the country. Time would appear to be on Ukraine's side – I hope it stays quiet for a while to come.
The last remnants of the Azov Battalion are incredibly still hanging on in Mariupol. These guys are tough. They have been richly vilified, prompting me to do some reading. Simply being who they are is enough to create enemies on all sides.
· The left doesn't like them because they disparage the liberal agenda of gender fluidity and the like. They support family.
· The left sees them through a prism of Western political correctness and calls them racists. Excuse me? Ukraine doesn't have much in the way of racists, because everybody looks the same. Call them white supremacists all you want. There is nobody else here.
· The Russians vilify them because they hate Russians. They are descended of Western Ukrainians and Cossacks who fought Russians all their lives.
"Fascist" and "Nazi" are derogatory terms that have been used to denigrate enemies ever since Hitler's time. As good a definition of Fascist as any is somebody who supports the merger of corporate and government interests. By that measure the contemporary United States is far more Fascist than these guys.
Nazi was short for National Socialist, Hitler's party. These guys are not socialist by any stretch either. They are Ukrainian nationalists from all over the political spectrum.
There were nationalist groups within Ukraine fighting against the Soviet Union for much of its history. They made alliances of convenience with anybody who was fighting the Soviets, including the Germans.
Wikipedia credits the Azov Battalion with 1000 members. This Washington Post article puts it at 10,000. Media accounts would have you believe that they are everywhere in Ukraine, committing atrocities against their fellow Ukrainians. To me it is all fairytales.
What seems to be true is that they are very dogged soldiers. They have given the Russians an extremely hard time. They are fighting to the last man at this very moment in Mariupol.
One of you readers recommended the book Ukrainian Nationalism in the Age of Extremes as a good source on the topic. He cites author Alexander Motyl as well. I recommend the Amazon review by Peter Piaseckyj as a reasonable assessment of the subject. I invite readers to post comments with links to useful references.
That's all for today. The Polish plumbers are all in England, and the Ukrainian plumbers are all in Poland. I have my work cut out for me.
That's the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the strong men feel a mixture of relief, sadness and ennui. The good looking women miss their child care, and the children miss their friends.
Just now another Expose article with links to more than 100 others. I could not keep up if I wanted.
"The Polish plumbers are all in England, and the Ukrainian plumbers are all in Poland."
Fortunately for us, most of the tradesmen who've worked on our plumbing and heating systems are still around. Although many did indeed evacuate, many are coming back, or never left in the first place. My wife was able to have the wood-burning central heating system serviced, and a repair done to the electric backup system.
Yes, a very large portion of the refugees are women and children, but the flow back to Ukraine is nearly as large as the outward stream.
As you say, may things stay quiet. Hope to see you fairly soon!