Margaret Anna Alice on Substack asked a good question today. Are you a Good German or a Badass German? Do you follow rules? Color between the lines? It's kind of a Rorschach test for today's generation. Specifically, she asks do you:
Trust your government?
Believe their propaganda?
Fear what they told you to fear?
Dismiss what they told you to dismiss?
Hate whom they told you to hate?
Inhabit their manufactured illusion?
Delegate your thinking to fact-chokers? (spelling is hers - I like it)
Suppress your conscience?
Listen to your leaders and “experts”?
Follow their rules?
Go with the herd?
Fail to question?
Pass their obedience test?
Accept BigPharma into your heart?
Become an experimental subject?
Relinquish your independence?
Give up your rights and freedoms?
Behave in a cowardly manner?
Remain silent in the face of corruption, injustice, bullying, discrimination, and democide?
Censor, cancel, block, and blame those who didn’t do any of the above?
And it turns out that on 20 out of 20 questions I am a Badass German. Which may account for why I wound up in Kyiv in the first place and have a lot to do with why I'm still in Kyiv.
Several of you have sent me links to enlighten me on the topic of Covid. One such attempt was connecting me to Rebel Wisdon, a hard-hitting, edgy™ offshoot of the BBC. Those are also the people who bring you the Trusted News Initiative, telling you not to trust anybody except them and sources they recommend.
One of you recommended a Substack blog by Your Local Epidemiologist, a doctor and young mother named Katelyn Jetelina. It is a very well-written blog with professional quality graphics in every post. I'm no slouch at graphics and I have to appreciate the effort that goes into hers. I say that tongue-in-cheek – I am sure that somebody else gets paid well to produce the stuff she presents.
Her post today is on the way the virus mutates and why various mutations to Omicron might not be a bad thing. So far as I can tell – she is the epidemiologist – the post is pretty much on target with regard to how mutation works.
Looking back over the past several posts, I find that she is exclusively concerned with the virus itself. She certainly doesn't address my interests, which include the adverse side effects of the vaccines, alternative preventative measures and treatments and the like. I had to go back several issues to find this for a professionally produced sheet on pediatric vaccines. She is all for jabbing the hell out of kids.
I'm not an expert, but I know enough to ask questions and expect links to sources that will support her points. There aren't any. At any rate, here is what she posts, with my impertinent questions in the margins.
As I say, I'm a Badass German. I don't think that this lady is the disinterested, unaffiliated young mother that she holds herself out to be.
Following up on the China angle, they seem to be tying themselves in knots trying to control a virus that just wants to do its own thing. On a related topic, I tried once again to find out if there is any systematic reporting on adverse effects due to the Chinese and Russian vaccines. I can't find a thing. However, if they were markedly better than the Pfizer and Madera products I am sure somebody would have brought it to our attention. Russia quite openly expresses its total lack of interest in answering questions such as that.
Speaking of getting lied to, The Daily Expose, the Covid coverage of which I find useful, today linked excitedly to this two and a half week old, breathlessly worded piece from The Unz Review to the effect that the war in Ukraine is over - Russia has won and all that remains is mopping up. These guys would not know embarrassment if it bit them on the popka. Worth reading the other side every now and again just for a sanity check. It isn’t over, but the Russians haven’t won.
Vadim the bee guy is back in residence and Eddie is learning the tricks of the apiary trade. It's a kind of an odd situation. Vadim's son Nikita, Eddie's age, is in Poland with his mother Olga. Anyhow, Vadim is a nice guy and a very practical sort. I am glad that he has chosen Eddie to work with him.
That's the news from Lake WeBeGone, where the strong man is just about done spading the garden, the women are all set to transplant the tomatoes, and like the flowers of springtime, children are reappearing on the playgrounds. All is well.
I am also a Badass which is probably why I have no friends and half my family hates me lol
I so enjoy MAA. The badass article was quite extraordinary. As far as children and vaccines go, I cannot accept the risk/reward given the uncertainty about the mRNA technology long term. I'm not convinced enough data is at hand to assess safety. Pfizer's own materials suggest we are in unknown territory.
Regarding Russian winning. I have had an obvious piece of propaganda in response to something I had commented on. Starts off as "Bit correct sir , the Donbas is now cleared , it’s full of Russ Slavs as the nationalists refer to . Hence the Russians went steady , all sorted bar the dregs and they have been abandoned by west now , so no rush . " and goes on. Then "The last of these azov nazi guys are now in the steel factory and the Russians are not in a hurry as they don’t want to destroy the steel factory ." Of course, I have no idea if the steel factory has been preserved but you may. From other reporting Mariupol remains contested which is flat remarkable. If granny is using that AK-47 she picked up and is going to starve anyway, I do expect she will try to take many with her. Cornered animals generally fight pretty hard. In the end the bullets do run out and death arrives. Inhumanity itself.