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"I'm disappointed that these two truth-seekers can't work it out." - Some real ego stuff between them. And the defenders/believers of each come out of their corners to join the battle. As if taking on the CoV authorities wasn't enough.

Telephone service and power is now a complex. In the wired world nearly all service was fully battery backed including all switching nodes. That ensured operation under emergency conditions. I think most places copied Bell System standards. In the US the various pieces were also protected from a nuclear EMP or solar flare.

I don't think the cell network was ever designed to be as robust as the wired network. But many cell towers ought to have some battery backup likely using Li batteries while wired was all Lead-acid. But many cell towers are also solar powered. Cells in the US often are backed up by other cell sites with a capacity loss. Cells must connect to central nodes either by radio, fiber or wire. I suspect the central nodes have considerable battery backup and may even have protection to Bell Standards.

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