Breathless headline in Daily Expose: “Deaths among European Children aged 0-14 have increased by 552% since the EMA approved the COVID Vaccine for Kids”. What does it mean?
Here’s the same thing for 2020-22 from the official source.
Child deaths are normally fairly consistent year-to-year. Kids put their fingers into electrical sockets, dive into shallow water, ride in cars with careless parents, get diseases, etc. Here’s the graph from the same source of total deaths by week. My eyeball estimate is that 370 kids die every week, a total of maybe 19,200 per year.
If 19,200 kids die every year, and this year 929 more than expected have died by week 44 (early November) it’s news – almost 5% - but 5% is not 552%. It begs the question as to why the total deaths seems to be heading down. Declining numbers of kids?
Anyhow, we are not seeing child bodies stacked in the streets. More significant to me are the increases in certain medical conditions: heart problems, autoimmune diseases and the like. For kids these do appear to be in the range of 500% higher.
We need to work to understand statistics, and to keep the statisticians honest. It is also alarming that the CDC has never kept accurate number of vaccine injuries, relying only on the very flawed VAERS database when all along they had a more comprehensive one.
One of you readers wrote back to inform me that Robert Malone is full of crap. To prove it he included links to five sources. The URLs start with,,,, and the Washington Post. Five sources which Malone would certainly include among the liars. Who you gonna believe?
I hereby re-extend my offer to that reader to show him how to post comments to this blog. At the bottom of the post you see something like this. I’m sure even a Harvard or MIT grad could figure out how to use it
That’s it from Lake WeBeGone for the day. The good-looking woman is bicycling through the snow to teach music at Zoriana’s kindergarten. Marianna is home because the other kindergarten has no power, and Eddie is helping Grandma keep her amused.
We will see how that goes. I'm renewing my passport now rather than wait to see what kinds of QR codes and biodata they mandate.
I think that the "hot blonde" mentioned some snow this morning. She's having to rely on the Gennie more and more, since, as you know, the power availability has become quite sporadic.
Dr. Malone and others (FLCCC) have assuredly saved more lives with their advice than has any "recommended" treatment from the deep state "medical" organizations.
As Don Francisco wrote almost half a century ago, people are "running helter skelter to destruction with their fingers in their ears."