Apropos your comments on the need to communicate, I share this same failing / blessing?

I love to write, and enjoy spirited discussions. While, from time to time, this causes a problem, more often than not, this drive has led to good friends and excellent opportunities.

I'm glad you mentioned this. It resonated with me.

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Re: twitter. I believe you just need to double click on his picture when after click on the envelope in the corner that indicates your Direct Messages. Unless it’s been scrubbed. 14 years ago I didn’t have a twitter account yet, so that’s all I have to offer. Since nobody else commented, I thought I’d share my NPC comments for you in the chance you’d not attempted that

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Normally, the couple who split up are strangers more than others, but it is very humane for you to care about them.

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Adapting well I see which is why humans are still here. The world will not expire anytime soon unless the labs create another worse virus. We do take nuclear weapons seriously, at least by those who understand them. Pity we don't take the same care with viral research.

Brave of you to reach out to your ex. Pity no dialog. Carrying resentments is not healthy, sorry for her.

FTX etc are simply tulips for speculators. Bitcoin and perhaps ETH may have a future each based on some system. Like fiat currency they represent some agreement about value and have utility among users. My pesos or pounds have little utility in the US, but useful elsewhere. At least national fiat relative value is somewhat stable. Bitcoin require a lot of energy to mine, but once used that energy can not be recovered. Whether the effort becomes a stupendous waste long term remains to be seen. Buyers need to maintain a personal wallet not store them on an exchange.

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The personal wallet is a must. You need security and opacity.

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I enjoy your thoughts. As always they are interesting.

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You’re an interesting guy. Quite difficult to put in a certain box. Although I have a Ukrainian wife and know somewhat where you’re coming from:)

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