The Russians gave it their best shot. 76 of their supposedly scarce rockets to KO our infrastructure again. This time we only knocked down 60 of them. Nine installations were damaged. No word yet how many people were hurt.
Their lack of restraint, terrorizing civilians, using banned weapons such as thermobarics and cluster bombs, is revealing Russia’s barbaric nature. We had known it all along, but there was wishful thinking in the west. Resolve is hardening quickly. I am glad every day to read reassurances that we will continue to receive the arms we need.
Our family had gotten up early to prepare for tomorrow’s party. Pies were just out of the oven, eggplant baked for the hors d’oeuvres when we heard a series of loud explosions. Oddly, the power remained on for another half-hour. Then, from 9:30 to 8:30, no power.
It poses some interesting challenges. Washing dishes in the dark with no running water, hot or cold. We rose to it. The kids are running around like it is a summer camp. They like it. Not knowing how long the power would be gone, we ate by candlelight to preserve the rechargeable batteries. We have now tested the limits of our recently-bought UPS twice. Seven hours.
When I asked about another one, they told me forget it. February. Next week I’ll call back to tell them February is fine. Seems like cheap insurance.
Several of tomorrow’s guests have let us know they are undeterred. Party will go on as scheduled. Our house is actually a good place to be at a time like this. A long way from anything worth bombing. Good insulation, no elevators, extra water, gas stove. And tonight an eerily bright evening, with a full moon lighting a cloudy sky and lots of reflection from the snow. I didn’t need a flashlight to bring Zoriana home from kindergarten.
That’s the brief news from Lake WeBeGone, where there is a holiday spirit despite all.
Col. MacGregor is "the other side of the story," as I gather are you.
The Iranian drones do appear to be cheap. The accounting provided by the Ukrainians indicated that they were mostly Kalibr and other airplane-launched missiles. Who you going to believe? Those that got through did some damage, though our power is back.
Have a wonderful party. Merry Christmas to you and your family.