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It's been 68 degrees Fahrenheit since October 18th, but I've been used to the heat for 10,000 years, so I turned on the heater. A pack of 10 eggs costs 50-60 hryvnia, and 1 liter of milk is about the same. Vegetables move up and down two to three times. I didn't know the meaning of "exes", but I found out that it's the plural of "ex", so I'm studying English.

The vaccination rate of mRNAdrug in Japan is 80%~, which is the top class in the world. I have been aware of this danger from the beginning and have been able to unvaxxed & uninfected until now.

Unlike the blue states, Canada, Australia, and NZ, vaccination is voluntary in Japan, but the government's Propaganda regarding this mRNAdrug is comparable to Russia.

Putin seems to be insane, so be careful not to get hurt or die.

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