Jul 20, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022Liked by Graham Seibert

Thousands make face masks, anyone with a Cricut (like myself) or Silhouette machine has been making them for over 2 years. Easiest to find a maker/seller by going to some "Cricut" help site groups on Facebook - and there are hundreds of them.

Before you even mentioned Uncle Remus I thought of that book. When I was in the 3rd grade it was my favorite book and I was allowed to go to younger classes and read it to those kids (a much-loved event used by my teacher to let me skip reading class because I was beyond the class level). It was also probably my first love of the black man, I adored Uncle Remus and wanted him for my own uncle. I learned nothing bad and everything good from those books.

Have you heard today's black dialect? It's far worse than those books. They can't even speak English and it's really embarrassing. And has been picked up by every color 'hood' around. Imma be.... She be got what she ax for..... If they want to be taken as serious human individuals they need to speak English and sound like they have some dang sense and education. (And pull their pants up!) They'll get no respect so long as they sound and look like the hood - no matter what color they are. Those respected do not sound or look like that, Dr. Ben Carson, Candace Owens, Condoleza Rice, Obama (throwing him in bc my list is all conservatives), I could name thousands. It's not racist - it's sense - and a sense of self worth. To ban books like Uncle Remus is plain stupid when they are wallowing in a pile of garbage far worse telling everyone something else stinks.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Graham Seibert

In terms of prejudice, the Koreans dislike Chinese and Japanese and it's reciprocated. Most of Americans couldn't tell one from another; rest assured, they know by appearances. In the UK I was often thought to be Canadian because I didn't come across as American. The world is not the USA, as you obviously understand. Few are as intolerant as are many woke Americans who seem to be offended even by themselves. Perhaps some just been captured by excess and ease that they have the time and space for such pointless nonsense.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Graham Seibert

For the masks, I propose a take-off on the old anti-Vietnam war ditty made popular at Woodstock:

"Well it's 1,2,3,4,

What are we masking for ..."

You could come up with your own custom answer to the question, or just leave it hanging ...

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I am what you call a "liberal" and you are not describing me!

History of liberalism


..."Liberalism, the belief in freedom, equality, democracy and human rights, is historically associated with thinkers such as John Locke and Montesquieu, and with constitutionally limiting the power of the monarch, affirming parliamentary supremacy, passing the Bill of Rights and establishing the principle of "consent of the governed"."...

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Right. I was the same type of liberal. They have changed the usage of the term.

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Who are "they"? When my father had Alzheimer and I asked him did he do this , he always answered that "he" did it the nonexistent him. Tragically humorous!

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All of the terms are fuzzy. Progressive, leftist, liberal... The ill-defined "they" would be the people who persist in calling the rest of us names like racist, sexist, bigot, etc.

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Or "Liberal"!

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Friends of ours have facemasks they got at a swap meet a year ago that say "Freedom Does Not Look Like This". They know they are only minimally effective at best.

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That is a very good slogan. Thanks!

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