I think you give Putin too much credit. America may (is) be duplicitious and slippery but nothing they have done remotely warrants this invasion. Any possible membership of NATO was a long way off. Bio-labs are a red herring. Even if such labs exist, it's irrelevant. Labs exist all over the world. Is anyone going to be attacking Wuhan? As for the media 'jihad' against Russia. So what? Who really cares what they say and how would that justify anything to do with Ukraine? Putin has his reasons but they are not justications. Nations compete for influence in other nations. That doesn't mean war is in the realm of moral equivalence.

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Spot on, Graham.

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Russia and Trump never made any sense to me. Any nation that would’ve profited off a weak America would’ve wanted Hillary, it was quite obvious she couldn’t grab her ankles for Europe fast enough (see Biden and Obama). No one, except America (perhaps Israel) would’ve wanted Trump to be President. There are mixed feelings; however if he was placed in the presidency by the cabal. He did print a TON of money, leading to trillions of dollars is inflation, grew government, and kept many of the same DC insiders in places of power. He was far from perfect, but I miss $2/gallon of gas and a possibility of energy independence.

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I appreciate your summary. You’re a good writer and you give off a professorial vibe. I’m proud of the Ukrainians for defending what is theirs and keeping the corrupt Western Bankers out. Those people who would profit off the blood of our children are beyond evil.

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Again with the biowarfare labs. You have been asked multiple times to back up you assertions with sources, but have never done so. Have you ever considered that this idea may have originated in Russian propoganda?

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Duh, can't you follow links? I thought you were an IT guy. I provided four of them.

Standards of evidence on blogs are a little lower than in a courtroom. You can't sue me if I'm wrong. I'm just asking what I think are reasonable questions. Let me turn this back on you. Why is it so damned important to you whether I'm right or wrong?

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I don't believe that any 'biolabs' are even remotely a reason for this invasion. Even if they existed, so what? Labs exist all over the world. Irrelevant.

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I care because you are not just asking questions. You are promulgating misinformation to a wider audience than just you and I. When I provide links to counter arguments, rather than address them, you simply ignore them. You ignore my questions and keep on keeping on with the misinformation. Here is my second link to fact checks on the biowarfare labs, indicating that it is part of a Russian misinformation campaign. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/feb/25/tweets/there-are-no-us-run-biolabs-ukraine-contrary-socia/

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022Author

Politifact?? What else ya got? New York Times? Washington Post? Atlantic? John Brennan? Barack Obama? Hunter Biden??? I'm in awe.

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Our Sources

Email exchange with Andy Weber, a member of the Arms Control Association Board of Directors and a former assistant secretary of defense for nuclear, chemical, and biological defense programs.

Snopes, "Ukraine, US Biolabs, and an Ongoing Russian Disinformation Campaign," Feb. 24, 2022

Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation, "Fact Sheet: The Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program," June 2014

Department of Defense Defense Threat Reduction Agency, "The U.S. Government responds to false allegations targeted at the DoD CTR Program," Jan. 11, 2022

Department of Defense Defense Threat Reduction Agency, "Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Budget Estimates Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide Cooperative Threat Reduction Program," Feb. 2020

United States Embassy in Ukraine, "Biological Threat Reduction Program"

United States Embassy in Ukraine, YouTube, "Biological Threat Reduction Program: Ukraine, Caucasus and Central Asia," Jan. 14, 2020

Chicago Tribune, "U.S., Ukraine sign pact on germ threat," Aug. 30, 2005

State Department, "Agreement between the United States of America and Ukraine," Aug. 29, 2005

U.S. Congress, "Soviet Threat Reduction Act of 1991"

Coda, "Does the US Have A Secret Germ Warfare Lab on Russia’s Doorstep?" April 19, 2018

The Atlantic Council, "Pro-Kremlin propaganda in Ukraine changes tone," June 10, 2021

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, "Russian media spreading disinformation about US bioweapons as troops mass near Ukraine," Feb. 8, 2022

The Nonproliferation Review, "False allegations of biological-weapons use from Putin’s Russia," Oct. 12, 2021

Newsweek, "Vladimir Putin's Adviser Says U.S. Is Developing Biological Weapons Near Russia," April 4, 2021

Daily Beast, "Russia, China Team Up to Peddle Insane U.S. COVID Lab Theory," April 9, 2021

Military Health System, "Biological Threat Reduction Program"

Kyiv Post, "SBU: No US biological laboratories in Ukraine," May 8, 2020

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Thanks, Kit. There are many people who would strongly want this to be untrue. I generally don't put much faith in the sources you name, but they are many.

We have been swamped with now obvious lies about Russiagate, Covid vaccines, the origins of Covid and much else for years now. I'll stick by the point that it is an interesting question that merits further investigation.

My sources are biased. I have said as much about Unz and Revolver. So are yours.


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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022

Perhaps you should take the time to read the article and actually go to the source articles, rather than simply shooting the messenger. Can you successfully argue what is wrong in their reporting? Your sarcasm does not show you in a good, professional researcher light nor does it invite serious discussion. https://cissm.umd.edu/sites/default/files/2021-10/NonProliferationReview_False%20allegations%20of%20biological%20weapons%20use%20from%20Putin%20s%20Russia.pdf

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