Now as an outside observer I clearly am not in any position to fully understand much of what Putin has done. My readings suggest that the Donbas region was repopulated by Russian migration many years ago and that those arrivals wanted to force their values on the established communities. That has led to language issues ever since. I place it somewhat like Korea pre-WWII where Japan forced Korean language out, although that was done via military action. Over the many years people became tolerant of each other and adopted whatever language they felt most suited. Russian descendants were perhaps a bit richer than 'natives' but all did OK anyway.

Then 2014 and anti-Russian sentiments took hold as Russia moved on Crimea violating lease agreements. Ukraine was too weak to stop them and looked the other way as private armies funded by bosses got involved. Zelenskyy owes his office to some degree to those bosses. The bosses wanted more in the Donbas so a criminal activity there was somewhat tolerated in tying to displace Russian bosses already there. Russian bosses got Russian irregulars (green men) along with regular troops and a minor war simmered - for years with strike/counter-strike likely all to the detriment of those living there and finding neighbors not able to co-exist. Taking sides in a war not of their making. Meanwhile Kyiv was enmeshed in it's own political stalemates.

Putin was not getting anywhere in the Donbas as the forces there were fundamentally stalemated. Perhaps he wasn't doing well at all and the Azov types were proud of their uniforms and were doing better, perhaps as they got integrated into the real Ukraine military and got fancier weapons. Putin then decided to prepare for full out combat and built up forces. But nobody was backing down. And he was getting nowhere. Zelenskyy was trying to head off the war drums but it's not clear if he could control what was going on in the Donbas. Putin decided in a fit of pique that he could take over the whole place.

So that's my foolish set of far away observations.

But I am worried about a way out for Putin. He has failed and certainly knows his days are numbered. He may escape alive via artful control. Whether the US Generals are right about a long slow war of attrition, I'm not sure. So far the Russian operations have been remarkably bad and few would know why. Hard to know the Russian appetite for a long war over what seems more like lost pride. Trashing the Donbas seems such a silly waste to gain that mythical land bridge. And the Russian fleet could become at risk next if the west decides to help with weapons.

Meanwhile the glory of my Pear trees inspires a hope for some yield after several poor years.

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The West increasingly sees that Ukraine is fighting the war for which they have prepared for seventy years. Fighting it quite well. Their calculus about arming Ukraine has changed. Yes, indeed, there should be shore-to-ship missiles to destroy the Russian navy. And take out fuel depots, training centers and the like.

It was clear to my wife at the beginning, and is increasingly clear to me now, that any negotiated peace with Russia is only valid until they feel they are ready for another round. The nature of Russia remains what it has been for many centuries. The end of this current set-to must be decisive.

The West is coming to appreciate that fact and is putting its money where its mouth is. Lavrov's and Putin's lies and fudges, their bad-faith negotiation, may be buying Ukraine time and support to do what needs to be done in any case. Put an end to the threat once and for all. As I write this, I hear air-raid sirens. It isn't over.

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Perhaps the time is now right to allow Ukraine to be like the other former Soviet states. The fight is on and I expect the defense will achieve that. And with grace perhaps a change for the Russian people as well by a defeat for Putin's bunch. "Put an end to the threat once and for all" - well said as a hope.

I understand history matters but only as it informs a future. The historic grievances do subside until some rabble chooses to resurrect the past for some gain. Watching our US try to refight the civil war is stunning. By the 1920's most of that had been set aside and by the 50's all were on a bright path to reduced injustices. Opening old wounds hasn't helped much.

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"Russia did all possible for salvation West in the twentieth century. She implemented main west project, alternative capitalism that won national states - socialist, red project. She crushed German Nazism is monstrous offspring crisis Western civilization" - putting lipstick on a pig, in a typical Russian style. Who started WW2 again, Sep. 1939? Then occupied the Baltic states and invaded Finland? Who had an official ultimate goal of rolling over Europe, mid-term? Right...

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yeah, that RIA article shows that negotiations are a waste of time, the Putin regime intends a Final Solution for Ukraine - full Nazi-style - https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/what-the-russian-government-really

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The scales have fallen from my eyes.

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Mine, too, this is naked Russian imperialism at its worst...

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And the worst thing to see is the massive Russian disinformation/propaganda campaign here in the US - and some people are just buying it, hook, line, and sinker - especially Unz contributors like Moon of Alabama and The Saker. Those guys are something else... Watching US "conservatives" adopting what is essentially a Stalinist position is a bit of a shock - that's why I translated the Novosti piece in full.

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“For instance, the cultural organization Rossotrudnichestvo, run by Sergei Lavrov’s Foreign Ministry, has financed any number of European governmental nongovernmental organizations—“GONGOs”—dealing with this mythical double-headed beast of resurgent Nazism and Russian persecution, from Tallinn to Tbilisi. In some inspired cases, Russian neo-Nazis have stolen across the border to appear as Estonian neo-Nazis, for the purpose of furnishing fresh “evidence” for these GONGOs where little or none may naturally exist.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-kgb-playbook-for-turning-russians-worldwide-into-agents

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You are slowly getting there - Russia has always been a sworn enemy of Ukraine, double-speak notwithstanding. And Putin just went on a tangent, implementing the long-held Russian dreams about the final solution for Ukrainians. Nothing short of that. https://24tv.ua/putin-zadumav-vinishhiti-ukrayinu-za-retseptom-gitlera_n1939641

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